BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

You cant charge anyone for lying to the public.
But those guilty of Perjury should be charged, isn't that right Ex-AG Holder? (Of course HE would say 'No' since Barry saved his ass from 3 counts of Felonious Perjury!)
What does that have to do with Drumpf lying to the public about his business dealings with Russia? Is this another white boy deflection?
You asserted that people can't be charged with lying. I added about how Libs / people should be charged with Perjury as appropriate.

'White boy'? I am Native American, dumbass! :p
You made a white boy deflection. Stay on topic. Drumpf lied about his business dealings with Russia.

Is a "white boy deflection" a way a black boy deflects without having to provide any substance to back it up?
Talkling about the point isnt deflecting. Is this enough substance?

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Yeah but Trump is a civilian and a businessman. Whatever dealings he had with Russia were monitored by the U.S. government and sanctioned. It is not alleged that Russia "contributed" to the Trump campaign.The question is what relationship did Bill Clinton have with Russia and whether his Secy/State wife gave Russia special treatment for donations to the quasi illegal "Clinton Fund".
Is a "white boy deflection" a way a black boy deflects without having to provide any substance to back it up?

I have no clue - I am nor familiar with all the current RACIST expressions. Ask Asc....
Yeah but Trump is a civilian and a businessman. Whatever dealings he had with Russia were monitored by the U.S. government and sanctioned. It is not alleged that Russia "contributed" to the Trump campaign.The question is what relationship did Bill Clinton have with Russia and whether his Secy/State wife gave Russia special treatment for donations to the quasi illegal "Clinton Fund".
Doesnt really matter that he is a business man. The point is he lied about his business dealings for no reason other than to lie.

David sounds dumber than you.
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.
Such a massive bombshell that I haven't heard it reported on ANY major broadcast outlet.

Uber fail Matthew
Here's the latest on Trump's dangerous ties to Russia:

Here's The Latest Big News On Russia And The U.S. Election
From your own link, right up front:

"What they have found, according to The New York Times, is no smoking gun. "

The article says that since Trump pointed out that Putin is a far more competent, effective, and far less lying, corrupt, terrorist-aiding President than Barry Trump MUST be connected to Trump!

Hell, if believing that makes you connected to Putin there are millions of Americans 'connected' to Putin.


Telling the truth, pointing out a FACT, doesn't make you 'connected to Putin'!

This is complete and utter desperation, trying to make false claims in hopes of distracting from Hillary's MULTIPLE FBI Investigations, corruption, crimes, and scandal.

I agree with other posters from earlier - this is now past 'funny' and is now PATHETIC!

Libs have lost their damn minds.
So Matthew what will be today Breaking News!?!

Donald Trump is the father of Chelsea Clinton?

Donald Trump caught groping his own ass?

Donald Trump eating pork?

What outdated News Story will you bring up?

Maybe Donald Trump and Ivana Trump divorced?

Maybe Donald Trump and Marla Maples divorced?

Maybe you want to discuss Melania Trump old photos?

How about if Donald Trump molested Ivanka Trump?

All I know is you will not give up and remember use blogs and try to pass them off as real news sources like the putz you are!
Anyone remember not long ago how the Libs were screaming how they demanded to see Trump's taxes....and now that they have (evidently) they are NOW claiming that he 'shamelessly' obeyed the tax code and paid less taxes?!

BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

When will Trump be charged? Where is the hard evidence or anything that actually proves what sounds like a partisan smokescreen from the in the tank media?
You cant charge anyone for lying to the public.

Then you can keep lying about Trump. All good?
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

When will Trump be charged? Where is the hard evidence or anything that actually proves what sounds like a partisan smokescreen from the in the tank media?
You cant charge anyone for lying to the public.

Then you can keep lying about Trump. All good?

I've never lied about Drumpf. Are you claiming that Time is lying about him?
No, claiming Time, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, etc are stupid and are in the tank for Wikileaks exposed.

TIME: 'Attacking' Hillary Clinton is an 'Attack on All Women'

THERE IT IS - Multiple Investigations of Hillary Clinton for fraud, money laundering, bribery, corruption, perjury, violations handling classified, etc is an attack on all women. The 'Gender Card' has been slammed down on the table by these clowns in defense of Corrupt Hillary!

"In an op-ed for TIME magazine, Robin Lakoff, a professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, writes that the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified email documents during her time as secretary of state is really a “bitch hunt” attack on Clinton simply because she is a woman. “It’s not about emails,” Lakoff writes. “It’s about public communication by a woman.”

TIME: Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate Is an Attack on Women

Time just lost ALL CREDIBILITY!
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