Book burning

Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

Yeah cause burning books that have explicit sexual content that is intended for young children - is EXACTLY the same as the Nazi's burning actual history books, religious books etc.

Yeah cause burning books that have explicit sexual content that is intended for young children - is EXACTLY the same as the Nazi's burning actual history books, religious books etc.

The supposed sexual content is an excuse. They are also burning history books and such religious books as are not christian.
Yeah cause burning books that have explicit sexual content that is intended for young children - is EXACTLY the same as the Nazi's burning actual history books, religious books etc.

^ Yet more dangerously deranged conservative delusion.

Hard to keep up with it all... :eek:
^ Yet more dangerously deranged conservative delusion.

Hard to keep up with it all... :eek:
yeah cause - actually saying people are like Nazis, is not as bad as calling them out for saying it.

You are indeed one of the more "special" new members here. :D
The supposed sexual content is an excuse. They are also burning history books and such religious books as are not christian.
There was a reference to breasts in one book conservatives are shrieking about.

BREASTS! :eek:

I mean, WHAT is a conservative to do???? :eek: :eek:
The supposed sexual content is an excuse . . . . .

Right, because parents really want their 6 year old exposed to porn, right?

Fuck you for what you just said you degenerate piece of filth.

You sure defend pedo groomers with a passion. It makes us wonder . . . .
Right, because parents really want their 6 year old exposed to porn, right?

Fuck you for what you just said you degenerate piece of filth.

You sure defend pedo groomers with a passion. It makes us wonder . . . .
Hugh Hefner is their hero. Friggin' liberal degenerates.
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

Better grab your coloring book and run to your safe space, Buttercup.
The supposed sexual content is an excuse. They are also burning history books and such religious books as are not christian.
So? Do they own the books? Is so, they are theirs to burn.

In no way does that equal banning books, Simp. You are still free to peruse your degenerate books.
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

It's a stupid stunt for the mouth breathing masses, but that said, do pornographic books belong in any school?
You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.
Conservatives are in fact fascists – illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.

Conservatives aren’t Nazis, as that was a particular manifestation of fascism unique to Germany.

But conservatives are nonetheless fascists in their authoritarian efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent – the banning of books they disagree with being one such example.
The freaking Country is falling apart with open borders, kids dying from fentenyl poisoning, energy costs are rising just before winter, the freaking president is incoherent most of the time and the A.P. lectures us about book burning. One thing you have to admire about the left is their ability to raise a mob at the drop of a hat and promote anger and unrest in the media.
Well, they claim it was only cardboard boxes and the stunt was meant to illustrate "what he would do to the swamp" but actual flamethrowers accompanied by the comment "let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too -- on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion." puts the lie to that claim.

You "conservatives" are getting closer and closer to actual old-school NAZIs.

This should be a wake up call for any republicans with an ounce of common sense, the problem is I have serious doubts there are any.

Republicans are becoming Nazis because a "long shot" Republican burned books legally owned. What a horses ass you are
Conservatives are in fact fascists – illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.

Conservatives aren’t Nazis, as that was a particular manifestation of fascism unique to Germany.

But conservatives are nonetheless fascists in their authoritarian efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent – the banning of books they disagree with being one such example.

Yes, and Democrat is a particular manifestation of fascism in America. Ask any black who isn't allowed to choose his own views without being called "Uncle Tom" unless he picks the right one approved by lily white leftists
Its lucky that the right has got its priorites in line when it comes to schools..



Its lucky that the right has got its priorites in line when it comes to schools..


View attachment 833504

View attachment 833506

Huh, so I'm against Rosa Parks? W-T-F. You may want to come here to the USA sometime and get to know some actual Americans if you're going to keep making up what we think. And it was Democrats who did that to Ms. Parks. And it's Democrats who still demand government control speech. And if she went against government today, it would be Democrats calling her Aunt Jemimah.

Some things never change, like Democrats being racists and Welsh being ... Welsh....

If you were American, you'd be from New Jersey

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