Book Publisher May Have Inadvertently Revealed Trump’s First 2024 GOP Primary Challenger: African American GOP Senator Tim Scott

Naaaaaah, it's just the cover copy, the publisher trying to sell a boring politician bio.

All the same, I bet about the middle of November, that 2024 race is going to get WEIRD. I wonder if anyone WILL primary Trump? If one does, I bet a bunch would.

At this point, however, it's seen as disloyal by the core voters.
Why mention that he's black?
Why mention that Buttigieg is a --- is liable to catch monkeypox? Or Warren is a Fauxcahontas?

Or Harris is a woman? And also sort of black?

Because it's relevant in this day of identity politics.
When Republicans show us what they are like....believe them......
Trying to find a silver lining here, at least they're emboldened and we now better understand where we are.

The bad news, of course, is where we are.

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