Bono Won’t Work With Trump: ‘You Can’t Believe’ What He Says

As much as I find Bono to be a pretentious cocksucker he has in fairness been extremely charitable. Possibly one of the most philanthropic celebrities alive.
As much as I find Bono to be a pretentious cocksucker he has in fairness been extremely charitable. Possibly one of the most philanthropic celebrities alive.
Maybe he and Gates give, but neither gives enough to alter their life style. It is like you or I tossing a quarter into the Salvation Army kettle. I don't have much respect for that type of giving.
As much as I find Bono to be a pretentious cocksucker he has in fairness been extremely charitable. Possibly one of the most philanthropic celebrities alive.
I met this guy once. Left abandoned as a child in Kenya he became a self made multimillionaire with hard work and figuring out services he could provide that were not being provided. He had a Jesus moment one day and spent every dime taking in homeless kids just like he went thru as a child. They just made a movie about him - Mully.
Maybe Bono is not aware that the American taxpayers spend $$Trillions$$ every year helping the poor.
Or, maybe Bono is like most left wingers, he hates Americans/America
Irish born rock singer Paul Hewson aka "Bono" won't work with the President of the United States? WTF do we care?
Bono is the biggest eco-hypocrite in the history of mankind, lecturing about "carbon footprints" while they live like royalty, hopping around the world on their private jets, spewing a gazillions tons of CO2 into the atmosphere - what the FUCK do liberals think comes out the back of a jet engine, Febreeze air freshener??? One time Bono had his jet fly from Ireland back to Italy simply to retrieve a hat he really liked he left behind. For "carbon footprint" that band bought about 120 acres of land in the Santa Monica area, on which they built 5 mansions (one for each band member and a "guest mansion") and a golf course....literally gobbling up giant amounts of every natural resource in the area to satisfy their overindulgent avarice.
The funny thing about these liberal "global warmers" celebrities & politicans? They can't stay home and have their endless global warming conferences online with Skype or the like - they ALWAYS have to fly all over the world on their private jets and be there in person for all the 5-star, overindulgent luxuries. Even though this age of digital worldwide communication makes it completely unnecessary.

Something made feel compelled to quote the gospel....regarding this subject matter.

Mark 12:41-44

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

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