Border deal is DOA

They need to regroup and find a better plan. Johnson wants the two sides to get serious about immigration.

the only plan the USA needs is enforce US immigration laws

BIden and the Dems dealing with the border

LOL believe it or not I've had exactly the same image in my mind about them for ages now. :auiqs.jpg:

MAGA has lost this battle behind closed doors. The border deal is a done deal.

What battle? I never saw any bill.

Proof positive that the Republicans have no honest desire to do anything about illegal immigration. Why would they? Keeping immigration as a crisis red meat for their base.

And where did these absurd claims come from? Your ass?
What in the bill needs to be eliminated, where it makes you prefer not to improve border security?
It doesn’t improve border security

Also, it isn’t needed. Our President could already have shut the border with the laws we already have in place.

It’s a con job.

We don’t have to set up a “trigger” with some massive number of immigrants on any given day. Just — now, right fucking now — shut down entry to every single illegal immigrant. Period.

Find and detain all present day illegal immigrants already here. And as rapidly as possible, put them into their hearings and when found to be illegally here, ship them out.

If we need more immigration border patrol personnel, cool. Fund and hire. Now. No preconditions.

If we need more of the immigration “courts” and immigration “judges,” cool. Fund and hire and maybe build and rent now. Of course, that might also require more “court” security personnel. Cool. Fund and hire. Immediately.

And if we need some more illegal immigrant detention facilities; ok. Fund and build. Now.

After months and years of complaining about the border, now that a deal is on the table, the MAGA repubs don't want to see anything. They want the border to be a issue for their nominee named trump. This is going to blow up in their faces. Their bowing to trump on their knees is going too far. The blame for the mess on the border is now in their laps.

After months and years of complaining about the border, now that a deal is on the table, the MAGA repubs don't want to see anything. They want the border to be a issue for their nominee named trump. This is going to blow up in their faces. Their bowing to trump on their knees is going too far. The blame for the mess on the border is now in their laps.

It's not a deal, it's a surrender.

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