Boris rocked as senior ministers quit over his lying

The newly elected Chancellor has not resigned but has told Boris he must stand down.
I don't get, if Johnson is so unpopular even within his own party, then why don't they just vote him out in the parliament?

Odds are Johnson will go tonight. Tomorrow is PMQs which he hates and after that he is due to appear before a commons committee. He is likely to be roasted there anyway.

He is a lying tory **** and his time is up. There is no way back from this.
Johnson is truly the British Trump.

And whether it’s the UK or US – conservatives are all the same: dishonest liars.
The BBC has just said that they believe Boris is now accepting that there is no way he can carry on. Last night he thought he could reshuffle his cabinet, This morning it has become obvious that no one would accept positions leaving him no possibility but to resign. The BBC are saying they do not know the mechanics of how he will resign, will he stay on till the next PM is voted for etc, but they now believe he has accepted that he must resign sometime today.
Regarding the process Johnson has apparently said that he will remain as PM until the new one is elected. He has every right to do this but apparently people in the Party are already shouting out against this.
Regarding the process Johnson has apparently said that he will remain as PM until the new one is elected. He has every right to do this but apparently people in the Party are already shouting out against this.
The guy will do anything to cling to power
Nicola Sturgeon has welcomed the news that Boris is resigning but says the problem goes a lot deeper. She says the Westminster system is broken.

The BBC also said the Tory Party is now completely divided. That makes sense. It was before they elected Boris.

Odds are Johnson will go tonight. Tomorrow is PMQs which he hates and after that he is due to appear before a commons committee. He is likely to be roasted there anyway.

He is a lying tory **** and his time is up. There is no way back from this.
Who cares he's a globo homo inc establishment fag
Your fake opposition
He seems immune to humiliation.

He's a Tory. Tories want money number one through number 6 billion. Then after that it's other stuff. Boris made himself into the fool, the buffoon, so any humiliation is just part of the act.
He seems immune to humiliation.
The BBC are now talking about not allowing him to stay on until a New PM is voted in which they believe might not be till the Autumn. I don't know if they can do this or if they are trying to humiliate him, which clearly he is trying to avoid.
He's a Tory. Tories want money number one through number 6 billion. Then after that it's other stuff. Boris made himself into the fool, the buffoon, so any humiliation is just part of the act.
Yes, I can agree with you that with Boris that is part of his 'Political 'Character''. Real humiliation, feeling that who you are has been diminished though is something very different and psychologically hard to bear.
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Regarding the process Johnson has apparently said that he will remain as PM until the new one is elected. He has every right to do this but apparently people in the Party are already shouting out against this.
Not if they kick him out. Boris should be thrown out...

Labour can bring a no confidence motion next week and Boris would need to have the backing of the majority... I don't think he would get that until possibly October...

The Caretaker PM should be:
1. Not Boris
2. Not Candidate for future leader or major cabinet job.

Get a senior Tory politician to take the job in the meantime... Ministers have clearly said they don't want to work with Boris...
The BBC are now talking about not allowing him to stay on until a New PM is voted in which they believe might not be till the Autumn. I don't know if they can do this or if they are trying to humiliate him, which clearly he is trying to avoid.
Simple vote in the house of commons...

Labour table it, do we think the Tories want to go on record as supporting Boris any longer than they have too..

Labour will give them space to figure out a Caretaker PM and let the country be led by him/her...

Labour would have a field day if Boris was left in charge...
Not if they kick him out. Boris should be thrown out...

Labour can bring a no confidence motion next week and Boris would need to have the backing of the majority... I don't think he would get that until possibly October...

The Caretaker PM should be:
1. Not Boris
2. Not Candidate for future leader or major cabinet job.

Get a senior Tory politician to take the job in the meantime... Ministers have clearly said they don't want to work with Boris...
OK Boris is apparently intending on staying on till the next PM is elected and is apparently going to announce a cabinet in the next short while. That is that there are a number of MP's who although not wanting to work with him permanently are prepared to do this until a new PM is voted in. Obviously with this he could change his legacy and leave without humiliation. This possibly is the divide in the Conservative Party showing itself.
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