Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?
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This is, what, the fourth topic on this so far?

Are the mods asleep at the switch?

BREAKING! James Comer returns to the stage with a clash of cymbals and drums.

Biden set up a bunch of LLC's and shell companies and moved money all over the place until it finally reached Hunters buddies business account in the US, who then transferred it to his personal account, and THEN sent the payments to Bidens family members. There is no explanation for what they were paid for. The Bidens arent offering an explanation, and the Democrat party isnt offering an explanation. There is no ex-planation for why they routed that money through a shitload of fake companies either.

...but Dems on these forums will tell you there is nothing there. You can show them a mountain of evidence and their only response will be 'nuh-uh".
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Biden set up a bunch of LLC's and shell companies and moved money all over the place until it finally reached Hunters buddies account in the US, who then transferred it to his personal account, and THEN sent the payments to Bidens family members. There is no explanation for what they were paid for. The Bidens arent offering an explanation. and the Democrat party isnt offering an explanation.

...but Dems on these forums will tell you there is nothing there. You can show them a mountain of evidence and their only response will be 'nuh-uh".
Lol, still towing the line I see.

Just a reminder; you are doing exactly what I said you would do yesterday.

Why do you debase yourself?
Today R-Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidrnce showing the Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.

Evidrnce of crimes committed by the Bidens included:
- Official Treasury Department / IRS / BANK Financial records of the Biden Family
- Official US govt agency memos
- FBI documents
- Personal family e-mails
- WH visitor logs
- Evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop,
- Testimony from State Department members
- Testimony from Hunter Biden business partners
- Dept if the Treasury whistleblower testimony
- IRS whistleblower testimony
- FBI whistleblower testimony
...and more

Crimes proven committed by the Biden include
- Influence Peddling
- Receiving Bribes
- Illegally acting as an Un-registeted foreign agent
- Money Laundering
- Tax evasion
...and more

Ebidrnce shows money from all of their crimes was laundered and placed in the personal bank accounts of the Biden family

The Biden family created a large number of fake / 'shell companies', or 'LLCs'.
- ine of these 'companies' MAKE / SELL / DO anything. They exist to launder money.

Moneny from companies buying Influence, buying favors, ir simply bribing / giving money to the Bidens - whether it was urisna, the CCP, Russia, or whomever - was placed into the Biden LLC bank accounts.

These Biden shell companies / LLCs them moved the money around from LLC to LLC before ending up in Biden family bank accounts. The money, at that point, is considered to be 'laundered' ... and hopefully un-noticed and un-tracable.

The readon cri.inals create so many LLCc and move miney around to so many before finally ending up in individuals' private bank accounts is to make it as hard as possible to 'FOLLOW THE MONEY'.

Before Democrats, snowflakes, bots and trolls start. Trying to blame the GOP, trying to claim they went digging to find / manufacture all of this Biden financian chicanery they can stop right there....The DEPARTMENT OF TBE TREASURY fou d all of this money laundering and generated fraudulent / criminal activity alerts.

As crafty as the Bidens tried to be in hiding / laundering their money it wasn't good enough.

Thr President of the United States and his family were BUSTED by the President's own Department of the Treasury ... and his own frackhead son's laptop.

EVERY TIME money is moved from 1 LLC to another - on its way to tbe Biden family bank accounts - IS 1 COUNT OF CRIMINAL MONEY LAUNDERING....and there are HUNDREDS of them.

As expected, the President,his administration, Democrats, the partisan MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls are denying everything, are claiming this is fake news.....

...but the US federal agencies that have provided evidence, financial records, e-mails, memos, testimonies, numerous whistleblowers, laptop evidence, official WH records, etc... are too numerous, too overwhelming, too iron-clad, too undeniable to deny or simply dismiss.

Anyone who attempts to si.pmy dismiss this has no idea what they are talking about or are simply attempting to defend and protect Joe Biden, to make this go away.

The evidence is enough to indict, charge, and try Biden family members RIGHT NOW.

I predict US AG Garland and the DOJ will prove this is legitomate crime by REFUSING TO EVEN INVESTIGATE this.

You STILL arent presenting a good defense of Biden. His world came crashing down today and all you can do is post that ^. :laugh:
Oh, so you now have proof of a crime since earlier when you said you didn't?

What is .the charge?
Today R-Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidrnce showing the Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.

Evidrnce of crimes committed by the Bidens included:
- Official Treasury Department / IRS / BANK Financial records of the Biden Family
- Official US govt agency memos
- FBI documents
- Personal family e-mails
- WH visitor logs
- Evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop,
- Testimony from State Department members
- Testimony from Hunter Biden business partners
- Dept if the Treasury whistleblower testimony
- IRS whistleblower testimony
- FBI whistleblower testimony
...and more

Crimes proven committed by the Biden include
- Influence Peddling
- Receiving Bribes
- Illegally acting as an Un-registeted foreign agent
- Money Laundering
- Tax evasion
...and more

Ebidrnce shows money from all of their crimes was laundered and placed in the personal bank accounts of the Biden family

The Biden family created a large number of fake / 'shell companies', or 'LLCs'.
- ine of these 'companies' MAKE / SELL / DO anything. They exist to launder money.

Moneny from companies buying Influence, buying favors, ir simply bribing / giving money to the Bidens - whether it was urisna, the CCP, Russia, or whomever - was placed into the Biden LLC bank accounts.

These Biden shell companies / LLCs them moved the money around from LLC to LLC before ending up in Biden family bank accounts. The money, at that point, is considered to be 'laundered' ... and hopefully un-noticed and un-tracable.

The readon cri.inals create so many LLCc and move miney around to so many before finally ending up in individuals' private bank accounts is to make it as hard as possible to 'FOLLOW THE MONEY'.

Before Democrats, snowflakes, bots and trolls start. Trying to blame the GOP, trying to claim they went digging to find / manufacture all of this Biden financian chicanery they can stop right there....The DEPARTMENT OF TBE TREASURY fou d all of this money laundering and generated fraudulent / criminal activity alerts.

As crafty as the Bidens tried to be in hiding / laundering their money it wasn't good enough.

Thr President of the United States and his family were BUSTED by the President's own Department of the Treasury ... and his own frackhead son's laptop.

EVERY TIME money is moved from 1 LLC to another - on its way to tbe Biden family bank accounts - IS 1 COUNT OF CRIMINAL MONEY LAUNDERING....and there are HUNDREDS of them.

As expected, the President,his administration, Democrats, the partisan MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls are denying everything, are claiming this is fake news.....

...but the US federal agencies that have provided evidence, financial records, e-mails, memos, testimonies, numerous whistleblowers, laptop evidence, official WH records, etc... are too numerous, too overwhelming, too iron-clad, too undeniable to deny or simply dismiss.

Anyone who attempts to si.pmy dismiss this has no idea what they are talking about or are simply attempting to defend and protect Joe Biden, to make this go away.

The evidence is enough to indict, charge, and try Biden family members RIGHT NOW.

I predict US AG Garland and the DOJ will prove this is legitomate crime by REFUSING TO EVEN INVESTIGATE this.

The News Media is suppressing this story because it might tarnish their cult leader Joe Biden's golden reputation.
Bribery, tax evasion, money laundering, not registering as a foreign agent, etc. There are a number of charges that can likely be filed once the investigation is over in a couple years.
But Comer stated they had no evidence that implicates Joe.

So what are your charges based on?

"During a press conference explaining the investigation, Comer was asked if he had evidence directly linking Biden to corruption. The Kentucky Republican hemmed and hawed but ultimately admitted he didn’t."

Never said you were but you can pretend you made a clever play on words if that makes you feel good..
I feel good in the behalf of the American people who are so broke they are currently deciding whether they will fill up the car tank or buy groceries thanks to Biden who has pushed the envelope on the American people for a life of luxury for himself and his relatives who have had to give him a standard fee of 10% back to himself. The MSM has had its final field day of lies, and there's gonna be a lot of undeserved chest thumping on their part after the fall. Mark my words.
But Comer stated they had no evidence that implicates Joe.

So what are your charges based on?

"During a press conference explaining the investigation, Comer was asked if he had evidence directly linking Biden to corruption. The Kentucky Republican hemmed and hawed but ultimately admitted he didn’t."

Thats a silly description of what happened, but not accurate in the slightest. Try again. Lets get his exact words.

I happen to know for a fact that he is in the process of getting documents from the FBI, and he is also working on flipping Hunters buddy who took the fall. They will give him the sweetest immunity deal of all time. That guy knows the ins and out of the entire operation and he can tell them who they should be investigating and exactly what they should be looking for. The more strings they pull, the more people they find who can flip. :laugh:

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