Bombshell dropped on 'Russia, Russia, Russia' mantra


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Quoting World NUT Daily!

You post this the day it is revealed a Grand Jury has been empaneled in DC In the Trump/Russia investigation.

Impeachment dead ahead! Just a matter of time!
So where does the REAL collusion lie........with the Demonrats and Putin?

Quoting World NUT Daily!

You post this the day it is revealed a Grand Jury has been empaneled in DC In the Trump/Russia investigation.

Impeachment dead ahead! Just a matter of time!

The quoted Huckabee Sanders at a press conference dumbo.....looks a Grand Jury for Comey, et al.....

"At the end of Thursday’s daily press briefing, a visibly bemused White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders chided reporters, “You guys love to talk about Russia, and there’s been nonstop coverage. And the one day that there might have been a question on Russia, there wasn’t.”

So she raised the topic herself, noting, “[T]here was public testimony that further discredited the phony dossier that’s been the source of so much of the fake news and conspiracy theories. And we learned that the firm that produced it was also being paid by the Russians.”

That revelation didn’t just chill mainstream media interest. The Democrats also suddenly stopped uttering their Russia mantra."

Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
There is no substance left in the left wing "Trump/Russia" connection and all lefties have left is (tax exempt) Media Matters which cherry picks leaked stuff, spins it and throws it out to the left wing rabble. Look at the left wing posts on the USMB lately titled "Trump lied whaa whaa". Democrats are out of ideas and agenda and especially leadership. All they have left is the criminal conspiracy in the MSM.
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.
besides, anyone posting that type of a pic is just trolling.
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.
besides, anyone posting that type of a pic is just trolling.

Oh really.....a cricket picture means i'm trolling? Then please explain why the lamestream press has gone silent on the subject since this came out? Old Lady gave a pretty good attempt but it's been a whole week.......
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.
besides, anyone posting that type of a pic is just trolling.

Oh really.....a cricket picture means i'm trolling? Then please explain why the lamestream press has gone silent on the subject since this came out? Old Lady gave a pretty good attempt but it's been a whole week.......
it means the same as when the left does it - you're getting a dig in and seeing what responses you get.

as for the "delay" - she explained it just fine. lots of crap going on to choose from. you're just twisting this how you want it to be to support your views.
Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.

Fusion GPS should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) due to its ties to Russia.
Also, in the Spring and Summer of 2016 Fusion GPS was receiving money indirectly from a senior Russian government official.......this all according to William Browder, a billionaire who has extensive Russian experience.

William Browder: Fusion GPS Was Acting On Behalf Of Russia
So basically what we got here is the Demonrats using a firm connected to the Russians to create lies about Trump and then Comey uses that dossier as justification to spy on Trump and then get a special prosecutor.......seems to me the real collusion is between the Demonrats and Putin....
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Why it's suddenly the last thing Democrats want to discuss


Read more at Bombshell dropped on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ mantra
Russia has taken a backseat the past couple weeks to domestic news, like the healthcare bill (failure) and the sanctions bill and the brakes put on Trump re: sanctions. And Scaramucci. It's kind of been busy on the domestic front. But Mueller has impaneled his Grand Jury and things are rolling. I'll bet, if we don't start bombing North Korea, the next few weeks while Congress in on vacation, we'll be hearing about Russia again.

What is kind of crazy in the article you linked is the allegations that the dossier was some kind of collusion between Democrats and Russia, when the Dems hired a well known oppo research firm to get stuff on Trump, and Fusion GPS in turn used a contractor, Steele, who would know how to get Russian dirt on Trump. Steele was a private citizen at the time. There was no collusion. Tying this to the Dems or Clinton is ridiculous.

Fusion GPS should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) due to its ties to Russia.
Also, in the Spring and Summer of 2016 Fusion GPS was receiving money indirectly from a senior Russian government official.......this all according to William Browder, a billionaire who has extensive Russian experience.

William Browder: Fusion GPS Was Acting On Behalf Of Russia
BROWDER: And in the Spring and Summer of 2016 they were receiving money indirectly from a senior Russian government official.
From your article, but it doesn't explain it at all. How was it being indirectly paid and who was the Russian official?

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