Border Patrol on Verge of Collapse as Record Number of Illegals Enter


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's disgusting. Around 2,000 arrests made daily just on the Texas border. People walk right up to border guards to get arrested because they know they'll be taken to a safe place, get fed and there is no chance of deportation. People around the world heard that Obama is planning to grant amnesty by executive order and they are showing up in droves. Obama has done more for non-citizens than American citizens.

Unfortunately, the illegal aliens are not checked at health facilities and may well bring diseases into the country. Not that Dems are concerned about people's health.

Meanwhile, no one puts pressure on any other country to do more for their people and keep them home. It's like the "in" thing to do now is take advantage of the stupid American tax payers.

Maybe someday we'll have people in Washington who will put the citizens of the U.S. first.

Border Patrol on Verge of Collapse
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