Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

Starr started with whitewater and ended up with Lewinsky and Paula Jones….. That is the way these things work.
So are you saying that they don't have Collusion

No….Just that elections can go anywhere.
This is not an election............but the cases are politically motivated...........just like this one..........

Yep, I used the wrong word there.

So the Republican DOJ is investigating the Republican President and you’re crying Politics?
Anyone, who is not wearing blinders, can see the embedded corruption.

The "embedded corruption" from his self-appointed AG/DAG... riiiiight
Starr started with whitewater and ended up with Lewinsky and Paula Jones….. That is the way these things work.
So are you saying that they don't have Collusion

No….Just that elections can go anywhere.
This is not an election............but the cases are politically motivated...........just like this one..........

Yep, I used the wrong word there.

So the Republican DOJ is investigating the Republican President and you’re crying Politics?
I call them the Deep State...........the Swamp............since the Tea Party came about we have names for the Snakes in the Grass who are corrupt as hell.

Call them a D or a R.......doesn't matter............they are corrupt

And many of them were elected in the same election that sent Trump to Washsington....
So are you saying that they don't have Collusion

No….Just that elections can go anywhere.
This is not an election............but the cases are politically motivated...........just like this one..........

Yep, I used the wrong word there.

So the Republican DOJ is investigating the Republican President and you’re crying Politics?
Anyone, who is not wearing blinders, can see the embedded corruption.

The "embedded corruption" from his self-appointed AG/DAG... riiiiight
Indeed, the Rosenstein-Mueller conspiracy needs to be fully exposed and ruled unconstitutional.
No….Just that elections can go anywhere.
This is not an election............but the cases are politically motivated...........just like this one..........

Yep, I used the wrong word there.

So the Republican DOJ is investigating the Republican President and you’re crying Politics?
I call them the Deep State...........the Swamp............since the Tea Party came about we have names for the Snakes in the Grass who are corrupt as hell.

Call them a D or a R.......doesn't matter............they are corrupt
You call them watch your propaganda says to call them, super dupe.
From you I'll take that as a compliment...............Go and serve your masters........on your knees.........
My master is the truth. That you Dukes appear to not give a s*** about... Deep dark state my butt LOL. Conspiracy everywhere LOL
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Is anyone confused as to why francoHFW was not at all concerned when the DNC and DWS deliberately cheated to help Hillary?

francoHFW doesn't care about truth, the US, justice, or anything..... except his government check and which "candidate" will likely increase it....
Yep, Republicans investigating a Republican president are playing games. :21:
"Republicans" like Lindsay Graham and Peter King.... Jake's kinda "Republicans"

100% for Israel
0% for traditional Republican issues like fiscal conservatism, truth,. justice, and keeping the debt under control
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

the truth hurts Mueller.LOL
Why shouldn't they?

Israel has gotten away with

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103

Every time Israel screws America, the Dems and post 1998 Republicans cover for them, and the media cheers...
I'd watch Santa Anita if there was no racing going on's majestic
Is that what you call action? and really, who reveres Churchill Downs, nothing majestic about it eh? and how can the Derby compete in terms of the "action" you want intel for with nothing going on at Santa Anita, good call...and I thought I was offering up "intelligent" intel...
This Judge is about to throw the whole mess out for gross prosecutorial misconduct. pure, delusional, Trumpkin fantasy. If anything, this judge is going to get himself removed from this case with his comments.
This judge exposed gross prosecutorial misconduct. If you think that will get him removed your smoking to much dope... The judge has every right to determine if they were acting within their scope or if they were over stepping their authority.

Gawd you idiots are like sheep with blinders on following the bell..
judge has every right to determine if they were acting within their scope or if they were over stepping their authority.

Except Rosenstein determines the scope and approves any actions taken by Mueller before they are taken. You're circle jerking with this one.

Tell that to Judge Ellis. And keep in mind whatever is in or not in that memo Ellis can bounce Manafort's case out of court.

Bullshit. If what's in the memo blows up the defense's argument, which it does, then he has to rule against them.
The question isn't about how this began a year and a half ago, dope.

The question is whether or not the indictment of Manafort was within the scope of the special counsel's investigative authority. The Deputy AG says very clearly that it was indeed.

Motion denied.
Whatever bro.........

You still think they are gods...................if so why do we need the Judicial Branch at all.............There is a reason they have to go to the courts to decide, try and proceed with legal matters...........but it just goes over your head............

What the hell do they teach in schools these days.
You still think they are gods.......

Not at all. That is your damaged perspective.

I simply believe that Rosenstein is doing his job and this motion is a desperate attempt to get the charges dropped. IOW, reality.
The Judge said why aren't those cases in a lower court by normal proceedings...............and wanted to know why they thought they had the authority to bring it to a higher court when some accusations were a decade old..........

So he requested the guidelines..................Will they deny him that ...................or he can simply say take it to a lower court and get the hell out of my courtroom......................Yeah...........he can make that decision...........and then you can appeal............and another judge can over rule or sustain................then appeal.....wash rinse repeat

Rosenstein can set guidelines.....doesn't mean his guidelines are legal...........why the courts are the deciding factor.

They already provided the court with the requested material. That was in an exerpt of a link I provided you, fool.

Of course Rosentsein's guidelines are legal. They're set at his discretion.
They did not give all of it......some was deemed classified........which is why he stated it can be sent SEALED.

Read my link, dope. It covers the complaint made by the defense and the content of the memo that blows it up. The judge has no need for anything beyond that.
It's a kick to watch conservative snowflakes act like they know the law. :)

The IG gave the goods on McCabe. The Judge basically said what we've been saying all along. Judicial Watch has the other goods that need to be brought into investigation. Not to mention the Full IG report is not out nor the investigation of the FISA warrants from a prosecuter with the DOJ.

Mueller isn't up against amateurs...............And your side just got smacked in the face today whether you like it or not.

McCabe has not a thing to do with this motion, fool.
You can't figure out examples of this investigation being allowed in this precious thread now can you...........

Bottom line.................Judicial Branch is not beholding to the executive branch.........maybe one day you'll understand that.

Beholden? The court has no authority to tell the Deputy AG how to conduct investigations.
He made the statement of why these cases aren't in the lower courts and not his............He also questioned the authority under the special council. Just as he questioned cases over a decade old that have no bearing on their scope of the special council........
He made the statement of why these cases aren't in the lower courts and not his............He also questioned the authority under the special council. Just as he questioned cases over a decade old that have no bearing on their scope of the special council........

Damn, dude. I've posted a link on this like three freaking times now.
Read it!

Rosenstein decides the scope. Not the judge.
Rosenstein gave Mueller the aurhority to investigate and indict Manafort on his Ukraine dealings. That is what was in question in the motion filed by the defense.

This blows that up.

Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

"However, Mueller's team submitted a previously undisclosed memo to a federal court in Washington showing that a few months after Mueller was appointed last May, Rosenstein gave him explicit authority to target Manafort over the financial aspects of his lobbying work for the Ukrainian government — in addition to allegations he was linked to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

"The May 17, 2017 [appointment] order was worded categorically in order to permit its release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals," Rosenstein wrote in the Aug. 2, 2017 memo. "The following allegations were within the scope of the Investigation at the time of your appointment and are within the scope of the Order: ... Allegations that Paul Manafort: Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law. Committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych."

"Every key step in this case — including the investigative path and the Indictment itself — has been authorized by the Acting Attorney General through ongoing consultation," Mueller's team wrote in a brief opposing Manafort's bid to throw out the D.C. case.

The new disclosures about the Justice Department's internal handling of the Manafort investigation came in response to a motion Manafort's lawyers filed last month in U.S. District Court in Washington asking to have the criminal charges pending against him there thrown out on the grounds that Mueller's appointment was defective and that he exceeded his authority in going after Manafort."
McCabe has not a thing to do with this motion, fool.
You can't figure out examples of this investigation being allowed in this precious thread now can you...........

Bottom line.................Judicial Branch is not beholding to the executive branch.........maybe one day you'll understand that.

Beholden? The court has no authority to tell the Deputy AG how to conduct investigations.
Good luck in your quest...

Your about to get a lesson about Scope of Authority...This Judge is about to throw the whole mess out for gross prosecutorial misconduct.

This Judge figured out they had no authority in Manafort's case to do squat.. that is why he wanted to see all memos on the investigations authorities. If he throws these out as not concurring with the laws regulating the special counsel or find they violated their mandate, the judge could kill the investigations outright as being unlawful.

This could not end well.. and if they refuse to give him access to these documents he could kill them with prejudice as being unlawful.. This is one judge who wont screw around with the crap Mueller is doing.

The memo is the key. The fact that Mueller conducted that vile raid on Manafort's home BEFORE the memo was written that authorized him to do so and that anyone supports this action is appalling.
Mueller had no authority to go after Manafort. It was outside of the scope of his authority at that time. Its over and once the judge has the evidence in his hands Muellers witch hunt is over...

Mueller and his merry band of shit heads will be shown as prosecutorally corrupt and without ethical credibility...
Mueller had no authority to go after Manafort. It was outside of the scope of his authority at that time. It


Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort
Yup, that is a double lie. That is all the Alt Right and the Trumpers have left: lies.
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The Judge is sounding like he is pro trump , to even talk about Mueller in the way he did means he is partisan.

Only republican pro Trump are to be trusted since Mueller is also a republican.
It’s called a constitution not partisan. You should learn about our actual laws
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Mueller’s mandate from Republican DOJ officials allows him to go after any issue that arises from his investigation:

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.
All that letter does is appoint someone to investigate the Russia thing. Has nothing to do with Manafort. This is not a scope memo.

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