Book burning

What is it that the deviants not understand about the difference between restricted reading and banned books?

Do they even have children?
Conservatism is fundamentally fascist: illiberal, anti-democratic, nativist, reactionary, fearful of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The right’s unwarranted fear and hatred of gay and transgender Americans is proof of that.

And as a consequence of that fear and hatred, conservatives seek to ban material concerning gay and transgender Americans in an effort to facilitate the vilification of those gay and transgender.

Blah blah blah...and blah
Yeah they've been very careful with the language used, but these books are still banned.

You didn't answer the question. Who gets to decide what books aren't banned?

So a random teacher can assign Christian reading to their class and that's fine because you're against "banning" books?

Fun fact, I live in Florida and I can buy any book I want, so you're full of shit that anything is "banned" here, you made it up
Did you even bother to read the OP?

No, I just asked you what book in Florida is banned and you lied. No books are banned in Florida. Why would I read an article that you posted to support what I knew was a lie since NO books are banned in Florida.

I gave you a chance to name any and you lied again.

And you haven't been able to tell me who gets to decide other than you say parents and government don't get to decide. Who does decide? You haven't told me
There are ample other books and source materials concerning gay and transgender Americans having nothing to do with sexuality; the neo-fascist authoritarian right seeks to ban such material not because of non-existent sexual content but because of their unwarranted fear of, and opposition to, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Diversity of skin color is the only diversity you support. Diversity of thought you want banned because you're a Jello kneed wuss who can't defend your ideas. And no one is doing anything to transgenders, that's another lie. Lies are all you have. I guess that's why everything for you is about skin color. Darkies better think what your lily white ass tells them to or you'll be ready with a quick "Uncle Tom" to let them know their place
Using the authority of the state to ban books, silence dissent, and oppose diversity – as conservatives seek to do – is fundamentally fascist.

As is the case with heterosexuals, gay and transgender Americans are far much more than just their sexuality; to fixate and obsess solely over the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans is to ignore the comprehensive humanity of those gay and transgender.

And to use the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans as ‘justification’ to discriminate against them is another manifestation of the right’s bigotry and hate.
Link to these book bans?

Removing smut from school libraries doesn't count, BTW.
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Link to these book bans?

Removing smut from school libraries doesn't count, BTW.

C_Clayton_Jones has been ignoring me asking him that all day.

Who gets to decide what books are allowed in government schools? All he says is parents and voters don't get to decide, no word who does. And he hasn't answered if Christian themed books are "banned" at all
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

LOL You're giving this dude exactly what he's looking for. Kudos.
Rosa Parks book banned in Florida. The people who opposed civil rights dont want their grandchildren finding out what they did.
Took all of two minutes to prove you are a lying sack of shit with bad teeth.

All kinds of Rosa Parks books for sale in Florida, Dumbass.

Tommy Tainant

Took all of two minutes to prove you are a lying sack of shit with bad teeth.

All kinds of Rosa Parks books for sale in Florida, Dumbass.

Tommy Tainant

I keep telling Tommy Tainant he needs to actually come here and meet an American or two. Maybe finding out we don't actually have horns and goat legs would enlighten his perspective
I keep telling Tommy Tainant he needs to actually come here and meet an American or two. Maybe finding out we don't actually have horns and goat legs would enlighten his perspective
I’m beginning to think brains have been banned in the UK.
Conservatives are in fact fascists – illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.

Conservatives aren’t Nazis, as that was a particular manifestation of fascism unique to Germany.

But conservatives are nonetheless fascists in their authoritarian efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent – the banning of books they disagree with being one such example.
They are kidnapping seemingly effeminate boys and dosing them with hormones and talking them into castration without parental interference and the A.P. worries about burning pornographic homosexual propaganda junk that they are feeding to kids in schools. Go figure.
^ The most insanely delusional conservative spewing yet?
Stop trying to put perverted, disgusting stuff in front of kids in school and the problem solves itself. Otherwise, feck-off
1% loonies support this.....I don't support this.
But there are PLENTY of books that do such that^^^^.
You just haven't been offended by it yet.
So, Crepitus demands that schools teach 11 year old boys how to give blow jobs and be butt fucked by adult men, or he will call you a Nazi?

My goodness,
Nope, terrible, as a Teacher, not condoning any language that uses those terms.
"I sucked dogmaphobe's Dick, and whatever" should NOT be in school libraries.
Thoughts on censorship though?
Where is the line dude?
Black Boy?
To Kill A Mockingbird?

Now you want to cry about it when your greenhaired commie teachers get caught trying to do the same thing the Catholics did.
These 'greenhaired commie teachers' are rare.
Rare but it controls you to believe EVERY public school teacher is a Greenhaired commie teacher.

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