Border Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It used to be that the only attackers the U.S. Border Patrol agents had to worrry about while doing their jobs, were the illegal aliens themselves, armed Mexican coyote agents, and fruitcake La Raza fanatics.

Now the U.S. Government is also threatening them, for daring to exercise their 1st amendment right to speak to reporters about non-classified matters.

Working under the Obama administration is becoming more dangerous every day.

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

He was more right than any of us knew. We should have listened more carefully, back then.


Border Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters

Border Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters

by Kristin Tate13 Jun 2014

HOUSTON, Texas—A surge of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has left federal resources and facilities overwhelmed. Most of the new migrants are children from Central America. In the aftermath of Breitbart Texas releasing photos showing minors warehoused in crowded U.S. cells, Border Patrol agents in Texas have been instructed not to speak to media outlets.

The Associated Press (AP) obtained an email from Eligio "Lee" Pena, an assistant patrol agent, that ordered more than 3,000 agents to not speak to reporters about the "humanitarian crisis." The email allegedly said that reporters are likely to press for details and "may try to disguise themselves" in the process."

Pena's email went on to warn agents that they could be disciplined or even charged with a crime if they speak to media, according to the AP.

Since the news of the spike in foreign minors, Border Patrol contacts--many of whom used to speak on the record regularly--have not returned numerous phone calls or emails from Breitbart Texas.

The silence comes in the face of the apprehension of 47,000 foreign children traveling alone to the U.S. since October. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson implied at a press conference on Thursday that many of the children will not be deported.

This is not the first time Border Patrol agents have been ordered to remain silent on an issue. In May, Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) ordered agents not to speak to reporters regarding the 36,000 convicted criminal illegal immigrants that were released onto U.S. soil. "We were given specific instructions not to comment on that report," said Greg Palmore, a Texas-based ICE spokesman, during a phone interview with Breitbart Texas. He was referring to the report by the Center for Immigration Studies that outlined the criminals' release.
Will Barack Obama threaten these newspapers, too, for printing what they're printinng?

Oh, I guess he can't.

And wouldn't.


Central American Newspapers Encouraging Minors to Enter US Illegally

Central American Newspapers Encouraging Minors to Enter US Illegally

La Prensa, a popular newspaper in Honduras with a circulation of more than 60,000 units, recently released a report called "U.S. military base in California used to house juveniles."

A translation from Spanish to English shows that the La Prensa report reads, "According to authorities today announced the base, the [children] will be accommodated between 3 and 4 months, while their parents or relatives in the United States responsible for their care are [located]."

It continued, "During your stay, plus accommodation and food, children receive English classes, play sports and participate in targeted programs while immigration authorities contact their families. According to the Department of Homeland Security in 2013, 88% of children met with a family who took care of them after spending an average of 40 days under the responsibility of the authorities...The costs of accommodation and other activities of children, including cleanliness and maintenance of facilities and equipment and repairs, among others, are the responsibility of the DHS. All minors who have entered illegally, but are allowed to remain in the country, also initiate a legal process that will decide their stay or deportation."

Newsmax pointed out that Diario El Mundo, a paper in El Salvador, recently reported that U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said, "Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than Adult violators of the law."
Typical actions of a tyrant trying to protect their realm.

We no longer have an American president. Just someone who hates this country and wants to see its destruction.
Is there really any difference any more, between the government of the United States, and the government of a third-world banana republic trying to stay in power?

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