BOOM! Natural Gas May Have Profound Impact on Israel's Geopolitics

You Dishonest Sour Grapes tramp.
This is HUGE for Israel and everyone knows it.
It's so huge your wasting all your time back in your home-by-insemination Saudi Arabia posting here.

and you are now Unwittingly admitting you LIED.
NG was NOT "Falling".
In fact it was up even before the recent Cold Weather snap.

ALL Your posts are LIES.
You are a Sick and Pathological LIAR.

You didn't answer this from page one either LIAR:

1. Natural Gas is a more Local commodity than Oil.
Prices vary more.
It's cheap where produced such as North America and the Persian Gulf states BUT Europe currently pays Russia Dearly for NG.

2. Israel has had to Import expensive Gas from others, so any positive carry while getting energy near free is a Huge WINDFALL.

3. Israel's first customer will be a 20 year deal with the Palestinians, no doubt paid for like everything else in 'palestine'... with Western Aid money.
Despite BS/BDS talk... Europe too is eyeing easily deliverable Israeli NG. (Pipe or short haul tanker)

4. Ergo, as the OP said, this changes everything, including motive to support the Hideous Islamic Theocracies that currently eat our moola.

I am and O&G investor and I understand the dynamics better than you and just explained them above.
You are just getting hearsay whispered in your ear while some 80 yr old Sheik is porking you.
You sure have a filthy mouth.
Israel is faced with several challenges.. They have to increase the size of their navy, protect the installations and work out how to get their gas to market.

And they have to hope that there is NOT so much natural gas available that the price is depressed.
I posted an excellent link for you to read.
So you move on to a NEW Point, never admitting you were Caught LYING AGAIN! !
Everything you type is a Pathological Lie.
You couldn't answer my knowledgable post even with all that time in the Saudi ex-pat life.

WTF is the matter with you?
Get help.
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You Dishonest Sour Grapes tramp.
This is HUGE for Israel and everyone knows it.
It's so huge your wasting all your time back in your home-by-insemination Saudi Arabia posting here.

and you are now Unwittingly admitting you LIED.
NG was NOT "Falling".
In fact it was up even before the recent Cold Weather snap.

ALL Your posts are LIES.
You are a Sick and Pathological LIAR.

You didn't answer this from page one either LIAR:

I am and O&G investor and I understand the dynamics better than you and just explained them above.
You are just getting hearsay whispered in your ear while some 80 yr old Sheik is porking you.

You sure have a filthy mouth.

Israel is faced with several challenges.. They have to increase the size of their navy, protect the installations and work out how to get their gas to market.

And they have to hope that there is NOT so much natural gas available that the price is depressed.

I posted an excellent link for you to read.

So you move on to a NEW Point, never admitting you were Caught LYING AGAIN! !
Everything you type is a Pathological Lie.
You couldn't answer my knowledgable post even with all that time in the Saudi ex-pat life.

WTF is the matter with you?
Get help.

You really have some problem.

There are several factors that will influence this windfall.

Israeli gas find remains bottled up

By: Matthew Bryza
Posted: 01/21/2014 2:53 PM |

For Israel, the discovery in 2010 of a vast natural gas field off its coast was like hitting the jackpot. The future energy development offered the country unprecedented economic security.

Now, the business plans for the Leviathan site are advanced enough that Israel and its neighbours must address the toughest question about the project: how to export the gas.

The Leviathan field’s estimated 510 billion cubic meters of gas, coupled with continuing production at the nearby Tamar site, are expected to fuel Israel’s electricity generation, water desalinization and a new generation of energy-intensive industries. Exporting the gas beyond Israel would offer still greater economic benefits.

The finds also have the potential to lead to breakthroughs in disputes that have long poisoned relationships between Turkey on one side, and Israel and Cyprus, which also has potential gas reserves in its waters, on the other. Getting to a resolution won’t be easy, but with the right approach and support from the U.S. and the European Union, it is possible.

Exports in the form of liquefied natural gas would maximize Israel’s options, providing access to the world’s highest gas prices, currently in East Asia. Unfortunately, building a liquefaction plant on Israeli territory appears politically impossible, given concerns about environmental and physical security.

The obvious alternative would be to build an LNG terminal off Israel’s coast, avoiding such domestic hurdles. But this would limit the geopolitical advantages to Israel of collaborating with other countries on gas exports. It may become a flashpoint if the neighbours of Israel and Cyprus have no stake in the new energy resources, further entrenching regional disputes.

Aware of the costs and benefits, Israel’s government is planning to build a short pipeline to Jordan, a project that could help to stabilize the Jewish state’s lone Arab partner and supply Palestinians in the West Bank. The Leviathan field’s developers said Jan. 5 that they had signed a deal to sell 4.5 billion cubic meters of gas to Palestine Power Generation Co. over 20 years.

Full development of the field, however, will require larger exports than Jordan or the Palestinian territories can absorb (the combined annual gas consumption of Israel and Jordan is only about six billion cubic meters). One possibility would be to pipe the gas from Leviathan to a proposed LNG terminal on Jordan’s Red Sea coast. Similarly, Israeli gas could be piped to Egypt’s underused LNG terminals on the Mediterranean.

But locating such a critical Israeli asset in Jordan or Egypt is politically infeasible for all three countries. So the Israeli government is looking at two other export options: an LNG terminal in Cyprus or an underwater pipeline to Turkey.

The first option looks politically easier. With the deterioration and rupture of its partnership with Turkey, Israel has improved relations with Cyprus in the last three years. Cyprus has had no diplomatic relations with Turkey since 1974, when Turkish troops seized the northern third of the island after a military coup.

For the Cypriot government, an LNG terminal at Vasilikos on the island’s southern shore is an urgent priority, providing revenue and jobs to mitigate the country’s financial crisis and creating the eastern Mediterranean’s natural gas hub.

The project, however, requires large amounts of Israeli gas, because the biggest Cypriot field discovered so far, Aphrodite, is too small to justify commercial development of a $4.5 billion to $6 billion terminal. In the time it takes to find enough gas and finance construction, new volumes of liquefied natural gas from Australia, East Africa and the U.S. may have flooded global markets, depressing prices.

Israel might agree to use a Cypriot terminal, yet no country has ever exported its natural gas from an LNG terminal on another country’s territory, making this prospect unlikely.

Another option might involve two stages: First, private companies construct a 470 kilometre pipeline to Turkey, which would be much cheaper and give Israel more control (disclosure: I am on the board of Turcas Energy Group AS, which is proposing such a pipeline); second, some of the pipeline’s early revenue, coupled with excess gas from Leviathan, would be used to enable financing of the Cypriot terminal.

Commercially, this dual-export option appears feasible; it enjoys support from the lead companies developing both the Leviathan and Aphrodite fields, the U.S. company Noble Energy Inc. and Israel’s Delek Group Ltd.

Again, however, the hurdles are formidable. A subsea pipeline from Leviathan to Turkey must cross the Cypriot continental shelf, which, for practical purposes, requires permission from the Cypriot government. Such permission is inconceivable today. Meanwhile, normalization of Israel-Turkey relations also remains stalled.

These obstacles could fade in coming months as the prize of a deal on energy helps speed that process. Both Cyprus and Turkey are working to restart talks on a Cyprus settlement under the auspices of the United Nations.

Although this has been tried before, Cypriot leaders increasingly (if privately) recognize the economic imperative of a pipeline to Turkey. At the same time, Turkish officials have quietly suggested that restoration of full relations with Israel could occur in tandem with an agreement to build an Israel-Turkey natural gas pipeline.

Achieving these breakthroughs and integrating them into an agreement among Israel, Cyprus and Turkey to develop these two projects in tandem will require intricate diplomatic choreography.

The U.S. can play a role, as it did in the late 1990s, when it helped Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey open a new corridor for oil and gas pipelines. This time, however, the U.S. is sitting back, waiting for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to soften his hostility toward Israel.

Building an Israel-Turkey pipeline connected to a Cyprus LNG terminal offers strategic opportunities that transcend economics, including a chance for Israel and Turkey to restore their strategic partnership. It would also push Turkey to reach an agreement on the Cyprus question, removing a 40-year irritant in relations with Europe and re-energizing Turkey’s flagging efforts to join the EU. The U.S., working with the EU, should help to shape this future.

Israeli gas find remains bottled up - Winnipeg Free Press
and the above is about as Problematic as figuring out how to Spend your Lottery Winnings.
A problem of great fortune.
But it's all you're left with after I gutted your Lies.
Israels Wins/you Lose.

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Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,it will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.
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Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,MIT will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.

You don't read anything.. you just name call.
Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,MIT will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.

You don't read anything.. you just name call.
Oh I'm reading BETWEEN THE LINES, first you tried to falsely make it look like Palestinians had a claim to this gas with that bogus graph, now you keep telling everybody (in denial) that its no big deal others have gas too, gas prices are low, plus, Israel faces challenges blah blah blah. Ha ha ha. It's pretty obvious. Your jerk-off Arab fantasies of the imminent demise of Israel are falling apart.

Next, you're going to chew your soiled underwear, all upset over the fact that Israel is becoming an energy producing nation, which means things are only going to get exponentially better for Israel. Ketchup?
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wouldn't give a Palestinian toddler spit if she was dying of thirst in the Negev. What's that all about?

That looks like a giant prostate floating off Gaza's coast.
Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,it will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.
Forbes on Fox even brings up the likelyhood of Israel selling energy to Saudi Arabia in the not to distant future. That would be a kick in the butt to the Arab League.
wouldn't give a Palestinian toddler spit if she was dying of thirst in the Negev. What's that all about?

That looks like a giant prostate floating off Gaza's coast.

Well grow up an post any graphic of those oil and gas fields you like.

The point is that this is not a slam dunk.. for all the reasons already discussed.

Can the HoAP afford to test drill for gas as well as buy weapons and explosives to attack Israel with. Would the gas rigs be valid military targets, making the HoAP destitute very quickly
That looks like a giant prostate floating off Gaza's coast.

Well grow up an post any graphic of those oil and gas fields you like.

The point is that this is not a slam dunk.. for all the reasons already discussed.

Can the HoAP afford to test drill for gas as well as buy weapons and explosives to attack Israel with. Would the gas rigs be valid military targets, making the HoAP destitute very quickly

all the more reason to form a unity government and to have a mandate for peace with Israel.
While Europe will BDS $2 Million on Oranges, Israel's neighbors will spend Billions for the Jewish State's gas.

Who Will Israel Sell Its Gas To?
ENERGY | 1/09/2014
Christopher Coats
Who Will Israel Sell Its Gas To? - Forbes

In the rush to exploit the Eastern Mediterranean’s new found energy wealth, Israel has emerged – alongside Cyprus – as the most active and motivated among the many laying claim to the region’s offshore potential. Working mostly with Houston’s Noble Energy, Israel has not only shown the most progress towards exploration and production in the region, but also passed an export scheme that would allow 40% of the country’s resources, promising Billions in revenue.

Over the last two years, a number of viable export options have emerged,
including Europe-bound pipelines and Liquefied Natural Gas partnerships with nearby Cyprus, supporting the notion that Nicosia and by association Athens, could become regional energy hubs. However, recently a series of agreements and new project announcements suggest that Israel is looking closer to home for their near-term export needs.

Shortly after the New Year, it was announced that a Palestinian electric company would be the first to sign on to purchase gas from Israel’s operations in the Leviathan field, which makes up much of the country’s offshore presence. According to local press reports, the Palestine Power Generation Company inked a 20 year deal for about $1.2 billion – or 4.75 billion cubic meters – of natural gas. Two days later, Bloomberg reported that Israel was now planning a nine mile, eastbound pipeline to supply Jordan with natural gas.
The move reflects a recent focus on regional export options rather than looking to Europe or more distant consumers by way of LNG options. While Israel has not dismissed such export alternatives, pursuing LNG will require significant initial investment, with single plants costing billions to build. Meanwhile, Jordan-bound pipeline can be completed for significantly less and is expected to be operational by 2016.
To be sure, Israel’s offshore efforts and gas potential have helped change the diplomatic dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean. After all, the country’s recent diplomatic progress with Turkey was likely the result of Israel’s ability provide Ankara with gas in the future. However, with enough threats emerging from outside the region’s state actors, relying on local pipelines and exports options will remain a gamble – though one Israel seems willing to take.
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Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,it will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.
Forbes on Fox even brings up the likelyhood of Israel selling energy to Saudi Arabia in the not to distant future. That would be a kick in the butt to the Arab League.

LOLOL.. Not likely.

Israel has to expand their navy.. and get the product to market. They also need sufficient market demand to make it profitable.
Sharoona the Sharmoota misses the point entirely.

Not only will Israel be an energy independent country,it will also be able to SELL this energy and make lots of money doing so.

Must piss you haters off.
Forbes on Fox even brings up the likelyhood of Israel selling energy to Saudi Arabia in the not to distant future. That would be a kick in the butt to the Arab League.

LOLOL.. Not likely.

Israel has to expand their navy.. and get the product to market. They also need sufficient market demand to make it profitable.

Why do they need to expand their navy, any action by the ragheads will result in the UN bringing down a BDS against them. The product is easy to get to market, just pipe it into Egypt and Jordan. As for market demand the UK will buy all of Israel's gas and provide the vessels to transport it. Any attack on British ships could see the ragheads getting bombed back into the stone age.
wouldn't give a Palestinian toddler spit if she was dying of thirst in the Negev. What's that all about?

That looks like a giant prostate floating off Gaza's coast.
It's that stuff they put in the water that turns red when you pee.

What that map represents is a whole bunch of Arabs peeing in their Islamic swimsuits after hearing the revelation that Israel is now an energy producing nation.
Forbes on Fox even brings up the likelyhood of Israel selling energy to Saudi Arabia in the not to distant future. That would be a kick in the butt to the Arab League.

LOLOL.. Not likely.

Israel has to expand their navy.. and get the product to market. They also need sufficient market demand to make it profitable.

Why do they need to expand their navy, any action by the ragheads will result in the UN bringing down a BDS against them. The product is easy to get to market, just pipe it into Egypt and Jordan. As for market demand the UK will buy all of Israel's gas and provide the vessels to transport it. Any attack on British ships could see the ragheads getting bombed back into the stone age.

Israel’s and Palestine’s gas and oil

Too optimistic?

Jan 23rd 2014, 16:58 by The Economist | TEL AVIV


Obstacles still block the flow of oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean

ARE governments of the Levant fooling their people with false promises of an offshore gas bonanza? From the proceeds, Lebanon hopes to fund a bullet train that will end Beirut’s traffic snarl-ups. Across the water, the Cypriot government has equally grandiose plans. By 2020 a vast new complex in Vasilikos, on Cyprus’s southern coast, is supposed to start shipping liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe and even Asia, salvaging the country’s finances. Gas reserves, say Cypriot optimists, amount to 96 trillion cubic feet.

Yet most oil analysts say this is all wildly over the top. Even Israel, whose development of offshore gas is most advanced, is unlikely, they reckon, to start exporting large amounts by 2020, as it hopes.


Israel?s and Palestine?s gas and oil: Too optimistic? | The Economist

With Natural Gas Fields in the Eastern Mediterranean, Israel Now Has a New Front: the Sea As new fields come online, Israel is beefing up its naval assets to fend off threats from Turkey, Lebanon, and Russia ...
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