Boom: Trump eyes 10% spending cuts, 20% slash of federal workers

Get rid of a fifth of Federal workers, trade agreements, threaten manufacturing, insult our trading partners and then see what a sparkling economy you end up with.
You think our trading partners give a damn if Trump insults them? What are the going to do, stop selling stuff to us? How has he "threatened" manufacturing?

Getting rid of 20% of our federal workforce will do wonders for our economy. Getting rid of 50% of them would be even better. How do any of these human cholesterol molecules do a thing for our economy?
His calls for trade sanctions threaten manufacturing.

Before you call for cuts, maybe you should try to solve that problem of you being clueless about what's being cut.
Its about time. Most Federal employees would have a hard time justifying their position if they were to be asked.
There are a number of Federal Department that could be eliminated and most citizens would not even notice they were gone.

Like most folks in middle management.
Middle management gets laid off all the time. When do government employees ever get laid off? Apparently you agree it's time to wield the axe.
Obama dumped about 20K federal non-military employees since Bush Jr. left.

You keep asking these questions.

Do you realize that you could find out this stuff if you actually cared?
Its about time. Most Federal employees would have a hard time justifying their position if they were to be asked.
There are a number of Federal Department that could be eliminated and most citizens would not even notice they were gone.

Like most folks in middle management.
Middle management gets laid off all the time. When do government employees ever get laid off? Apparently you agree it's time to wield the axe.
Obama dumped about 20K federal non-military employees since Bush Jr. left.

You keep asking these questions.

Do you realize that you could find out this stuff if you actually cared?
It's not my job to produce evidence to support your idiotic claims.
Lets take this for a ride....

United States federal civil service - Wikipedia

You have 1.593 million workers under the executive branch

So that is 159,000 workers to get rid of....
You have 1.01million working in Defense, VA and Homeland security... I don't think you are getting rid of them...

So can we have in detail where you are getting your cuts from...
Explain which depts and the services that will be cut to match.

Come on lads.... Tell us where the cuts are coming from...
Easy...Commerce, Education and um, um...The third agency of government I would do away with - the education, the uh, the commerce and let’s see. I can’t the third one. I can’t. Sorry Oops.

Correction: 20% of the target is 318,000 employees.

So lets start:
Intellectual Property, Patents, trademarks are gone
Census is in the constitution, so how are handling that?
How are you going to enfore Trade Agreement or Tariffs, cause they are gone too...
All Marine services are gone (Fisheries, Ocean Services,....) Just conceded the US Ocean space to anyone...
Industry and Security Gone (they covered Cyber security and WMD as well as US economic interests abroad)
Weather service gone too
That seems alot to give away for 12.5% of 20% cut...

No Education standards
With no standard US will slip down the Education standards quite rapidly...
They also run the Student loans program too.
Education is one of the best investments a government can make... For every $1 invested it yields $9 in extra Tax revenue
This only save 5,000 or 0.015% of the total cut...

idb, thanks for give me an answer(I know you were pulling the piss), but it shows how little these guys actuall know...
Its about time. Most Federal employees would have a hard time justifying their position if they were to be asked.
There are a number of Federal Department that could be eliminated and most citizens would not even notice they were gone.

Like most folks in middle management.
Middle management gets laid off all the time. When do government employees ever get laid off? Apparently you agree it's time to wield the axe.
Obama dumped about 20K federal non-military employees since Bush Jr. left.

You keep asking these questions.

Do you realize that you could find out this stuff if you actually cared?
It's not my job to produce evidence to support your idiotic claims.
lol - I know what I posted.

It's YOU who is saying you don't have a clue.
Its about time. Most Federal employees would have a hard time justifying their position if they were to be asked.
There are a number of Federal Department that could be eliminated and most citizens would not even notice they were gone.

So explain were you would cut the 318,000 emplyees... By Dept...

You guys are great in saying cuts... Now give details...
I'm left wondering why God Emperor would have to fire so many parasitic bureaucrats, when so many (anonymously) claimed that they'd quit if he got elected?

"Insiders said that the spending reductions in some departments could go as high as 10 percent and staff cuts to 20 percent, numbers that would rock Washington if he follows through.

At least two so-called "landing teams" in Cabinet agencies have relayed the call for cuts as part of their marching orders to shrink the flab in government.

The cuts would target discretionary spending, not mandated programs such as Medicare or Social Security, the sources said."

Boom: Trump eyes 10% spending cuts, 20% slash of federal workers


And on top of the 10% spending cuts he's looking at increasing spending by 15% on nukes. Yeah.... we need nukes, to, er... to er... to.... to.... er....
Its about time. Most Federal employees would have a hard time justifying their position if they were to be asked.
There are a number of Federal Department that could be eliminated and most citizens would not even notice they were gone.

So explain were you would cut the 318,000 emplyees... By Dept...

You guys are great in saying cuts... Now give details...
Just randomly pick from expense reports with liberal causes.....
I'm left wondering why God Emperor would have to fire so many parasitic bureaucrats, when so many (anonymously) claimed that they'd quit if he got elected?

"Insiders said that the spending reductions in some departments could go as high as 10 percent and staff cuts to 20 percent, numbers that would rock Washington if he follows through.

At least two so-called "landing teams" in Cabinet agencies have relayed the call for cuts as part of their marching orders to shrink the flab in government.

The cuts would target discretionary spending, not mandated programs such as Medicare or Social Security, the sources said."

Boom: Trump eyes 10% spending cuts, 20% slash of federal workers


And on top of the 10% spending cuts he's looking at increasing spending by 15% on nukes. Yeah.... we need nukes, to, er... to er... to.... to.... er....
You anti peaceniks are fucked up......
Government spent nearly $800,000 to study whether Neal Armstrong said, "One small step for man" or "One small step for a man". Don't tell me there isn't waste to cut, good job Trump. By the way the result of the study was they are not sure. :bang3:
Obama dumped about 20K federal non-military employees since Bush Jr. left.

You keep asking these questions.

Do you realize that you could find out this stuff if you actually cared?
How many new IRS thugs were hired to enforce Ovimitcare?
Obama dumped about 20K federal non-military employees since Bush Jr. left.

You keep asking these questions.

Do you realize that you could find out this stuff if you actually cared?
How many new IRS thugs were hired to enforce Ovimitcare?
Probably zero. Maybe they cut some, given that Obama eliminated 20,000 jobs in his executive branch. They had to come from somewhere.

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