Bombshell Allegations In The Wolff Book


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
At the outset, I want to make clear I do not believe the author, Michael Wolff, is a total truthteller. In fact, when he lies, he does so with incredible incompetence.

For instance, he claimed that when it was suggested to Trump after he won the election that he should consider John Boehner to be his chief-of-staff, Trump said, "Who's that?"

First of all, even on the face of that claim, you'd have to have seven pounds of brain damage to think a guy like Trump, who has been opining on politics for decades, would not know who John Boehner is.

But, amazingly, it turns out there are actual retards who fell for this lie.

So I demonstrated yesterday with a mountain of evidence that Trump did indeed know who John Boehner was. Hell, Trump and Boehner even played a round of golf together!

Wolff has laid down some pretty amazing claims, and the press has been mostly focusing on things Bannon has allegedly said about Trump and his family.

Bannon has been silent so far, neither confirming nor denying the quotes by him in the book. His web site, Breitbart News, is not challenging any of the Bannon quotes.

Here are some things which I found of more interest:

1) Trump personally directed a false narrative of what occurred at the infamous meeting with the Russians. He and his family and his organization created a totally fake story about the events which occurred.

2) A spokesman for Trump's legal team considered this concoction by Trump to be obstruction of justice, and he resigned.

3) Trump is usually in bed by 6:30 pm, curled up with a cheeseburger and watching TV.
Sorry, I forgot to add the link to the above allegations.

Trump lawyer threatens to sue Bannon

  • On the the July 8 preparation aboard Air Force One of the initial (and false) explanation, made under Trump's personal direction, about the Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the campaign: "Ivanka, according to the later recollection of her team, would shortly leave the meeting, take a pill, and go to sleep. Jared, in the telling of his team, might have been there, but he was 'not taking a pencil to anything.'"
  • "Nearby, in a small conference room watching the movie Fargo, were Dina Powell, Gary Cohn, Stephen Miller, and H. R. McMaster, all of whom would later insist that they were, however physically close to the unfolding crisis, removed from it."
  • "Mark Corallo [former spokesman for Trump's personal legal team] ... privately confiding [to Wolff] that he believed the meeting on Air Force One represented a likely obstruction of justice — quit."
  • "If [Trump] was not having his six-thirty dinner with Steve Bannon, then, more to his liking, he was in bed by that time with a cheeseburger, watching his three screens and making phone calls — the phone was his true contact point with the world — to a small group of friends, among them most frequently [longtime friend] Tom Barrack, who charted his rising and falling levels of agitation through the evening and then compared notes with one another."
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

My goodness! It's bedtime! (burp)
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.
If I were you, I would not hold my breath.
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Yes, you are parroting the new Papadopolous narrative like a dog to vomit.

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Yes, you are parroting the new Papadopolous narrative like a dog to vomit.

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

So explain the timeline then:

1. In May 2016, Papadopolous brags to Australian diplomat that he knows Russia has dirt on Clinton
2. Australian diplomat tells CIA
3. CIA tells FBI
4. FBI opens investigation into it.
5. In October 2016, Steele Dossier produced

So what comes first? May 2016 or October 2016? Because time is linear.

So are you going to argue against time now?
At the outset, I want to make clear I do not believe the author, Michael Wolff, is a total truthteller. In fact, when he lies, he does so with incredible incompetence.

For instance, he claimed that when it was suggested to Trump after he won the election that he should consider John Boehner to be his chief-of-staff, Trump said, "Who's that?"

First of all, even on the face of that claim, you'd have to have seven pounds of brain damage to think a guy like Trump, who has been opining on politics for decades, would not know who John Boehner is.

But, amazingly, it turns out there are actual retards who fell for this lie.

So I demonstrated yesterday with a mountain of evidence that Trump did indeed know who John Boehner was. Hell, Trump and Boehner even played a round of golf together!

Wolff has laid down some pretty amazing claims, and the press has been mostly focusing on things Bannon has allegedly said about Trump and his family.

Bannon has been silent so far, neither confirming nor denying the quotes by him in the book. His web site, Breitbart News, is not challenging any of the Bannon quotes.

Here are some things which I found of more interest:

1) Trump personally directed a false narrative of what occurred at the infamous meeting with the Russians. He and his family and his organization created a totally fake story about the events which occurred.

2) A spokesman for Trump's legal team considered this concoction by Trump to be obstruction of justice, and he resigned.

3) Trump is usually in bed by 6:30 pm, curled up with a cheeseburger and watching TV.

Yeah......there are already left wing reporters stating that he lied......this book is another left wing fantasy....
So much for "no contact with Russia".

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO
Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Yes, you are parroting the new Papadopolous narrative like a dog to vomit.

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

So explain the timeline then:

1. In May 2016, Papadopolous brags to Australian diplomat that he knows Russia has dirt on Clinton
2. Australian diplomat tells CIA
3. CIA tells FBI
4. FBI opens investigation into it.
5. In October 2016, Steele Dossier produced

So what comes first? May 2016 or October 2016? Because time is linear.

So are you going to argue against time now?

I see you didn't bother to read the piece.

"Like the Times, Simpson and Fritsch now want to disassociate the dossier from the collusion narrative they labored to create. They want to reset the collusion narrative: No longer about Page and the dossier, now it’s all about, yes, George Papadopoulos. Thus, the authors assure us, “We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling.” Instead, the dossier that Simpson, Fritsch, and Steele were trumpeting as a smoking gun during the 2016 campaign is now portrayed as having merely “corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.” That one source? Why, Papadopoulos, of course. (The op-ed here links to the Times’ blockbuster Papadopoulos report this past weekend.) Just one problem: What did the Justice Department and FBI do when the FBI received reports from these sources? They got a FISA warrant for Carter Page"

Read more at: Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Yes, you are parroting the new Papadopolous narrative like a dog to vomit.

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

So explain the timeline then:

1. In May 2016, Papadopolous brags to Australian diplomat that he knows Russia has dirt on Clinton
2. Australian diplomat tells CIA
3. CIA tells FBI
4. FBI opens investigation into it.
5. In October 2016, Steele Dossier produced

So what comes first? May 2016 or October 2016? Because time is linear.

So are you going to argue against time now?

I see you didn't bother to read the piece.

"Like the Times, Simpson and Fritsch now want to disassociate the dossier from the collusion narrative they labored to create. They want to reset the collusion narrative: No longer about Page and the dossier, now it’s all about, yes, George Papadopoulos. Thus, the authors assure us, “We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling.” Instead, the dossier that Simpson, Fritsch, and Steele were trumpeting as a smoking gun during the 2016 campaign is now portrayed as having merely “corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.” That one source? Why, Papadopoulos, of course. (The op-ed here links to the Times’ blockbuster Papadopoulos report this past weekend.) Just one problem: What did the Justice Department and FBI do when the FBI received reports from these sources? They got a FISA warrant for Carter Page"

Read more at: Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

The Dossier didn't serve as the basis for the FBI investigation because it was produced after the investigation had already started.

Time. Is. Linear.
And add to that the fact that it was Papadopolous' drunken bragging to an Australian diplomat about his knowledge of Russia's dirt of Hillary that prompted the FBI investigation, not the Steele Dossier which came later.

Trump's going down and everyone who supported and defended him is going down with that sinking ship too.

So you've adopted the all new narrative after the first one got to thin to push any longer I see. Good lemming.

I haven't changed my narrative. You guys have, over and over.

Even Bannon says that Uday met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Yes, you are parroting the new Papadopolous narrative like a dog to vomit.

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

So explain the timeline then:

1. In May 2016, Papadopolous brags to Australian diplomat that he knows Russia has dirt on Clinton
2. Australian diplomat tells CIA
3. CIA tells FBI
4. FBI opens investigation into it.
5. In October 2016, Steele Dossier produced

So what comes first? May 2016 or October 2016? Because time is linear.

So are you going to argue against time now?

I see you didn't bother to read the piece.

"Like the Times, Simpson and Fritsch now want to disassociate the dossier from the collusion narrative they labored to create. They want to reset the collusion narrative: No longer about Page and the dossier, now it’s all about, yes, George Papadopoulos. Thus, the authors assure us, “We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling.” Instead, the dossier that Simpson, Fritsch, and Steele were trumpeting as a smoking gun during the 2016 campaign is now portrayed as having merely “corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.” That one source? Why, Papadopoulos, of course. (The op-ed here links to the Times’ blockbuster Papadopoulos report this past weekend.) Just one problem: What did the Justice Department and FBI do when the FBI received reports from these sources? They got a FISA warrant for Carter Page"

Read more at: Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

The only ones who said the Dossier was the cause of the FBI investigation HAVE BEEN YOU.

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