Bombshell! Smoking gun photos released of White House toilet!!!!11!!

Trump complained about having to flush toilet 15 times per go.
Trump changed the Whitehouse toilets to higher flow rate.

AND he makes Matzo from the blood of Nazi democrat babies who weren't sacrificed to Moloch through holy abortion!!!111!!!11
Whatever that is yes, but at least I'm smart enough not to believe the BS in the OP. :rolleyes:
Okay....let's see one of the WH staff testify under oath that trump did not flush documents or throw food against the wall....under oath!

It ain't gonna happen. No one is willing to perjure themselves for the self serving POS.
Have you forgotten to take your TDS meds again?
Who from the WH will come forward and refute theses claims UNDER OATH? No one wants to perjury themselves for the self serving POS.
Okay....let's see one of the WH staff testify under oath that trump did not flush documents or throw food against the wall....under oath!

It ain't gonna happen. No one is willing to perjure themselves for the self serving POS.

Who from the WH will come forward and refute theses claims UNDER OATH? No one wants to perjury themselves for the self serving POS.
Sources close to the former President are now claiming, although only on condition of anonymity, that they repeatedly warned the President against putting bombshells in the White House toilets.

Rep. Adam Schiff has promised to get to the bottom of Trump’s toilet. The January 6 Committee may expand its ongoing investigation to sort through the entire mess.
This morning's Axios has a follow up article on the stories of several months ago about DonT allegedly and illegally destroying presidential papers by flushing them down the toilet.

Yeah, I know. It sounds icky.

Still, it is a story of more than suspicious and surreptitious behavior. And there are some legs to the story.

As you see in the Axios story.....there are now pictures.

Anyway, here is what Axios published this morning:

(note -- they properly gave a Trump spox a chance to respond. Which one did. She was not supportive. Duh!)

"Remember our toilet scoop in Axios AM earlier this year? Maggie Haberman's forthcoming book about former President Trump will report that White House residence staff periodically found wads of paper clogging a toilet — and believed the former president, a notorious destroyer of Oval Office documents, was the flusher.

  • Why it matters: Destroying records that should be preserved is potentially illegal.
Trump denied it and called Haberman, whose New York Times coverage he follows compulsively, a "maggot."

  • 👀 Well, it turns out there are photos. And here they are, published for the first time.
Haberman — who obtained the photos recently — shared them with us ahead of the Oct. 4 publication of her book, "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America."

  • A Trump White House source tells her the photo on the left shows a commode in the White House.
  • The photo on the right is from an overseas trip, according to the source.
Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich told Axios: "You have to be pretty desperate to sell books if pictures of paper in a toilet bowl is part of your promotional plan."

  • "We know ... there's enough people willing to fabricate stories like this in order to impress the media class — a media class who is willing to run with anything, as long as it anti-Trump."
Cover: Penguin Press
Between the lines: The new evidence is a reminder that despite the flood of Trump books, Haberman's is hotly anticipated in Trumpworld.

Haberman's sources report the document dumps happened multiple times at the White House, and on at least two foreign trips.

  • "That Mr. Trump was discarding documents this way was not widely known within the West Wing, but some aides were aware of the habit, which he engaged in repeatedly," Haberman tells us.
  • "It was an extension of Trump's term-long habit of ripping up documents that were supposed to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act."
The handwriting is visibly Trump's, written in the Sharpie ink he favors.

  • The scrawls include the name of Rep. Elise Stefanik of upstate New York, a Trump defender who's a member of House Republican leadership.
View attachment 679277

"Between the lines: The new evidence is a reminder that despite the flood of Trump books, Haberman's is hotly anticipated in Trumpworld."

NOTE: Maggie Halberman of the New York Times is the reporter that DonT has given more one-on-one interviews than any other (well, maybe Hannity has now overtaken her?).

Trump follows Halberman's reportage all accounts.
so the WH doesnt properly paint the wall behind a toilet ?
so the WH doesnt properly paint the wall behind a toilet ?

You are asking my avatar about wall paint?
Well, let's keep it simple: He doesn't know.

But good luck in your search.

BTW......the new name of this thread is not the title that I gave it when establishing the OP.

Evidently one mod or another or maybe a Moderator Select Committee.....decided (which is their recognized right) to put there own somewhat pejorative and dismissive title to it.

Hey that's the way it goes.
No harm. No foul. We be cool.
You are asking my avatar about wall paint?
Well, let's keep it simple: He doesn't know.

But good luck in your search.

BTW......the new name of this thread is not the title that I gave it when establishing the OP.

Evidently one mod or another or maybe a Moderator Select Committee.....decided (which is their recognized right) to put there own somewhat pejorative and dismissive title to it.

Hey that's the way it goes.
No harm. No foul. We be cool.

I think he's really just pointing out how fucking stupid your "avatar" is, Chalicotherium.

But your avatar isn't going to be any smarter than you...
Poster Censored, after you read the Axios reportage in the OP....well, what did you think of it?
Did it sound credible to you?
Or, why not?
Axios is the antithesis of "credible."

You are a drooling moron posting idiotic conspiracy theories with utterly no evidence to support them. You're too fucking stupid to grasp the dozens of posts that explain why the pictures are clearly NOT the white house bathroom in the oval office.

But as noted, you really are not smart.
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Axios is the antithesis of "credible."

That is interesting. I did not know that.
Why do you say such....or rather, what is your source for such?

You too fucking stupid to grasp the dozens of posts that explain why the pictures are clearly NOT the white house bathroom in the oval office.

"Too f*cking stupid"?
Well, I have heard argument on both side of that issue.....affirming and disputing.
So no need to get into it here.

I did note though in the Axios article posted in the OP that at least one of the pictured toilets was from an "overseas trip".

So there is that.

Regardless, you seemed to have missed the query about what you thought of the Axios article after you had read it.

So, what did you think? Did you read it?
That is interesting. I did not know that.
Why do you say such....or rather, what is your source for such?

"Too f*cking stupid"?
Well, I have heard argument on both side of that issue.....affirming and disputing.
So no need to get into it here.

I did note though in the Axios article posted in the OP that at least one of the pictured toilets was from an "overseas trip".

So there is that.

Regardless, you seemed to have missed the query about what you thought of the Axios article after you had read it.

So, what did you think? Did you read it?

No you haven't. You're a mindless hack.

Axios is a leftist hate site - literally zero credibility. This is just bullshit that they throw out to stupid people, like you, to help Maggie Haberman - Trump hater estupido extraordinaire sell yet another Trump hatred screed. Do you personally spend part of you SSI check to buy this kind of mindless hate? I mean if you want idiotic Trump hate, DailyKOS and Axios are free...
so the WH doesnt properly paint the wall behind a toilet ?

Good Avatar Chalicotherium and the other Nazi vermin WANT it to be true, despite how entirely absurd it is. So they ignore reality to feed their mindless hate.

What this really is is that power for the Reich is so important that little things like fact and reality simply can't be allowed to interfere.

Chalicotherium and the other Nazis don't just say 2+2=5 because the Reich tells them, they believe it with every fiber of their soul - the Reich alone matters.
So, it is safe to presume poster Censored did NOT read the Axios reportage offered in the OP?

Nope, I entered this thread prior to merge that your fellow Nazi JimH52 started. I have no interest in Axios vomiting the same crap CNN and DailyKOS already puked out.

Fact, Maggie Haberman wants to sell a book. She dug up a conspiracy theory debunked long ago, knowing that those who would read her idiocy lack any capacity for critical thinking - hence you gobbled up the shit sandwich and here we are.

I didn't know that either.

Nor had I heard it.

Do you have a source for that? It could be an interesting read.

Yes, debunked.

See, you Nazis could never PROVE where the pictures came from? Who was in the bathroom with Trump?

Like pretty much everything from you Nazis - it's just stupidity - knowing that you morons have no capacity to think.

Here is Joe Biden flushing black people down the toilet.


Just like the Haberman shit - prove it isn't...

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