Boris rocked as senior ministers quit over his lying

Ha ha.. I nearly have a thing for Angela Rayner.. I nearly fancy her.. the Tories seem obsessed with her..

Err Boris.. I think Boris tries very hard with his agenda.. perhaps, althou I'll never work for him, but maybe if ppl do then they discover he fights like a tiger for his personal loves which would be britain, and especially that 'illusion of mirrors' europe..
But..this week is just too much, even for him I think.. he'll throw the proverbial kitchen sink at this now to stop himself 'sinking', but.. gosh 46 I think resignations in 24hrs.. even if I was trying to piss ppl off I don't think I could cause that amount of damage to a political party that he has, so.. it's inevitable now.. dunno when he'll go, but surely now he will have to go..
Can they hold more than 1 leadership challenge in a year? I suppose that might save him this year..
To be continued as they say..

Odds are Johnson will go tonight. Tomorrow is PMQs which he hates and after that he is due to appear before a commons committee. He is likely to be roasted there anyway.

He is a lying tory **** and his time is up. There is no way back from this.

Problem is, he can't be ousted. He can stay as long as he can get people to be ministers and as long as MPs don't quit the party forcing a General Election.
And ... the last time a sitting Parliament was dissolved by a monarch before the end of its term was 1830. The monarch was William IV, 181 years AFTER the execution of Charles I.
1975 in Oz, the Whitlam government, Shirley?
How come a vote of no confidence from Parliament won't do it?

A vote of no confidence with the party has just happened and you can have only one a year.

With parliament, it won't work because the Tories have a big majority. They got less than 10,000 votes more than Labour and the Lib Dems, but 150 more seats.

Such is FPTP nonsense. (Yep, the US has this nonsense outdated system too)
Ha ha.. I nearly have a thing for Angela Rayner.. I nearly fancy her.. the Tories seem obsessed with her..

Just because she’s got long hair?

It seems Tommy’s obsessed with Boris. Endless threads about it.
Err Boris.. I think Boris tries very hard with his agenda.. perhaps, althou I'll never work for him, but maybe if ppl do then they discover he fights like a tiger for his personal loves which would be britain, and especially that 'illusion of mirrors' europe..

Don’t you think the voting public of Britain should decide this matter?

And not the hoo ha Henry’s of Westminster. Each with their own self serving agendas.
51 now. Last night they were going on about Boris believing that because 'the people' voted for HIM with such a majority he must stay or it will be undemocratic. Of course people did not vote for HIM, they voted for the Party who did believe he was the only person who could beat Labour under Corbyn. I don't think Boris believes he has done anything wrong. He comes from the aristocracy and one of their beliefs was/is that they can do things which would not be acceptable if done by the 'common' people. I think that is why he did not see a problem in appointing Pincher. I don't know Pincher's background but Boris seems to be treating him as if he was from the Aristocracy and forgiving him and giving him another chance for his 'mistakes'which happened when he was drunk so someone appointed to look after him when he was. The actual problem of him using his position to try and force men to have sex with him completely not seen as a problem. In the same way emotionally he would not see any problem in his people having a party at Christmas. They would not be expected to act as 'common' people..

Boris also seems to be believing that the Brexit people will be determined to keep him in. He has as with his policy on Refugees been working to get the votes of the far right in the UK. Sadly for him I doubt that England has anything like the proportion of them the US does.

It looks like he no longer has the support of enough people in his own party to carry on. Last night they were saying he would not resign whatever but the way it is going he would be running the country on his own.

Britain is down the toilet after Brexit. This way Boris can be given all the blame. The Far Right of the Tory Party has for a very short time managed to rule it. It looks like that is over.
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Err Boris.. I think Boris tries very hard with his agenda.. perhaps, althou I'll never work for him, but maybe if ppl do then they discover he fights like a tiger for his personal loves which would be britain, and especially that 'illusion of mirrors' europe..
Wow. I thought it blindingly obvious Boris' personal love is Boris.

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