Border agents in Rio Grande Valley arrest 1900 this weekend.

Don't think I haven't noticed your failure to refute anything I said....
Oh.....Vox. :icon_rolleyes:. Wow....there really is no need to refute absolute nonsense. It cancels itself out.

"Bazillions and gazillions of illegals in a Mexican Muslim controlled nation"? Hilariously absurd.
This is for all the dumbasses saying we need a wall along the Rio Grande.

You can build a wall -- except here, a river runs through it
Could not read your LATimes linked article because I am not a subscriber, but that topic has already been noted and discussed by a number of parties for a long time. Some are suggesting a wall as far as a mile in off the Rio Grande. But they also realize once on U.S. soil these folks cannot be turned around as easily (legally), so they are also discussing having to change the laws. Or are you suggesting we are powerless to do anything about our open borders because of the river so abandon the whole idea?
Now what was it about the Rio Grande border? No something. No roads. That's not it. No houses. That's not it. Oh I know! There's NO WALL!

Border Patrol agents arrest 1,900 immigrants over the weekend in the RGV

Glad to see our President is stiffening up the border in Texas. Under Obama, it was so porous, that even Osama Ladin could cross from Mexico to America.

unlike along our northern border.

Actually, the border patrol is very strict on the northern frontier.

A friend of mine rode up to Canada and it was no problem getting admitted.

But when Johnny came back, they didn't want to let him back into his own country. He's sort of slow witted but pretty aggressive especially with the language as he has a touch of the Tourette's.

He really ripped the border agents a new one until admitted back into his own country

how many miles of wall on our northern border.
From the article: >>>Her research — and the research of many other social scientists studying the rise of Trump, Brexit, and other examples of nationalistic backlash around the world… Perhaps one day social scientists will figure out how to get people of different backgrounds to live among one another and not be afraid. But for now, the perceived “threat” of demographic change is making voters fearful and, in turn, giving power to politicians who implicitly or explicitly stoke that fear.<<<

This is asinine, imo, or politically motivated by your psychologist author. 1500 young British girls and women were raped over a ten year period in Rotherham, England. It was totally covered up (-- does not seem possible?) by the British politicians and the police network. At least the identity of the perpetrators, being almost exclusive Pakistani Muslims was covered up. Are you suggesting this is not a gigantic reason for anger and fear by the British folk?

For you to suggest the reason conservatives here are angry, and fearful, of a porous open border is because we do not want more minorities in our midst is a total lie, and no doubt used for political gain. The presence of 12 – 20 million illegals in our nation – believe it or not --- can cause a lot of real problems, risks, fears and economic burdens. Does someone really have to expound as to what those issues are? Or is it simply what your lame psychologist is allegedly saying, i.e. white people are against open borders because they don’t like brown people? When in the past have conservatives objected to the legal process of letting minorities enter the USA? When have they ever said it is too many?

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