Bootstrap BS. This "Self Made" GOP Senate Candidate Got Big Bucks From His Family

Just because you don't agree with other people's lifestyles that doesn't mean they're an "existential" threat to Amerca. You some kind of saint, you asswipe?
I’m no saint but I’m not voting to destroy America….I’m not voting for tens of millions of wetbacks to fuck us over and change American demography…I’m not voting for chicks with dicks to educate our children…I’m not voting to use abortion as a contraceptive…I’m not voting for $6 fuel…I’m not voting for 8% interest rates
And who the fuck gave you the right to pass judgement on anyone,,shit for brains?
I have expectations, I have a standard that I expect AMERICANS to meet…I’m a proud as fuck bigot….Bigotry, standards and expectations are what made America the exceptional nation it once was before the emergence of filth/leftism.
I’m no saint but I’m not voting to destroy America….I’m not voting for tens of millions of wetbacks to fuck us over and change American demography…I’m not voting for chicks with dicks to educate our children…I’m not voting to use abortion as a contraceptive…I’m not voting for $6 fuel…I’m not voting for 8% interest rates

I have expectations, I have a standard that I expect AMERICANS to meet…I’m a proud as fuck bigot….Bigotry, standards and expectations are what made America the exceptional nation it once was before the emergence of filth/leftism.
You really love the good old U.S.A., right Ace?

You want 1950? Do us a favor & move to Cuba.
P01135809 got bailed his Dad more than time. He also bankrupted several casinos. His business model is built on fraud and swindle. Not much man any fucking way.
In the ditch:

Trump Casinos
Trump Wine
Trump Airlines
Trump Steaks
Trump Water

How did the billionaires convince you guys to polish their collective dicks daily and stay poor at the same time? That's a seriously good trick. Next level mind control crap I'm telling you.

Those billionaires bought your sorry ass.
Trump was against globalism which creates two classes of people. The ultra rich, and the poor.

YOU support globalists because yiu are a moron.
You think 1950’s America was 2023 Cuba?
The only difference between America today and 1950’s America is 50 million wetbacks, a shit-ton of ragheads and millions of purple hair faggots with nose rings, neck tattoos and skinny jeans.
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Too fucking bad, fool. Keep whining, see where it gets you.

Put your assbuddy Trump back in & see if he changes anything. He didn't between 2016- 2020, sucker.
You think 1950’s America was 2023 Cuba?
The only difference between America today and 1950’s America is 50 million wetbacks, a shit-ton of ragheads and millions of purple hair faggots with nose rings, neck tattoos and skinny jeans.
View attachment 870973

News flash shit head. If you are Caucasian, you are an immigrant. The White European Caucasoid is NOT native to North America. But you are a typical Racist MAGA MAGGOT.
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P01135809 got bailed his Dad more than time. He also bankrupted several casinos. His business model is built on fraud and swindle. Not much man any fucking way.
You lie so much your delusion has caused you to believe those lies
Casinos bankrupted by P01135809.

Trump Taj Mahal - 1991.

Trump Plaza - 1992.

Trump Castle - 1992.

Trump Hotels & Resorts Inc. - 2004.

Which begs the question. How can P01135809 bankrupt a casino when the house sets the limit.

Trump's Casinos Were Failures In Atlantic City a 'Protracted Failure'.

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P01135809 got bailed his Dad more than time. He also bankrupted several casinos. His business model is built on fraud and swindle. Not much man any fucking way.
Meanwhile…outside of that bizarre as fuck Twilight Zone where LefTards dwell…Donny turned millions into billions…Sane people ask; if the Mean Orange Guy can do it…why don’t all millionaires become billionaires?
Casinos bankrupted by P01135809.

Trump Taj Mahal - 1991.

Trump Plaza - 1992.

Trump Castle - 1992.

Trump Hotels & Resorts Inc. - 2004.

Which begs the question. How can P01135809 bankrupt a casino when the house sets the limit.

Trump's Casinos Were Failures In Atlantic City a 'Protracted Failure'.

50 years in business, 500 companies, 20,000 employees, hundreds of millions contributed to the treasury and NO personal bankruptcies….and the disgusting Twilight Zoning abnormals talk shit about Trumps six CORPORATE bankruptcies….hahaha.

Meanwhile, the very same backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners will champion and support the multiple bankruptcy filings of non-contributing, taxpayer draining Guadalupe and Gustavo as they can’t figure out how to feed their litter of seven anchor babies because “THE SYSTEM”.
Gee, why don’t sane normal people take lefties seriously?
50 years in business, 500 companies, 20,000 employees, hundreds of millions contributed to the treasury and NO personal bankruptcies….and the disgusting Twilight Zoning abnormals talk shit about Trumps six CORPORATE bankruptcies….hahaha.

Meanwhile, the very same backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners will champion and support the multiple bankruptcy filings of non-contributing, taxpayer draining Guadalupe and Gustavo as they can’t figure out how to feed their litter of seven anchor babies because “THE SYSTEM”.
Gee, why don’t sane normal people take lefties seriously?

You certainly fit your name, a born loser who blames anyone but himself for failures in life. Which for you must be many indeed.
No deflection from me vermin. I have proved that you have no fucking idea about what socialism actually is. It's OK though we no at best you are a Bingo!
I told you that socialism takes away income from people that have more and gives the money to others who have less

And you have not proved me wrong

Taxpayer A earns enough money to pay cash for a new car, but its Welfare Bum B who is driving it
Broke Dick ain't got anything to say. He is very much loser, just like P01135809 is a loser.
Racist is going to racist

I"m not the one throwing racial slurs, that is all broke dick loser. I am quite correct in stating the North American Caucasoid (White) is NOT Native and NOT Indigenous to North America. If you are White you are an Immigrant.

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