BOMB THREAT AND CHEMICAL ATTACK Disrupts Pro-Life Students for Life Event in Rochester, MN

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
But it is the RIGHT WINGERS that cause all the says the subversive media and their lapdog the Party of INFANTICIDE!!!! ^ | September 19, 2019 | Jim Hoft

A 40 Days for Life and Students for Life Kick Off in Rochester, MN, was disrupted Wednesday night as Students for Life of America Northern Regional Coordinator Noah Maldonado was speaking.

An agitated man allegedly had in his possession what looked to be a bomb. Maldonado was giving a speech titled “Embracing Controversy” at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, MN, as police were called to the scene.

Maldonado said that the man was “very agitated during the event and was reportedly mixing chemicals together in his backpack in the center of the room before leaving in a hurry. Many members of the audience were disturbed by the erratic behavior and reported the smell of ammonia. Not long after that, the security on campus interrupted my speech to evacuate the building, indicate that there was a mysterious package in the center aisle, and everyone needed to quickly exit the theater. The crowd of more than 85 people quickly filed out of the room to the parking lot outside. Once outside, we prayed briefly, and I was able to actually finish my speech. Other students who had been in different parts of the college also gathered around to join our spontaneous event. Thankfully everyone is safe and the man responsible is in police custody.”

SFLA President Kristan Hawkins said, “I hope everyone who learns about this story takes time to pray for our courageous staff and student leaders as this is just the start of the school year. Last year we saw an incredible increase in violence, which is the sad state of our national dialogue today. Frankly, we believe it will get worse this year, and we are making plans to protect both student free speech rights and those who stand for them.”

Maldonado said that the stressful events would not silence him or the students who joined him last night. “We will continue to promote non-violence to advance the dialogue on the human rights issue of our day. And we will embrace the controversy of abortion and will never stop standing in solidary with pregnant moms, families and their pre-born children.”

Local KIMT3 reported that one man was taken into custody following the threat.
Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me one bit. ALL of the violence has come from the Left since President Trump's historic win in 2016. They've been whining, crying and using violence against conservatives EVERY day since then. Can you imagine how these people are going to be like after Trump gets re-elected next year? It will be hilarious to observe, but it sure won't be pretty.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

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You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

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What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
Okeydoke. Are you a flat earther, too? Are the glaciers melting because of radiation beams sent by aliens from the Orion system?
Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
Okeydoke. Are you a flat earther, too? Are the glaciers melting because of radiation beams sent by aliens from the Orion system?
Nope, to think that we can destroy the earth by living our normal lives is ignorant. The earth changed climates all through it's existence. Without human help.
Bomb threat disrupts pro life rally. Guns cause mass murders. Fossil fuel is behind all bad weather events. These are just a few of the things that bigoted Democrats can't be talked to about. The first amendment? Forget about it. Democrats don't believe in freedom of speech that disputes their narrow minded, radical positions. I doubt that anyone is surprised when Democrats again threaten violence against a group they disagree with. Many radical Dems need to be classified as home grown terrorists.
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
Okeydoke. Are you a flat earther, too? Are the glaciers melting because of radiation beams sent by aliens from the Orion system?
Nope, to think that we can destroy the earth by living our normal lives is ignorant. The earth changed climates all through it's existence. Without human help.
You need to read up on it, sir. Our "normal" lives relying on burning fossil fuels is new to this planet's history and since we began that, the climate has been warming FASTER than it ever did in the past. Some of it is surely cyclical. The rapidity is not and for scientists, it is interesting because it is the first time they have been able to really study the affects of climate patterns and sea level rise. The great flood recorded in the story of Noah was probably a huge deluge caused by a period of global warming in the past. All the scientists are saying is, get ready to build an Ark.
How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
Okeydoke. Are you a flat earther, too? Are the glaciers melting because of radiation beams sent by aliens from the Orion system?
Nope, to think that we can destroy the earth by living our normal lives is ignorant. The earth changed climates all through it's existence. Without human help.
You need to read up on it, sir. Our "normal" lives relying on burning fossil fuels is new to this planet's history and since we began that, the climate has been warming FASTER than it ever did in the past. Some of it is surely cyclical. The rapidity is not and for scientists, it is interesting because it is the first time they have been able to really study the affects of climate patterns and sea level rise. The great flood recorded in the story of Noah was probably a huge deluge caused by a period of global warming in the past. All the scientists are saying is, get ready to build an Ark.
Did Noah drive a car? So you saying that flood happened with no fossil fuels used? Anyway you loons predicted we the earth was doomed 20 years ago. We are actually doing great.
How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?
If you believe in global warming, you're not educated. You've been indoctrinated.
Okeydoke. Are you a flat earther, too? Are the glaciers melting because of radiation beams sent by aliens from the Orion system?
Nope, to think that we can destroy the earth by living our normal lives is ignorant. The earth changed climates all through it's existence. Without human help.
You need to read up on it, sir. Our "normal" lives relying on burning fossil fuels is new to this planet's history and since we began that, the climate has been warming FASTER than it ever did in the past. Some of it is surely cyclical. The rapidity is not and for scientists, it is interesting because it is the first time they have been able to really study the affects of climate patterns and sea level rise. The great flood recorded in the story of Noah was probably a huge deluge caused by a period of global warming in the past. All the scientists are saying is, get ready to build an Ark.
I wasn't aware I was being humorous.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?

How would any non-partisan even know of such an event? He is a left winger who was tracking these pro-lifers and tried to carry out s Social Justice terror attack on them.

There is NO indication that he has schizophrenia. You are reaching just to protect one of your own.

Your only rationale for him being crazy is that he was mixing the chemicals at the event. Has it occurred to you that mixing the chemicals immediately causes the reaction? You can’t just mix them at home and then carry it with you to set it off later.

You obviously know nothing about science.
You all realize that the behavior described in the article is more schizophrenic than political? The man is no activist, he was not sent by the left and he probably hasn't got enough of his mind left to even know where to vote.

Hopefully someone has netted him and either put him back on his meds or tucked him away in the nut farm.

Take your medication so you can think clearly. The guy was a liberal piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What makes you think so? How many bombers try building their bombs in the middle of a crowded room where they plan to set it off?

How many schizophrenic wackos attend a “School of Environmental Studies”?
Well actually a lot would, left wing wackos that is.
Just whacko, no "left" in it. You do realize that the majority of educated people actually agree the environment is in trouble in myriad ways, right?

How would any non-partisan even know of such an event? He is a left winger who was tracking these pro-lifers and tried to carry out s Social Justice terror attack on them.

There is NO indication that he has schizophrenia. You are reaching just to protect one of your own.

Your only rationale for him being crazy is that he was mixing the chemicals at the event. Has it occurred to you that mixing the chemicals immediately causes the reaction? You can’t just mix them at home and then carry it with you to set it off later.

You obviously know nothing about science.
I know nothing about bomb making, you're right. So sue me.
I still think a "very agitated" man who is acting "erratic" and mixing up chemicals in his backpack that never exploded in the midst of a crowded room has something wrong with him.

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