"Bone Spurs" Trump

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No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.
The thing about Trump's bone spurs is that they magically developed the minute his college deferments ended.

What a coincidence....
It was like magic ,like the virus would disappear
No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.
The thing about Trump's bone spurs is that they magically developed the minute his college deferments ended.

What a coincidence....

Precisely when Joe Biden developed Asthma, according to the Doctor his family bought.. My only point. Both should be treated the same on this matter.

But, that won't happen because Bolsheviks don't play fair; and their acolytes---like you, DumbAss---are too stupid and eaten up with TDS to know or care.

You look like a cheat and a fool with this response.

No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.
The thing about Trump's bone spurs is that they magically developed the minute his college deferments ended.

What a coincidence....

Precisely when Joe Biden developed Asthma, according to the Doctor his family bought.. My only point. Both should be treated the same on this matter.

But, that won't happen because Bolsheviks don't play fair; and their acolytes---like you, DumbAss---are too stupid and eaten up with TDS to know or care.

You look like a cheat and a fool with this response.

Any other matters you think both should be treated the same ? Just curious to see how high you rate this lying pos trump
No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.

Yeah, deferments during Vietnam were common for people of means. No surprise and nothing to get excited about...on either side.
Where I have an issue in Trump getting his deferment is his badmouthing the military and its soldiers over the course of his adult life.
But you would think that as CIC, he could at least keep his trap shut and show some support for the people who serve this country.

Here's the problem.

Claims against Trump are made by Anonymous sources, who say they are anonymous because they are afraid they will get mean tweets if they had the guts to put their name behind what they are claiming Trump said in France two years ago. They also said weather had nothing to do with the decision not to go to the second cemetary.

Yet, Military records made contemporaneously show that it did!

And, 10 people who gave their names have come forward and said all this is BULLSHIT.

That's not counting John bolton who was there, with the President all that day....now admits to hating him...and HE ALSO SAYS ITS BULLSHIT!

Yet you accept it as established fact---establishing that you are a blind partisan and a moron.
Try to absorb this.

"MISLEADING TACTIC is now driving the supremely dumb but all-consuming news cycle centered on whether President Trump, as first reported by the Atlantic’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, made disparaging comments about The Troops. Goldberg claims that “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day” — whom the magazine refuses to name because they fear “angry tweets” — told him that Trump made these comments. Trump, as well as former aides who were present that day (including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and John Bolton), deny that the report is accurate. "

If it WERE misleading..which it isn't. It's been documented before. You worship and support this man. Therefore, anything that speaks badly of him will be dismissed by you as fake and "blamestream" media driven.
You bed-wetters freak out when someone declares someone who was captured and held captive by an enemy. Being captured and held captive does not make you a 'hero'. The circumstances also matter. Remember the Left's decorated hero, treated like a returning hero by Democrats and praised by Barry on the WH lawn - a traitor who walked away from his unit to join terrorists, who instead kidnapped his ass? Barry paid another ransom for his release, after members of his unit were killed trying to find him...and the democrats welcomed him home like a hero.

The idea that 'Orange Man Bad' and Democrats - like Barry - love the military is such propaganda. If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner gave a damn about our military he would not have started a war, invading Syria, and left our troops to fight HIS useless war when he left office.
Precisely when Joe Biden developed Asthma, according to the Doctor his family bought..

Yeah, the moment he got the word he was going to be drafted he suddenly couldn't breathe, nearly passed out... :p
No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.

Yeah, deferments during Vietnam were common for people of means. No surprise and nothing to get excited about...on either side.
Where I have an issue in Trump getting his deferment is his badmouthing the military and its soldiers over the course of his adult life.
But you would think that as CIC, he could at least keep his trap shut and show some support for the people who serve this country.

Here's the problem.

Claims against Trump are made by Anonymous sources, who say they are anonymous because they are afraid they will get mean tweets if they had the guts to put their name behind what they are claiming Trump said in France two years ago. They also said weather had nothing to do with the decision not to go to the second cemetary.

Yet, Military records made contemporaneously show that it did!

And, 10 people who gave their names have come forward and said all this is BULLSHIT.

That's not counting John bolton who was there, with the President all that day....now admits to hating him...and HE ALSO SAYS ITS BULLSHIT!

Yet you accept it as established fact---establishing that you are a blind partisan and a moron.
Try to absorb this.

"MISLEADING TACTIC is now driving the supremely dumb but all-consuming news cycle centered on whether President Trump, as first reported by the Atlantic’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, made disparaging comments about The Troops. Goldberg claims that “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day” — whom the magazine refuses to name because they fear “angry tweets” — told him that Trump made these comments. Trump, as well as former aides who were present that day (including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and John Bolton), deny that the report is accurate. "

If it WERE misleading..which it isn't. It's been documented before. You worship and support this man. Therefore, anything that speaks badly of him will be dismissed by you as fake and "blamestream" media driven.
You bed-wetters freak out when someone declares someone who was captured and held captive by an enemy. Being captured and held captive does not make you a 'hero'. The circumstances also matter. Remember the Left's decorated hero, treated like a returning hero by Democrats and praised by Barry on the WH lawn - a traitor who walked away from his unit to join terrorists, who instead kidnapped his ass? Barry paid another ransom for his release, after members of his unit were killed trying to find him...and the democrats welcomed him home like a hero.

The idea that 'Orange Man Bad' and Democrats - like Barry - love the military is such propaganda. If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner gave a damn about our military he would not have started a war, invading Syria, and left our troops to fight HIS useless war when he left office.
Who you gonna believe?? ALL the Generals that know trump is a pos or Trump? All the scientists? ,Fauchi ? Or Trump?
The POS wants to rush the vaccine so it gets here before the election Damned if it passes all the tests His election is more important than your lives and he couldn't give a F
Who you gonna believe?? ALL the Generals that know trump is a pos or Trump? All the scientists? ,Fauchi ? Or Trump?

When Barry took over, if you recall...or dare to admit, he ran many Generals out of service, sent them off to retirement. He replaced them with pieces of liberal-leaning fecal matter that shared many of his views and agenda. So who would not expect Barry's hand-picked Generals to attack President Trump?

Who was it that paid a ransom to get a traitor, who deserted is post to go join the terrorists but was instead kidnapped and held prisoner, while several of his team members were killed in the search for him? BARRY!

Who knew for almost a year about a scheduled attack on US embassies and stations throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11 and did NOTHING to protect Americans, instead sacrificing them, abandoning them? BARRY!

Who violated OPSEC and leaked to the world that it was SEAL Team 6 who conducted the raid that resulted in UBL's death, endangering the team and their family members from retaliation? BIDEN!

Who was the Nobel Peace Prize Winner who committed a United Nations' defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign country without that nation's request or approval to do so, dragging the US into yet another war, then left the military in that country having to fight HIS war when he walked out of the WH? BARRY!

As far as the scientists go, you can't make up your minds if you love Fauci or hate him from day-to-day, and you wouldn't know anything about science or know any real scientists unless they bit you on the ass. Dems and snowflakes praised Al Gore's 'science' regarding Global Warming, as he predicted houses long the US's coastlines would be under water by now - even the majority of the scientists in is video came out to say Gore either misrepresented their research or lied about what HE had said they said. This weekend scientists publicly released their study results proving COVID-19 is 10 TIMES LESS DEADLY than initially declared to be, that it is much less deadly than Democrats engaging in fear-mongering to control and condition Americans continue to say it I....unless you are an elderly person and have Cuomo as Governor.

Nice EMOTIONAL rant, as always from the Left, the regurgitation of all the exposed lies being fed sheep like you.
No doubt, the Media and all Democrats are aware that Don Trump got a draft deferment for having bone spurs in his foot. If there is anyone left on the planet who the New York Media hasn't gotten to on this factoid--wait a while, they'll get back to it soon enough.

But, does anyone at all know about Sniffin Joe Biden's Military Record? Shouldn't the Media cover it as completely as they have covered Don Trump's bone spurs?

Of course they should. But, they won't and here is why.

An obviously healthy and athletic Joe Biden got a deferment for Asthma in the year of some of the toughest fighting in Viet Nam!


"He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden."


"There’s no denying that, by all appearances, the Joe Biden of 1968 was the picture of health. During his time at Archmere Academy, Biden excelled at sports. And while he once falsely claimed he played for the University of Delaware football team, he considered playing on the team (he chose to focus on his double-major in history and political science instead, he says) and he was active in intramural sports.

As the Associated Press noted in 2008, “Promises to Keep,” Biden’s best-selling memoir, “never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.”


Bolsheviks: Try not to be Hypocrites on this one.

Yeah, deferments during Vietnam were common for people of means. No surprise and nothing to get excited about...on either side.
Where I have an issue in Trump getting his deferment is his badmouthing the military and its soldiers over the course of his adult life.
But you would think that as CIC, he could at least keep his trap shut and show some support for the people who serve this country.

Here's the problem.

Claims against Trump are made by Anonymous sources, who say they are anonymous because they are afraid they will get mean tweets if they had the guts to put their name behind what they are claiming Trump said in France two years ago. They also said weather had nothing to do with the decision not to go to the second cemetary.

Yet, Military records made contemporaneously show that it did!

And, 10 people who gave their names have come forward and said all this is BULLSHIT.

That's not counting John bolton who was there, with the President all that day....now admits to hating him...and HE ALSO SAYS ITS BULLSHIT!

Yet you accept it as established fact---establishing that you are a blind partisan and a moron.
Try to absorb this.

"MISLEADING TACTIC is now driving the supremely dumb but all-consuming news cycle centered on whether President Trump, as first reported by the Atlantic’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, made disparaging comments about The Troops. Goldberg claims that “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day” — whom the magazine refuses to name because they fear “angry tweets” — told him that Trump made these comments. Trump, as well as former aides who were present that day (including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and John Bolton), deny that the report is accurate. "

If it WERE misleading..which it isn't. It's been documented before. You worship and support this man. Therefore, anything that speaks badly of him will be dismissed by you as fake and "blamestream" media driven.
You bed-wetters freak out when someone declares someone who was captured and held captive by an enemy. Being captured and held captive does not make you a 'hero'. The circumstances also matter. Remember the Left's decorated hero, treated like a returning hero by Democrats and praised by Barry on the WH lawn - a traitor who walked away from his unit to join terrorists, who instead kidnapped his ass? Barry paid another ransom for his release, after members of his unit were killed trying to find him...and the democrats welcomed him home like a hero.

The idea that 'Orange Man Bad' and Democrats - like Barry - love the military is such propaganda. If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner gave a damn about our military he would not have started a war, invading Syria, and left our troops to fight HIS useless war when he left office.

So now the right wing is defining what a "hero" is? Like that little shit stain from Covington?..or the pot of human effluence that decided to go Dirty Harry in Kenosha? Sorry, you Trump ass kissers don't get to do that. Bottom line is Trump has been denigrating the military for decades. The Atlantic (and other sources) are just relaying what people knew his attitude was. Stop deflecting the conversation to Obama. I never heard him utter one word that was denigrating to the military or the people that serve in it.
Should we bring up pot smoking draft dodging Slick Willy who protested the war from Russia?

No, we need a scumbag traitor, who has destroyed our economy, while letting almost 200,000 people die...

I forgot how Barry Hussein avoided the draft. Maybe he was back home in Indonesia when the draft notice was sent.
what has Trump left us with, other than war, pestilence, famine and death?
Name the war Trump has started / dragged us into ... as opposed to the Nobel Peace Prize winner who pimped out our military to Al Qaeda to help them take over their own country and who invaded Syria, leaving the military to fight HIS war after he left office....
Many threads on this already.
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