Bootstrap BS. This "Self Made" GOP Senate Candidate Got Big Bucks From His Family

Is this another one of those not so cleverly written…”give me and Mexico’s people free shit….we deserve other peoples shit” sort of threads?
Gee…I wonder why core Americans hate your fucking guts and want you in a 21st century Auschwitz?
S'matter? Afraid you'll run out of gold plated toilets to scrub if tax laws are enforced on your billionaire keepers, suckhole?
I didn't even bother to read the rest of that stupidity.

I rarely do with your posts.

Tiger laughing.jpg

How did the billionaires convince you guys to polish their collective dicks daily and stay poor at the same time? That's a seriously good trick. Next level mind control crap I'm telling you.
Oh stfu, get back down on Brandon, and toss his salad some more.
No, it's the same 2&ers who are screwing the rest of us out of hundreds of billions of dollars in tax revenue using every trick in the book to dodge tax enforcement, you right wing Trump asslicking fucktwit.

The 2%ers who sit on their ass pushing paper around as THEY feed off the public trough. Go polish some more billionaire's turds, asswipe.
Tell us beggar…how do you get screwed when others get to keep more of what they earn?
S'matter? Afraid you'll run out of gold plated toilets to scrub if tax laws are enforced on your billionaire keepers, suckhole?
Why don’t beggars just get better jobs?
Thats to be expected from a well managed savings account

They should be getting much more but government is not well managed
M9st people do not manage their retirement money well. Lack of knowledge and resources to do so being the big factors.
So again are you collecting or are you going to collect your money from social security vermin?
Is this another one of those not so cleverly written…”give me and Mexico’s people free shit….we deserve other peoples shit” sort of threads?
Gee…I wonder why core Americans hate your fucking guts and want you in a 21st century Auschwitz?

People like you are not "core murekans".
People like you are the antichrist!
And while Donald Trump appears to apply his makeup each morning with a caulk gun and mortar trowel, he’s not self-made either—not even close.
Yep. He was handed $400 million, an established name and elite connections, and has gone bankrupt how many times?

But they'll still believe he and they are "self made".
M9st people do not manage their retirement money well. Lack of knowledge and resources to do so being the big factors.
So again are you collecting or are you going to collect your money from social security vermin?
I’m not here to talk about me

The topic is bigger than either of us are advocating for death camps, eh? Not a surprise.
I absolutely am…As it turns out it’s not China or Russia or North Korea or Iran that is the greatest existential threat to America…It’s the purple haired faggot with nose rings, neck tattoos and skinny jeans in disgusting shitholes like Seattle, Portland, south Mexifornia, Loon York etc etc.
I absolutely am…As it turns out it’s not China or Russia or North Korea or Iran that is the greatest existential threat to America…It’s the purple haired faggot with nose rings, neck tattoos and skinny jeans in disgusting shitholes like Seattle, Portland, south Mexifornia, Loon York etc etc.
Just because you don't agree with other people's lifestyles that doesn't mean they're an "existential" threat to Amerca. You some kind of saint, you asswipe?

And who the fuck gave you the right to pass judgement on anyone,,shit for brains?
There’s really no such thing as a self-made man. It’s a pernicious myth that conservatives use to shame anyone who’s not financially successful. Elon Musk isn’t self-made. The Koch Brothers certainly weren’t, either. And while Donald Trump appears to apply his makeup each morning with a caulk gun and mortar trowel, he’s not self-made either—not even close.

But while conservatives often decry so-called “nanny states” and the cradle-to-grave security the social safety net provides to our most vulnerable citizens, they’re certainly not averse to taking money from their parents. Which would be fine if they weren’t so quick to shame those struggling, working-poor Americans without access to trust funds.

Yeah, that’s pretty typical, actually. A dude who grew up in a well-to-do family surrounded by other well-to-do families is bound to see his circumstances as ordinary, even if they’d be considered extraordinary to anyone without a similar birthright. After all, who among us can recall with any precision how many emerald mines our dads owned?

We had to walk to school uphill in the snow. Both ways.

P01135809 got bailed his Dad more than time. He also bankrupted several casinos. His business model is built on fraud and swindle. Not much man any fucking way.

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