Bombshell! Smoking gun photos released of White House toilet!!!!11!!

Seriously though guys, this is without a doubt the absolute worst case of TDS I ever heard of and I've seen a LOT on this message board since it's loaded with it.
"Nnghhh., hmngrrrr, growlaaaaaaahhhh.....!" KER-PLUNK!!!!!

sure was undera lot of pressure...


Now, who's going to go fishing for his waste, bigrebnc1775 or FJB ?!??

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In tomorrow's news Trump will be teaching Biden how to use the potty. Maybe that's why they were taking pictures of it. It's just Biden's study guide guys.
This morning's Axios has a follow up article on the stories of several months ago about DonT allegedly and illegally destroying presidential papers by flushing them down the toilet.

Yeah, I know. It sounds icky.

Still, it is a story of more than suspicious and surreptitious behavior. And there are some legs to the story.
As you see in the Axios story.....there are now pictures.

Anyway, here is what Axios published this morning:
(note -- they properly gave a Trump spox a chance to respond. Which one did. She was not supportive. Duh!)

"Remember our toilet scoop in Axios AM earlier this year? Maggie Haberman's forthcoming book about former President Trump will report that White House residence staff periodically found wads of paper clogging a toilet — and believed the former president, a notorious destroyer of Oval Office documents, was the flusher.

  • Why it matters: Destroying records that should be preserved is potentially illegal.
Trump denied it and called Haberman, whose New York Times coverage he follows compulsively, a "maggot."

  • 👀 Well, it turns out there are photos. And here they are, published for the first time.
Haberman — who obtained the photos recently — shared them with us ahead of the Oct. 4 publication of her book, "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America."

  • A Trump White House source tells her the photo on the left shows a commode in the White House.
  • The photo on the right is from an overseas trip, according to the source.
Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich told Axios: "You have to be pretty desperate to sell books if pictures of paper in a toilet bowl is part of your promotional plan."

  • "We know ... there's enough people willing to fabricate stories like this in order to impress the media class — a media class who is willing to run with anything, as long as it anti-Trump."

Cover: Penguin Press
Between the lines: The new evidence is a reminder that despite the flood of Trump books, Haberman's is hotly anticipated in Trumpworld.

Haberman's sources report the document dumps happened multiple times at the White House, and on at least two foreign trips.

  • "That Mr. Trump was discarding documents this way was not widely known within the West Wing, but some aides were aware of the habit, which he engaged in repeatedly," Haberman tells us.
  • "It was an extension of Trump's term-long habit of ripping up documents that were supposed to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act."
The handwriting is visibly Trump's, written in the Sharpie ink he favors.

  • The scrawls include the name of Rep. Elise Stefanik of upstate New York, a Trump defender who's a member of House Republican leadership.
View attachment 679277

"Between the lines: The new evidence is a reminder that despite the flood of Trump books, Haberman's is hotly anticipated in Trumpworld."

NOTE: Maggie Halberman of the New York Times is the reporter that DonT has given more one-on-one interviews than any other (well, maybe Hannity has now overtaken her?).

Trump follows Halberman's reportage all accounts.
I see the moron masses once again have marching orders from the Soros hate sites.

JimH52 is severely retarded and suffering from dementia - yet probably is still no more stupid than the Chalicotherium.

There is no "new evidence" this is long discredited bullshit that bouncing off the walls insane Trump hater Maggie Haberman is peddling in hopes of selling yet another Trump hate book.

Lol. You know the libs are desperate when they move a thread, with links to articles that came out today, from current events to conspiracy theories.
What's the conspiracy?
What's the theory?
I think they call this "shadow banning".
I know nuthin' about "Trump haters"; however, the Axios story is not about your concerns over gross scatological references.

Rather, the focus of the article, the implication of the article is that DonT illegally and surreptitiously --- for some motives of his own --- purposefully destroyed documents belonging to the people of the United States.

HOW.....he destroyed them is really immaterial (unless one is fascinated by the scatological aspect).

Rather the FACT that these documents WERE destroyed or lost is what serious-minded people notice.

But, I mildly sure the good poster eagle already recognizes that. But he got stuck on the scatology.
Chalicotherium, when you roll in shit like this, you're not going to come out smelling like a rose.
Lol. You know the libs are desperate when they move a thread, with links to articles that came out today, from current events to conspiracy theories.
What's the conspiracy?
What's the theory?
I think they call this "shadow banning".

I think the conspiracy was that nobody with half a brain actually believesTrump did this.
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I think the conspiracy was that nobody with half a brain actually believesTrump did this.

Speaking of which,.. how is it that I'm mentally challenged and have a much bigger brain than Taz? He's a moderator.
This is what you people are reduced to now? Wow! You really are running out of ideas.

I wish you would just go away and not come back and I bet many of the people on this website would agree with me on that. We'd probably throw a party.
A party like the Kremlin threw when fat trump was elected?
Hey. He misspelled “trow.” Obliviously, he meant “trowed.”

“Hey, Pau’: Trow da ba’ against da wa’ down at toidy toid and toid.”

Btw, I know what everything except toidy toid and food is. XD (Also, anybody know if Trump has reacted to this BS yet? I'd love to hear his reaction LMAO XD.)

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