Booker Violates Senate Rules to Attack Kavanaugh!

“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation


The question is why are Republicans hiding this. Everything he has written should be made public whether it is good, bad or ugly. I am sure that Booker would love to see McConnell do that. Turn him into a martyr. The fact is that Booker could turn around and run for the seat5 again and likely win. Intere3sting that you have no objection to Republicans leaking DOJ documents in a FBI investigation.
We were lowering our standards before he showed up. But he sure did his part, and was cheered for it.
yeah cause saying four americans died in Benghazi because of a video gave us such respect around the globe. Can't make this up with pukes like you.
I realize you folks are trained to forgive everything he says and does.

Deflect to someone else. Someone with a D after their name.

As a result, we now have zero standards. None. Congrats.
I don't care what he says when he is talking logically about something. Rosie O deserved more than she got. she's a fat fking pig, she is a worthless excuse for a human.

The fk that played meathead on all in the family skates with her.
I know you don't care. We used to care. That's my point.
I stopped carrying when JFK was shot. that was a coverup. by the government, by demolosers. so don't go there. I care about my country, I am but one vote. until I can become more than that it doesn't matter. All I ever asked was for evidence russia did anything. not a fking thing. still nothing. and then you think i'm stupid but I know the DNC server was never looked at. Sorry, I lost all credibility to the entire DC scene, and why I voted for trump.

You think this is Perry Mason where Putin will stand up and say I did it in time for the last commercial. Putin clearly wanted Trump to win and even admitted it. Russia was backing LePenn in the last Presidential race in France. Her opponent, Macron, suffered a hack and had e-mails released. Intelligence agencies have determined that Putin did interfere and are a threat to interfere in our elections. You are quite the fool.
Once again, I am sure that Booker does not care what you think of him. You were not the target audience

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Matters not! He has zero credibility!

In the eyes of Trump sheep.

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You think someone who lies about breaking the rules to release documents that have already been released has class?

I do not think a single Senator has any class. This was great theater and fun as hell to watch the right’s head explode for a few hours.

The best part was the hidden irony of the same people that sang the praises of Wikileaks get pissed off about released emails!

And the icing on the cake was all the racist on this forum showing their true colors and making this about his race!

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A big non white democrat fool.

Why not just a big democrat fool, why does his skin color matter that much to you?
To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

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Booker did not just expose himself as a self-promoting deceitful douche to Trump Supporters. he did it on the 'big stage', in front of include those whose votes he will need in 2020. This will be remembered.

By all those people that would never vote for him any how.

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Same for Trump.
Same for all people who vote party.

Those are the people sending this country down the shitter

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99.9999999999999% of people are party shitters.

On this board that is close to right but in the real world I say it is about 80% or so that are party hacks that put party before country. Roughly 40% on each side
To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

Sent from my iPhone using
Booker did not just expose himself as a self-promoting deceitful douche to Trump Supporters. he did it on the 'big stage', in front of include those whose votes he will need in 2020. This will be remembered.

By all those people that would never vote for him any how.

Sent from my iPhone using
Same for Trump.
Same for all people who vote party.

Those are the people sending this country down the shitter

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On the left you have the people that want Trump impeached no matter what, for anything or for nothing. It does not matter to these people that doing so would forever change the office of the president and it would become the new norm.

Then on the right we have a president that just told his DOJ they should take into account party affiliation and election dates when deciding when to place charges on someone. Not a single person that I have seen on the right has had any issue with Trump doing so, in fact most that have talked about it think that the DOJ should do such things.

Both of these groups of people are bigger enemies to this country than any foreign power or terrorist group. We were never going to be taken down by an outside force, it was always going to be from within, now we have two large groups of people helping that to happen.
Booker did not just expose himself as a self-promoting deceitful douche to Trump Supporters. he did it on the 'big stage', in front of include those whose votes he will need in 2020. This will be remembered.

By all those people that would never vote for him any how.

Sent from my iPhone using
Same for Trump.
Same for all people who vote party.

Those are the people sending this country down the shitter

Sent from my iPhone using
99.9999999999999% of people are party shitters.

On this board that is close to right but in the real world I say it is about 80% or so that are party hacks that put party before country. Roughly 40% on each side
In NYC and vicinity it’s much higher and it’s frustrating because nobody knows anything about their “Representatives” except when they hear a scandal.
what's the matter? :laugh:

At Kavanaugh hearing, Cory Booker tells Republicans threatening his expulsion to 'bring it'
He lied about not being able to release the emails.

Did he lie? Or is he just so stupid he doesn’t know the truth
He lied.
Matters not! He has zero credibility!

In the eyes of Trump sheep.

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You think someone who lies about breaking the rules to release documents that have already been released has class?

I do not think a single Senator has any class. This was great theater and fun as hell to watch the right’s head explode for a few hours.

The best part was the hidden irony of the same people that sang the praises of Wikileaks get pissed off about released emails!

And the icing on the cake was all the racist on this forum showing their true colors and making this about his race!

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A big non white democrat fool.

Why not just a big democrat fool, why does his skin color matter that much to you?
Because on this forum skin color matters. Especially if you are white!
What a shock you made it about race! Well done my little statist racist

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Thanks for noticing you know, I take great pride in my ability to acknowledge the facts.

Let us know when you get ahold of one, Okay?

Are you confused, ignorant or just a liar?
You didn’t know that Blacks tend to ignore rules, are defiant and insubordinate?
Is this really a revolutionary find?

Um ... thats why ya gotta use tha whip, massa?

Nah, I just sit back and laugh at those terrified to allow themselves to be wise when ethnicity is a piece of the puzzle.

Blacks "tend to ignore rules, are defiant and insubordinate." That's not a race observation, it's just racist. And it's ridiculous. Look at all the lazy white asses we have on the board and I've known a lot of hard working blacks. I've seen no generalization that's different than whites
“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation


The question is why are Republicans hiding this. Everything he has written should be made public whether it is good, bad or ugly. I am sure that Booker would love to see McConnell do that. Turn him into a martyr. The fact is that Booker could turn around and run for the seat5 again and likely win. Intere3sting that you have no objection to Republicans leaking DOJ documents in a FBI investigation.

They have over 300 actual decisions that he was a part of as a judge, and they have had weeks to review the other documents....and they refused to do that......get over yourself.
What about him? The GOP just renewed the program he opposed. Want to tell me about that?

Booker just admittedly chose to violate Senate Rules, acknowledging that for doing so he could be removed from the Senate.

Admission of guilt!

He needs to be punished for his acknowledged violation.

End of Story!
Yeah like how Hillary needs to be prosecuted:rolleyes:

Do you ever tire of your bullshit?
Nice to see an ISIS supporter likes the new white privileged Nike guy.
You’re the one who voted for America to stop fighting ISIL, snowflake. Go fuck yourself.
Your the Black Flag Guy. ISIS flag is black too. Your a Democrat and Kapernick I assume you support terrorist as well.

Yes, black flag is a raging racist who roots for ISIS, you nailed that
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
it backfired, now he looks weak. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It is soo fun in here everyday. I love this stuff easy, the truth always wins and garbage pickers will always be garbage pickers.

To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

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We don’t give a shit what Booker thinks! He is history!

If you don't care then ask yourself "what the fuck am I doing in this thread"?
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
it backfired, now he looks weak. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It is soo fun in here everyday. I love this stuff easy, the truth always wins and garbage pickers will always be garbage pickers.

To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

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We don’t give a shit what Booker thinks! He is history!

If you don't care then ask yourself "what the fuck am I doing in this thread"?
Because I choose to be! I choose! Not ewe or the cowardly mewling pussy Booker!
Booker did not just expose himself as a self-promoting deceitful douche to Trump Supporters. he did it on the 'big stage', in front of include those whose votes he will need in 2020. This will be remembered.

By all those people that would never vote for him any how.

Sent from my iPhone using
Same for Trump.
Same for all people who vote party.

Those are the people sending this country down the shitter

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On the left you have the people that want Trump impeached no matter what, for anything or for nothing. It does not matter to these people that doing so would forever change the office of the president and it would become the new norm.

Then on the right we have a president that just told his DOJ they should take into account party affiliation and election dates when deciding when to place charges on someone. Not a single person that I have seen on the right has had any issue with Trump doing so, in fact most that have talked about it think that the DOJ should do such things.

Both of these groups of people are bigger enemies to this country than any foreign power or terrorist group. We were never going to be taken down by an outside force, it was always going to be from within, now we have two large groups of people helping that to happen.

I agree With Left lunatic assessment.
I think Trump meant they need to be cognizant of timing. See Comey with HRC...

Illogical zealots are dangerous regardless of party affiliation.
By all those people that would never vote for him any how.

Sent from my iPhone using
Same for Trump.
Same for all people who vote party.

Those are the people sending this country down the shitter

Sent from my iPhone using



On the left you have the people that want Trump impeached no matter what, for anything or for nothing. It does not matter to these people that doing so would forever change the office of the president and it would become the new norm.

Then on the right we have a president that just told his DOJ they should take into account party affiliation and election dates when deciding when to place charges on someone. Not a single person that I have seen on the right has had any issue with Trump doing so, in fact most that have talked about it think that the DOJ should do such things.

Both of these groups of people are bigger enemies to this country than any foreign power or terrorist group. We were never going to be taken down by an outside force, it was always going to be from within, now we have two large groups of people helping that to happen.

I agree With Left lunatic assessment.
I think Trump meant they need to be cognizant of timing. See Comey with HRC...

Illogical zealots are dangerous regardless of party affiliation.

The DOJ should not care about timing or party affiliation, they should care about justice. To try and excuse his comment makes you part of the problem, in my view.
Cory Booker destroyed himself. He made himself the punchline in his own joke. It isn't so much that he grandstanded knowing he was lying. That's bad. But he did it spectacularly. He referred to himself as Spartacus. Now people are calling himself Spartacus to his face and laughing.

If Booker were so unwise as to run for office, that Spartacus campaign ad writes itself. This is as final as the one where Dukkakis rode in a tank looking like Alfred E. Newman.
In the eyes of Trump sheep.

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You think someone who lies about breaking the rules to release documents that have already been released has class?

I do not think a single Senator has any class. This was great theater and fun as hell to watch the right’s head explode for a few hours.

The best part was the hidden irony of the same people that sang the praises of Wikileaks get pissed off about released emails!

And the icing on the cake was all the racist on this forum showing their true colors and making this about his race!

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A big non white democrat fool.

Why not just a big democrat fool, why does his skin color matter that much to you?
Because on this forum skin color matters. Especially if you are white!

It matters if you want it to matter, this is all on you.
Cory Booker destroyed himself. He made himself the punchline in his own joke. It isn't so much that he grandstanded knowing he was lying. That's bad. But he did it spectacularly. He referred to himself as Spartacus. Now people are calling himself Spartacus to his face and laughing.

If Booker were so unwise as to run for office, that Spartacus campaign ad writes itself. This is as final as the one where Dukkakis rode in a tank looking like Alfred E. Newman.
His welfare voter base doesn’t care.
“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation


There's nothing he can do. He doesn't have the votes to do anything.

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