Book burning

Yes, and Democrat is a particular manifestation of fascism in America. Ask any black who isn't allowed to choose his own views without being called "Uncle Tom" unless he picks the right one approved by lily white leftists
Using the authority of the state to ban books, silence dissent, and oppose diversity – as conservatives seek to do – is fundamentally fascist.

As is the case with heterosexuals, gay and transgender Americans are far much more than just their sexuality; to fixate and obsess solely over the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans is to ignore the comprehensive humanity of those gay and transgender.

And to use the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans as ‘justification’ to discriminate against them is another manifestation of the right’s bigotry and hate.
Right, because parents really want their 6 year old exposed to porn, right?

Fuck you for what you just said you degenerate piece of filth.

You sure defend pedo groomers with a passion. It makes us wonder . . . .
Yes, we know you've fallen for the excuse.

Now pipe down, the big kids are talking.
So your saying you never complain about child molestation?

Good grief, quite the admission.
You know why pretending to be stupid often backfires?

People start to believe you.

For example, you've tried this amateurish "misunderstanding" thing so many times I really am starting to believe you just can't figure out what some simple statements mean.

Huh, so I'm against Rosa Parks? W-T-F. You may want to come here to the USA sometime and get to know some actual Americans if you're going to keep making up what we think. And it was Democrats who did that to Ms. Parks. And it's Democrats who still demand government control speech. And if she went against government today, it would be Democrats calling her Aunt Jemimah.

Some things never change, like Democrats being racists and Welsh being ... Welsh....

If you were American, you'd be from New Jersey
Rosa Parks book banned in Florida. The people who opposed civil rights dont want their grandchildren finding out what they did.
Using the authority of the state to ban books, silence dissent, and oppose diversity – as conservatives seek to do – is fundamentally fascist.

As is the case with heterosexuals, gay and transgender Americans are far much more than just their sexuality; to fixate and obsess solely over the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans is to ignore the comprehensive humanity of those gay and transgender.

And to use the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans as ‘justification’ to discriminate against them is another manifestation of the right’s bigotry and hate.

The only diversity Democrats support is skin color. Anyone with skin pigment who doesn't think what our lily ass racism tells them to learns what you feel about "diversity," racist. No one gives a shit about gays except you, homophobe. And transgenders can do whatever they want, when they become adults. Then if they don't want their pecker, it's theirs to cut off. I actually get that when they are born in the wrong body rather than your solution of letting it wither away. Fabricating crises is what racist leftists do.

And name books that were "banned," fucking liar. No books were banned
It's a stupid stunt for the mouth breathing masses, but that said, do pornographic books belong in any school?
Show me a pornographic book in a school.

If you mean the occasional graphic passage then that's gotta include Hamlet and various other Shakespearean works, many religious texts including the Bible, Dracula by Bram Stoker, and various other works considered classic literature.

I'm not talking about letting the read Penthouse Forum here.
Conservatives are in fact fascists – illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.

Conservatives aren’t Nazis, as that was a particular manifestation of fascism unique to Germany.

But conservatives are nonetheless fascists in their authoritarian efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent – the banning of books they disagree with being one such example.
They are modeling themselves, consciously or not, on the German NAZI style of authoritarianism..
Rosa Parks book banned in Florida. The people who opposed civil rights dont want their grandchildren finding out what they did.

I live in Florida and you're a fucking liar, no books have been banned here. Which is why you didn't back it up
Republicans are becoming Nazis because a "long shot" Republican burned books legally owned. What a horses ass you are
Not because he burned his own books, but because of the crown he was playing to.

It's not that act itself, which is bad enough, it's the reason for it. The people he's trying to appeal to.
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

Lol, we just don't want to teach an 8 year old how to give a blow job. You people are sick.
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Using the authority of the state to ban books, silence dissent, and oppose diversity – as conservatives seek to do – is fundamentally fascist.

As is the case with heterosexuals, gay and transgender Americans are far much more than just their sexuality; to fixate and obsess solely over the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans is to ignore the comprehensive humanity of those gay and transgender.

And to use the sexuality of gay and transgender Americans as ‘justification’ to discriminate against them is another manifestation of the right’s bigotry and hate.

So when the democrats wanted to ban Huck Finn they were being fascist, right?

Can't have it both ways, toad
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

So you allow your progeny read and watch porn? Do you allow them to participate too?
Not because he burned his own books, but because of the crown he was playing to.

It's not that act itself, which is bad enough, it's the reason for it. The people he's trying to appeal to.

You skipped over the part it was a marginal Republican according to your OWN ARTICLE.

I'm not in favor of book burning, but since the books were all legally owned, there is nothing to be done. Or are you going to ban burning our own books too?

I don't think much of flag burning, but I feel the same way about that. Suddenly you're OK with it, huh, racist?
Right, because parents really want their 6 year old exposed to porn, right?

Fuck you for what you just said you degenerate piece of filth.

You sure defend pedo groomers with a passion. It makes us wonder . . . .
It's a lame excuse.

If you were really concerned about things like this you wouldn't post all the porographic insults here.

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