Border troops authorized to use force, detain illegal immigrants: Report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
How long before a Federal Judge gets their robe in a twist and issues an injunction? This is what a president is supposed to do, protect America!

The White House has signed a memo granting the troops stationed at the border authority to engage in some law enforcement and to use lethal force if they are in danger, according to a report in Military Times.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed the memo, which allows troops to assist the Border Patrol in crowd control and even detaining illegal immigrants, the paper reported.

The memo appears to make good on President Trump’s insistence that the military play a more active role in preventing the migrant caravans from overrunning the U.S. border, as they did a month ago on Mexico’s southern border.

Homeland Security signaled it would welcome the assistance.

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Well, that oughta scare the poop out of 'em.

I hope it remains peaceful. Our troops are well trained, so I'm confident it will.
John Kelly can't make that legal by signing a memo. This is just another example of Trump's white house trying to overstep their authority. The courts won't allow that order to stand.
John Kelly can't make that legal by signing a memo. This is just another example of Trump's white house trying to overstep their authority. The courts won't allow that order to stand.

From the OP's link......................................

The White House has sent a memo to the Pentagon granting troops stationed at the border authority to engage in some law enforcement and to use lethal force if they are in danger.

The Defense Department said it’s received the memo and is “reviewing it,” suggesting the new policy is not yet operational.

Interestingly enough, the OP left out the second paragraph in their post. The DoD is reviewing it, and it isn't operational yet. But, I don't really think that this is gonna fly, because of the Posse Comitatus Act. There are only 3 reasons that the active duty military can be deployed inside the borders.........

1) When requested by the state governor or legislature for help in putting down an insurrection that has gotten out of hand and they need the military to stop it.

2) Whenever nuclear weapons are lost. The military is the best equipped to search for, find, and recover those items.

3) Whenever chemical and bio weapons are lost. Same reason as nuclear weapons.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.

I don't have a problem with the NG being called for duty on the border. That is one of their functions.

But, because of the Posse Comitatus Act, I have a big problem with active duty military being deployed inside our borders.

At least, when Obama and Jr. did it, they used NG and not the active duty military.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.

I don't have a problem with the NG being called for duty on the border. That is one of their functions.

But, because of the Posse Comitatus Act, I have a big problem with active duty military being deployed inside our borders.

At least, when Obama and Jr. did it, they used NG and not the active duty military.

Just another example of Trump's massive ignorance, and lack of desire to find out what being a real president requires.
The military defending against a foreign invasion...look at the scum against it.
How long before a Federal Judge gets their robe in a twist and issues an injunction? This is what a president is supposed to do, protect America!

The White House has signed a memo granting the troops stationed at the border authority to engage in some law enforcement and to use lethal force if they are in danger, according to a report in Military Times.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly signed the memo, which allows troops to assist the Border Patrol in crowd control and even detaining illegal immigrants, the paper reported.

The memo appears to make good on President Trump’s insistence that the military play a more active role in preventing the migrant caravans from overrunning the U.S. border, as they did a month ago on Mexico’s southern border.

Homeland Security signaled it would welcome the assistance.

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What I have seen from the Mexican media we are going to need more active troops on the border. It was reported that the planners ,who ever they are, have the plan to rush the border violently to gain a foothold on the US side of the border. In the back ground the Democratic 9th Federal make rules that Trump can not take action against the Invaders. The same court who said he could not stop people from places like Iran could be be admitted to the USA, which was overturned.
Kent State mark II.

I see you're still hoping for that civil war.

No, more that I am aware of the potential for things to go out of control. Things can escalate fast, and the possibility of an overreaction causing all sorts of problems is obvious.

You know, if things were to escalate and get out of control because of mistakes being made, I would be more worried about the NG making them than the active duty military.

Remember Abu Grahib? That was done by NG soldiers who had no sense of military bearing or how to handle prisoners. They were too busy acting out their Rambo fantasies.
Kent State mark II.

I see you're still hoping for that civil war.

No, more that I am aware of the potential for things to go out of control. Things can escalate fast, and the possibility of an overreaction causing all sorts of problems is obvious.

Say what you want. It's easy to see you are like a kid waiting on Christmas to get here. Keep hoping for that armed conflict if you must, but I suspect you will be disappointed.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.

I don't have a problem with the NG being called for duty on the border. That is one of their functions.

But, because of the Posse Comitatus Act, I have a big problem with active duty military being deployed inside our borders.

At least, when Obama and Jr. did it, they used NG and not the active duty military.

The board already had this 17-page argument. Posse Comitatus does not apply in this matter, though I agree the NG should be the prime actor.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.

I don't have a problem with the NG being called for duty on the border. That is one of their functions.

But, because of the Posse Comitatus Act, I have a big problem with active duty military being deployed inside our borders.

At least, when Obama and Jr. did it, they used NG and not the active duty military.

The board already had this 17-page argument. Posse Comitatus does not apply in this matter, though I agree the NG should be the prime actor.

There are only 3 reasons that the active duty military can be used inside our borders...................

1) When the state governor or legislature requests assistance in putting down an insurrection, and the state doesn't have the ability to deal with it.

2) When nuclear weapons are lost. The military is the best equipped to search for, find, and recover nuclear weapons.

3) Whenever chemical or bio weapons are lost. Same reason as why they use the military for nukes.

Other than that? You can't use the military as law enforcement inside the borders.
I still have issue with Active Duty troops operating inside the US, however I would have no issue at all with the National Guard being called up for duty on the boarder.

I don't have a problem with the NG being called for duty on the border. That is one of their functions.

But, because of the Posse Comitatus Act, I have a big problem with active duty military being deployed inside our borders.

At least, when Obama and Jr. did it, they used NG and not the active duty military.

The board already had this 17-page argument. Posse Comitatus does not apply in this matter, though I agree the NG should be the prime actor.

So I guess that a thread here supersedes our laws now. Good to know.
Stopping an illegal invasion is excellent use of our military, and even more so now that they can use deadly force.

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