Bolivia declares drought emergency

Bolivia declares drought emergency
Source: Yahoo News
Bolivia's government declared an emergency on Monday as the country suffers its worst drought in 25 years.

"The cabinet has approved a decree... to declare a national emergency due to the drought and the shortage of water in various regions of the country," President Evo Morales told reporters.


Morales said 2016 has been the hottest year in a century for the Andean nation.

The drought started two weeks ago and has caused shortages in seven of the country's 10 biggest cities.

Read more: Bolivia declares drought emergency

What does the UN want to do to help Bolivia?
I didn't find anything about UN aid for the Bolivian people :dunno:

There has been constant UN aid to Bolivia for the past two decades.
Thanks for this information I didn't know that! :)
Dang the OP is such a moron!!! How about posting up a thread, "It rained today and I got wet!!"

Bed droughts have been happening all over the world since the beginning of time. Only the climate nutters are finding this out now!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Dang this forum never disappoints!!:rock:

You're the moron, asshole.

I post this thread to report on the environment of our world and that is the purpose of this subforum...Don't like it...Well, dont' read it.
Last edited:
Climate change ‘not a major influence’ on Brazil drought, study says | Carbon Brief

Ummm.......duh.......posted this up a few pages ago, effectively ending the debate.

The alarmist nutters always make it a pissing contest.........nothing more. C'mon....:bye1:

And you think that I was thinking about global warming when I posted this? lol

Of course. Virtually anytime you make a post such as this AGW is your sole point to make. Just sayin. You're not quite a one trick pony but you're getting darned close.
Dang the OP is such a moron!!! How about posting up a thread, "It rained today and I got wet!!"

Bed droughts have been happening all over the world since the beginning of time. Only the climate nutters are finding this out now!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Dang this forum never disappoints!!:rock:

You're the moron, asshole.

I post this thread to report on the environment of our world and that is the propose of this subforum...Don't like it...Well, dont' read it.

s0n......I think all the losing is getting to you!! I get it......I just went through 8 years of crap with Soetero. Your turn to take the bumpy cucumber s0n but theres always tomorrow.

Whats fascinating is how much has recently been out there in the news that is devastating to the alarmist contingent..........on hurricanes, tornado's, drought, Antarctic sea ice........its getting to be a rout. Im even starting to feel bad for you guys.:gay:

If I can suggest finding another hobby. Every time you post up a thread in here, I make you look beyond stoopid!! Just sayin'...........hit the CONSPIRACY forum. At least you'll have a lot more people actually paying attention to posts you make. :rock:
Of course that is your attitude. And you are so stupid that you are puckering up and kissing the ass that is shitting in your face. If it ain't hurting you right now, it doesn't matter. This is why we see indigenous people from all over the world at Standing Rock. And why, even though we will lose there, now each step destroying the environment that you people take is going to be more expensive all over the world. Ding, you are truly a sorry example of humanity.
Of course that is your attitude. And you are so stupid that you are puckering up and kissing the ass that is shitting in your face. If it ain't hurting you right now, it doesn't matter. This is why we see indigenous people from all over the world at Standing Rock. And why, even though we will lose there, now each step destroying the environment that you people take is going to be more expensive all over the world. Ding, you are truly a sorry example of humanity.
It is called weather. What is your carbon footprint, hypocrite? I don't believe that 120 ppm has drastically altered our climate. You do. You have no excuse. So please take your phony self righteous indignation and shove it.
Of course that is your attitude. And you are so stupid that you are puckering up and kissing the ass that is shitting in your face. If it ain't hurting you right now, it doesn't matter. This is why we see indigenous people from all over the world at Standing Rock. And why, even though we will lose there, now each step destroying the environment that you people take is going to be more expensive all over the world. Ding, you are truly a sorry example of humanity.
It is called weather. What is your carbon footprint, hypocrite? I don't believe that 120 ppm has drastically altered our climate. You do. You have no excuse. So please take your phony self righteous indignation and shove it.
No, dumb ass, when you have a 30 year trend, it is climate. And we definitely have that.

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 22 months are:

UAH Global Temperature Update for October 2016: +0.41 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
Damn.... that sucks for Bolivia. I hope they get more rain next year.
Really? Are you that stupid? That will only make things worse. They need snow, decades worth of it.
Hey...I'm good with giving them anything they need. Just don't expect me to buy into the BS some here like to preach.
We cannot give them snow now, we, the industrial nations, did take it away by adding 120 ppm of CO2, and over 1000 ppb of CH4. Those glaciers will not come back for many, many generations. This is exactly why you see Indigenous people from the Andes at Standing Rock right now. They already know what it is to lose their water.
Why, not at all. I know for a fact that you Trumpster's do not give a shit about anything but your selves. You are pathetic excuses for human beings, devoid of intellect and human compassion.
The drought they're having is nothing more than an unfortunate circumstance. All we can do is hope things improve for them. sheesh
There is good evidence that, besides poor water use planning and conservation practices, the Bolivians are suffering from shrinking glaciers reducing their dry season water supply. Those glaciers are shrinking due to global warming and that global warming is predominantly due to human activities.
There is good evidence that, besides poor water use planning and conservation practices, the Bolivians are suffering from shrinking glaciers reducing their dry season water supply. Those glaciers are shrinking due to global warming and that global warming is predominantly due to human activities.
Sure. That's what happens in an interglacial cycle.

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