Bonzi's Top 5

I was grumpy cat, trying to breakout. Lots of things needing repair this week, funeral on Friday and another in the wings, taxes due and landscape season will start soon, which means tiredness and soreness for three months.
honey even in prison you get computer time.....
Narcissist photo shop hag makes it all about her once again. Who was going to get a high post count out of this again?
it's not for your protection, it's for mine :) I'll tell you before I leave. You're a good egg.....

Are you a secret agent? :D

no, i just have a lot of secrets! but don't we all.... who here really says anything in detail about their personal life.... ?

me...i totally dont give a flying fuck who knows what....if you cant find me with the info out there..that is on you.....
personal details are what makes up life...if you have a life you have personal details..

i hope whatever it do well and find whatever you want/need/desire and if you fall flat on your face...dont give up or be ashamed....when you hit rock bottom..start drilling down is my motto

oh well you definitely don't apply to that bones, I stand corrected.
we all have our different situations, and, I fully into to let it all fly out (things I have not said but want to etc.) prior to my departure....
I may check in from time to time, but if I'm not able to be on frequently, it really is not as fun.

don't be dumb. My departure only came up as a side bar to this thread... dope!
Are you a secret agent? :D

no, i just have a lot of secrets! but don't we all.... who here really says anything in detail about their personal life.... ?

me...i totally dont give a flying fuck who knows what....if you cant find me with the info out there..that is on you.....
personal details are what makes up life...if you have a life you have personal details..

i hope whatever it do well and find whatever you want/need/desire and if you fall flat on your face...dont give up or be ashamed....when you hit rock bottom..start drilling down is my motto

oh well you definitely don't apply to that bones, I stand corrected.
we all have our different situations, and, I fully into to let it all fly out (things I have not said but want to etc.) prior to my departure....
I may check in from time to time, but if I'm not able to be on frequently, it really is not as fun.

don't be dumb. My departure only came up as a side bar to this thread... dope!
So far, my favorite USMB posters of the month (so far) are:

Cassy Mo

Ranking is based on the following: Content, Flattery, Frequency of Communication, On Line Personality

Rankings may change daily or weekly depending on my mood.. you used to eat at the cool kids table

oh I love you too RW! even though you are not really a RW!
no, I sat with the rejects (who were below the nerds!)

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