BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

Nice double standard you have there, Tyrone!

Trump is going to "Drain the swamp: Right ...

did you say "Double Standards" ?

Trump Companies Destroyed Emails In Defiance of Courts
October 31, 2016

“Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review
of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.”

“This behavior is of particular import given Trump’s frequent condemnations of Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent, for having deleted more than 30,000 emails from a server she used during her time as secretary of state.”
Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to channel millions of dollars from "dubious" donors to help pay for her political machine. But you're all over Trump for using legal tax loop holes? Nice double standard you have there, Tyrone!
Trump used his Foundation to pay his legal bills and bribe States attorney s...but he is your Reform candidate ...Old style ...sure he is ..he is going to "drain the swamp" ...

Hillary used her position as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation in a massive pay for play scam that enriched the Clinton's. Compared to her...Donald Trump is a rank amateur.
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover

Uranium investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s office was involved in approving a Russian bid for mining assets in Kazakhstan and the United States.
Tyrone's tactic of "defending" Clinton by accusing Trump of doing everything Clinton has now been proven to have amusing.
Give us some more "proof" of Trump's misdeeds from the partisan blogs you seem to think are credible, Tyrone!
Hillary used her position as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation in a massive pay for play scam that enriched the Clinton's. Compared to her...Donald Trump is a rank amateur.

"The fact is" the Clinton Foundation has "got about 80 percent in overhead and 20 percent of the money is actually getting into the places it should."
Reince Priebus on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016 in comments on "The Mike Gallagher Show"

That is just a GOP talking points with no documentation nothing just allegations empty allegation and insinuation...
Charity watchdog gives perfect rating to Clinton Foundation

Clinton Foundation Scores Higher as a Charity than the Red Cross ...
NBC News Just Admitted The NY Times' Story Based On Clinton Cash "Doesn't Hold Up That Well," Here's Why
the April 24 First Read column on admits, "upon reflection, that Times article doesn't hold up that well 24 hours after its publication."

Indeed, a series of facts supports NBC's conclusion and unravels the innuendo in the Times piece:

  • Ian Telfer, who was Uranium One's chairman at the time it was being taken over by Rosatom, did donate money to the Clinton Foundation. However, he told the Financial Post that he committed those funds to the Foundation in 2008, "before Uranium One had any negotiations with the Russians, and the donations he has made since then were part of that initial pledge." Hillary Clinton also did not become secretary of state until 2009.
  • Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman who the Times noted also donated to the Clinton Foundation and who owned the predecessor to Uranium One before its sale to the Russians, sold his personal stake in the company in 2007. The proposed sale of Uranium One occurred in 2010. Giustra himself released a statement criticizing the Times' reporting, calling it "wildly speculative, innuendo-laced," and inaccurate, and noting that contrary to the Times' claim that Bill Clinton had flown with him to conclude a stage in the Uranium deal, "Bill Clinton had nothing to do with" that purchase.
  • The State Department only had one vote on the nine-member Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the deal. Other agencies, including the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Energy, Commerce, and Justice, also weighed in.
  • The chairman of the CFIUS is the Treasury secretary, not secretary of state.
  • Rosatom had to get approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is an independent agency outside of the secretary of state's influence.
  • Utah's local nuclear regulator also had to sign off on the deal, as it involved mills in the state.
  • Former assistant secretary of state Jose Fernandez, who was the State Department's principal representative on CFIUS, said, "Secretary Clinton never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter."
Are you not reading the emails, Tyrone? She and her close advisers are as dirty a group as Washington has ever seen.
Are you not reading the emails, Tyrone? She and her close advisers are as dirty a group as Washington has ever seen.
are you not aware that Trump has both a Fraud and rape trials coming up...are you not aware that he has contempt for half of Humanity ...the Female half

Reminder: Donald Trump due in court after Election Day on child rape and racketeering charges
Donald Trump would like voters to focus on the FBI’s continuing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server — but instead questions about his own legal troubles have been raised again.
Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to channel millions of dollars from "dubious" donors to help pay for her political machine. But you're all over Trump for using legal tax loop holes? Nice double standard you have there, Tyrone!

At least her foundation is legal. Comrade Trump used his to buy a six foot portrait of himself and to pay off the Florida AG....FACTS, not innuendo!
Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to channel millions of dollars from "dubious" donors to help pay for her political machine. But you're all over Trump for using legal tax loop holes? Nice double standard you have there, Tyrone!
Trump used his Foundation to pay his legal bills and bribe States attorney s...but he is your Reform candidate ...Old style ...sure he is ..he is going to "drain the swamp" ...

Trump is the biggest monster in the swamp.
They actually and seriously believe that Trump is a reform minded Candidate who is going to "end the culture of Corruption" he so adroitly exploits for personal do that is to believe in Unicorns sight unseen....

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