Bos refuses to raise Christian flag at city hall! But the gay flag! The fight is on

If we didn't know there was a Christian flag to begin with, we would have no reason to look it up on Google. I don't know why the others didn't know, but I'm Jewish.
Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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Shared... state judges can be voted off of the bench, recalled and/or removed. The people can be rallied to get that done if they are willing.
christian sharia, eh?
Actually it is call an representative government. If the people feel a judge or politician is out of line they have the absolute right to rally the people and toss such out of office or off of the bench. There is no such thing as "christian sharia" only hateful bitches like you who would attempt to push off a truly hateful political ideology as the Islamic religion that lives by the carnal flesh which is willing to oppress women, abuse children, torture and kill people as if it is comparable to Christianity which it is not.
Seriously, how is it that in 2020 people still don't know how to fucking use Google?
It's easier to defend Boston's bigoted actions by making an issue of the Christian flag, to change the subject, than to
actually discuss the issues raised by Boston's authoritarian stonewalling.

Anything to change the subject like a bunch of lying cowards.
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
You probably also believe Trump is not your president well he is and we have a Christian flag
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."

It originated in 1897 and incorporated into many churches in 1942. As already noted.

Christian Flag - Wikipedia
Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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I know you Russians have no Bill of Rights but here in America we do.

Ours includes the fact that the government can't put one religion before another and we all have freedom of religion.

If they put a christian flag out there they would have to put a flag for muslims, jewish, hindu, pagan and every other religion. Or they don't fly one at all.

Which is what they chose to do.

A flag for china or homosexuals isn't religious. A christian flag is.

If you want to fly a christian flag do it at your church or any other privately owned property.

If they flew a christian flag the city would be sued because it's unconstitutional and illegal.

If it's gone national then none of the major news services have picked it up. This post is the first I've heard of this so your claim that it's national and everyone is upset is nothing more than lies.

For heavens sake, learn about America before you lie and try to pass yourself off as an American. That way you have more of a chance for your lies to not be exposed.
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Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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I know you Russians have no Bill of Rights but here in America we do.

Ours includes the fact that the government can't put one religion before another and we all have freedom of religion.

If they put a christian flag out there they would have to put a flag for muslims, jewish, hindu, pagan and every other religion. Or they don't fly one at all.

Which is what they chose to do.

A flag for china or homosexuals isn't religious. A christian flag is.

If you want to fly a christian flag do it at your church or any other privately owned property.

If they flew a christian flag the city would be sued because it's unconstitutional and illegal.

For heavens sake, learn about America before you lie and try to pass yourself off as an American. That way you have more of a chance for your lies to not be exposed.
Who’s saying other religions can’t fly???
Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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I know you Russians have no Bill of Rights but here in America we do.

Ours includes the fact that the government can't put one religion before another and we all have freedom of religion.

If they put a christian flag out there they would have to put a flag for muslims, jewish, hindu, pagan and every other religion. Or they don't fly one at all.

Which is what they chose to do.

A flag for china or homosexuals isn't religious. A christian flag is.

If you want to fly a christian flag do it at your church or any other privately owned property.

If they flew a christian flag the city would be sued because it's unconstitutional and illegal.

For heavens sake, learn about America before you lie and try to pass yourself off as an American. That way you have more of a chance for your lies to not be exposed.
Who’s saying other religions can’t fly???

Most likely the city doesn't want the headaches of flying a Islamic flag.
Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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I know you Russians have no Bill of Rights but here in America we do.

Ours includes the fact that the government can't put one religion before another and we all have freedom of religion.

If they put a christian flag out there they would have to put a flag for muslims, jewish, hindu, pagan and every other religion. Or they don't fly one at all.

Which is what they chose to do.

A flag for china or homosexuals isn't religious. A christian flag is.

If you want to fly a christian flag do it at your church or any other privately owned property.

If they flew a christian flag the city would be sued because it's unconstitutional and illegal.

For heavens sake, learn about America before you lie and try to pass yourself off as an American. That way you have more of a chance for your lies to not be exposed.
Who’s saying other religions can’t fly???

Most likely the city doesn't want the headaches of flying a Islamic flag.
So don’t fly it .. we have courts .. let that judge be jobless
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
You probably also believe Trump is not your president well he is and we have a Christian flag

Well, I just learned where this flag came from. I learned something that I didn't know. But why should it fly over Boston City Hall? It's a symbol of a particular religion.

Why do you drag your orange whore into this conversation, which is about a flag representing a certain religious faith flying over a city town hall. He holds the title of "president" but has said many times, out of his own mouth, that he is the "president" only of republicans and not democrats. No. He is not "my president." I repudiate him and he is worth only my spit on his face.
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
You probably also believe Trump is not your president well he is and we have a Christian flag

Well, I just learned where this flag came from. I learned something that I didn't know. But why should it fly over Boston City Hall? It's a symbol of a particular religion.

Why do you drag your orange whore into this conversation, which is about a flag representing a certain religious faith flying over a city town hall. He holds the title of "president" but has said many times, out of his own mouth, that he is the "president" only of republicans and not democrats. No. He is not "my president." I repudiate him and he is worth only my spit on his face.
You know spitting on his face is assult and battery would you like me to contact somebody to make sure you don’t do that sir
I know you Russians have no Bill of Rights but here in America we do.

Ours includes the fact that the government can't put one religion before another and we all have freedom of religion.

If they put a christian flag out there they would have to put a flag for muslims, jewish, hindu, pagan and every other religion. Or they don't fly one at all.

Which is what they chose to do.

A flag for china or homosexuals isn't religious. A christian flag is.

If you want to fly a christian flag do it at your church or any other privately owned property.

If they flew a christian flag the city would be sued because it's unconstitutional and illegal.

For heavens sake, learn about America before you lie and try to pass yourself off as an American. That way you have more of a chance for your lies to not be exposed.
So one might think if one had a poor grasp of the subject and a bias against Christianity.

Just as we can put the word God on our money so Boston could honor Christianity for it's important cultural and historical significance....even more important than homosexuality or the authoritarian Communist Chinese nation, believe it or not.

Boston could fly that flag, if there was any political will or backbone in Boston, which there is not.

OR they could stop flying divisive and politically expedient flags of any sort if they find it too offensive to endure and
unthinkable to fly a Christian banner

Here's a counter thought...why don't YOU learn about this matter before you go around making a clown of yourself
and impugning other people's understanding of this nation? Or do you like embarrassing yourself?
In God We Trust - Wikipedia
Boston Has Flown 300 Flags at City Hall but Rejects Christian Flag - Judge Says That's OK

City of Boston has flown over 300 flags including the communist Chinese flag the homosexual flag why can’t the majority of peoples religion in Boston put their flag on our hall! It doesn’t belong to the mayor it doesn’t belong to the judge it belongs to the people

Turkish flag several times despite its Islamic symbolism, according to the Boston Herald.

FAITHWIRE: Boston Bans Christian Flag While Allowing 284 Other Flags to Fly

In addition, the city has flown the Cuban, Chinese, and Vatican flags in front of its municipal buildings. The city has also hoisted the LGBTQ rainbow flag.
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
You probably also believe Trump is not your president well he is and we have a Christian flag

Well, I just learned where this flag came from. I learned something that I didn't know. But why should it fly over Boston City Hall? It's a symbol of a particular religion.

Why do you drag your orange whore into this conversation, which is about a flag representing a certain religious faith flying over a city town hall. He holds the title of "president" but has said many times, out of his own mouth, that he is the "president" only of republicans and not democrats. No. He is not "my president." I repudiate him and he is worth only my spit on his face.
You know spitting on his face is assult and battery would you like me to contact somebody to make sure you don’t do that sir

Funny. I know that I can't assault the pig. But you morons keep insisting that we all ought to reverential to the filthy scumbag and his queerdo running mate. You like scum. I don't.
I've never heard that there was such a thing as "the Christian flag" and I've been a Christian all my life. Where did this "Christian flag" come from? There is no need of such a thing. I bet that it originated with this trash sect of people who call themselves Christians who ever try to showboat all over the place: the "Look-At-Me" types; king-of-the-hill. Christianity, along with other religions, is supposed to teach humility, service to others, care for the "least of these."
You probably also believe Trump is not your president well he is and we have a Christian flag

Well, I just learned where this flag came from. I learned something that I didn't know. But why should it fly over Boston City Hall? It's a symbol of a particular religion.

Why do you drag your orange whore into this conversation, which is about a flag representing a certain religious faith flying over a city town hall. He holds the title of "president" but has said many times, out of his own mouth, that he is the "president" only of republicans and not democrats. No. He is not "my president." I repudiate him and he is worth only my spit on his face.
You know spitting on his face is assult and battery would you like me to contact somebody to make sure you don’t do that sir

Funny. I know that I can't assault the pig. But you morons keep insisting that we all ought to reverential to the filthy scumbag and his queerdo running mate. You like scum. I don't.
How do you talk about another American like that you are a sick human being
Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

This is getting national recognition.

a Constitutionalist in Boston has been fighting to get city of Boston to raise the Christian flag for a day.
They have TOLD THEM NO! In recent months they have raised the communist flag of China! They have raised the gay flag! But they REFUSE to raise the Christian flag!

democrats think the city belongs to them and not the people! Well they will learn the hard way!

Judge Rules Boston Can Ban Christian Flag from Being Raised Outside City Hall | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

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Your own link clearly states that this is the first time someone attempted to raise a flag representing a religion. Government support of a religion is prohibited by the first amendment. Get over it.

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