Booze-fueled mayhem in Wasilla documented

"Harrowing details" ..... :lol:

The lefty liberals still shake in fear at the name Sarah Palin. .. :cuckoo:


Not true.

It's not fear at the name.

It's the wind on the wet diapers causing them to go all hypothermic and shivver. The prospect of a Palin presidency crosses what passes for their minds every now and again and they wet themselves from THAT fear.

But libs smell bad naturally so I guess it's not all THAT important!

"White on white violence".

Sad to see the tragedy of endless, bloody black-on-black violence trivialized and minimized in this way.

Generations of black kids born into this misery, told from Day One that white people are out to get them and that there is no hope.

Generations of black kids having politically correct whites enabling their bad behavior with excuses, refusing to hold them accountable, automatically branding anyone who does as "racist".

Blacks have been victimized twice in this country's history, the second time by white people riddled with guilt and claiming to "care".

Fucking tragedy.

Look at all the conservatives here, enabling white-on-white violence. No wonder they're such a savage race.
The lefty liberals still shake in fear at the name Sarah Palin.

Shake with fear? More like, laugh with disbelief that anyone would consider redneck Barbie as a suitable candidate for VP or higher. :lmao:
I'd be much more concerned if the mayhem wasn't booze-fueled.
Fists fly in a brawl in freaking Alaska and the low information left calls it an example of "white on white violence". Live by the cliche and die by the cliche. No wonder Americans are fed up with democrat idiocracy.
Naturally all the liberals decrying the response to the liberal thugs attacks on the Palin children have entirely eschewed alcohol!

Of course that only means they believe somebody has developed alcoholic bubble-gum.
Let's review:

Progressive "tough guy" Calls Bristol a c u n t

Bristol pummels him and Progs line up behind the Prog 'tough guy"


Libs are pathetic
You know someone other than far left PDS sufferer might pay attention to this if the source linked someone other than it's self. I don't think even MSDNC the biggest PDS sufferer's out there has been dumb enough to air this so called story that really say's it all.
Booze-fueled mayhem in Wasilla documented

So is this your far left head quarters from which you post from?

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