Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to death

From page 2:
FULLY explained in advance only by Last Prophet:
it's NOT about the actor playing Joker Tsarnaev - it's about YOU. All explained in advance - reminder from April 2013
Boston marathon bombings milestones: from "public" false flags staged only with actors to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens - Snip:
5. anyone ("joker" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a minor at the time of the "crime") sentenced to death for any "crime" (Dzhokhar was only following orders from his older brother).
Illuminati Milestones Boston marathon bombings all actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens
Why is a photo of Joker Tsaenaev laying in bed with sad eyes systematically served by illuminati media in related articles?
To underline this word in the message: ANYONE.

Note -See photo at this "news" example of the day:
Boston bomber to face victims as judge orders him sentenced to death - Yahoo News
FULLY explained in advance only by Last Prophet:
it's NOT about the actor playing Joker Tsarnaev - it's about YOU. All explained in advance - reminder from April 2013
Boston marathon bombings milestones: from "public" false flags staged only with actors to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens - Snip:
5. anyone ("joker" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a minor at the time of the "crime") sentenced to death for any "crime" (Dzhokhar was only following orders from his older brother).
Illuminati Milestones Boston marathon bombings all actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens
Why is a photo of Joker Tsaenaev laying in bed with sad eyes systematically served by illuminati media in related articles?
To underline this word in the message: ANYONE.

Note -See photo at this "news" example of the day:
Boston bomber to face victims as judge orders him sentenced to death - Yahoo News

It's all a plot!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You could almost wish for a lifetime of living alone in a tiny little cell, 23 hours a day in isolation, no human contact ...

Better yet, put him in the general population and walk away.

The OP is right - the poor, sad, monstrous waste of space will live for a long while while he appeals and appeals.

I agree. That asshole will be on death row for the next twenty years at taxpayer expense.
From page 2:
FULLY explained in advance only by Last Prophet:
it's NOT about the actor playing Joker Tsarnaev - it's about YOU. All explained in advance - reminder from April 2013
Boston marathon bombings milestones: from "public" false flags staged only with actors to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens - Snip:
5. anyone ("joker" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a minor at the time of the "crime") sentenced to death for any "crime" (Dzhokhar was only following orders from his older brother).
Illuminati Milestones Boston marathon bombings all actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens
Why is a photo of Joker Tsaenaev laying in bed with sad eyes systematically served by illuminati media in related articles?
To underline this word in the message: ANYONE.

Note -See photo at this "news" example of the day:
Boston bomber to face victims as judge orders him sentenced to death - Yahoo News

Sorry, but when you use terms like "illuminati", it's obvious that you have gone kookoo for cocoa puffs.


The end. Well, maybe not, if the asshole appeals.
Good...Fuck him....
They should have sent him to outer Mongolia. Let the barbarian nomads deal with him.....
You could almost wish for a lifetime of living alone in a tiny little cell, 23 hours a day in isolation, no human contact ...

Better yet, put him in the general population and walk away.

The OP is right - the poor, sad, monstrous waste of space will live for a long while while he appeals and appeals.
Prison inmates tend to have their own rules...A guy like that won't last long before he's on the wrong end of a prison gang bang
The mother supports terrorism too: Exclusive Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent an angry diatribe against Americans to Vocativ after her son was found guilty on all charges in his trial for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent the messages, many in all caps punctuated repeatedly with exclamation marks and sad emoticons, to Vocativ via WhatsApp in the hours after the verdict Wednesday. In the exclusive interview via the messaging app, she insisted her sons are innocent and said the United States “WILL PAY FOR MY SONS AND THE SONS OF ISLAM, PERMANENTLY!!!”



Tsarnaeva, who moved from Cambridge, Mass., back to Dagestan after being arrested for shoplifting in 2012, said her sons were protecting Muslims internationally.
Some of her messages were in English. The others were in Russian and translated by Vocativ. “NO ONE WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS LIKE MY SONS DID THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD,” she messaged.
The mothers reaction is even more reason for her son to get the death penalty, as it causes her and the terrorists anguish.

Edit: Also the Russians are raging against it: Boston bombing trial Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC News
Reaction from Russian social media

The Tsarnaev brothers were of Chechen descent. Commentators from across the political spectrum in Russia were broadly unanimous in condemning the verdict:

  • "I am opposed to the death penalty, and I think that the USA is lagging behind Europe in this respect. This has been confirmed by the verdict." - Aleksandr Plushev, prominent presenter at independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
  • "The death penalty should be abolished all over the globe. And it will be, sooner or later." - Commentator Oleg Kozyrev
  • "There was an outcry after Belarus sentenced the metro bombers to death. Will there be outrage against the USA?" - Independent news agency Flashnord.

What do you expect? They are going to kill her son. I would probably rail against anyone who was going to kill my child too. It's a little too much to expect her to be logical and just accept it, even if he does deserve it.
The mother supports terrorism too: Exclusive Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent an angry diatribe against Americans to Vocativ after her son was found guilty on all charges in his trial for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent the messages, many in all caps punctuated repeatedly with exclamation marks and sad emoticons, to Vocativ via WhatsApp in the hours after the verdict Wednesday. In the exclusive interview via the messaging app, she insisted her sons are innocent and said the United States “WILL PAY FOR MY SONS AND THE SONS OF ISLAM, PERMANENTLY!!!”



Tsarnaeva, who moved from Cambridge, Mass., back to Dagestan after being arrested for shoplifting in 2012, said her sons were protecting Muslims internationally.
Some of her messages were in English. The others were in Russian and translated by Vocativ. “NO ONE WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS LIKE MY SONS DID THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD,” she messaged.
The mothers reaction is even more reason for her son to get the death penalty, as it causes her and the terrorists anguish.

Edit: Also the Russians are raging against it: Boston bombing trial Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC News
Reaction from Russian social media

The Tsarnaev brothers were of Chechen descent. Commentators from across the political spectrum in Russia were broadly unanimous in condemning the verdict:

  • "I am opposed to the death penalty, and I think that the USA is lagging behind Europe in this respect. This has been confirmed by the verdict." - Aleksandr Plushev, prominent presenter at independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
  • "The death penalty should be abolished all over the globe. And it will be, sooner or later." - Commentator Oleg Kozyrev
  • "There was an outcry after Belarus sentenced the metro bombers to death. Will there be outrage against the USA?" - Independent news agency Flashnord.

What do you expect? They are going to kill her son. I would probably rail against anyone who was going to kill my child too. It's a little too much to expect her to be logical and just accept it, even if he does deserve it.
I expect the mother to not support terrorism and mass murder, and for her to not indoctrinate her children to support terrorism and mass murder.
The law requires that every death penalty sentence be reviewed by way of appeal. This is why sentencing someone to death is more expensive that sentencing them to life in prison.

I personally think that life in prison with no chance of parole is a much greater punishment that death. I enjoy the fact that Charlie Manson will never get out no matter what he says or does.

In the case of the Boston bomber, when he is executed, he becomes a martyr to millions.
Since Dzhokar was required to plead guilty to each and every element of each and every charge the basis for appeal are severely limited. There might not be one at all.

Charles Manson on the other hand periodically comes up for a parole hearing. Sharon Tate's mother always appeared to argue for denial. She's dead. Only one attorney from the prosecution team is still alive to fight Mason's parole. It would not be at all surprising to see him released. Other members of the Manson family have already been released.

There WILL be an appeal. It's mandatory
The mother supports terrorism too: Exclusive Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent an angry diatribe against Americans to Vocativ after her son was found guilty on all charges in his trial for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent the messages, many in all caps punctuated repeatedly with exclamation marks and sad emoticons, to Vocativ via WhatsApp in the hours after the verdict Wednesday. In the exclusive interview via the messaging app, she insisted her sons are innocent and said the United States “WILL PAY FOR MY SONS AND THE SONS OF ISLAM, PERMANENTLY!!!”



Tsarnaeva, who moved from Cambridge, Mass., back to Dagestan after being arrested for shoplifting in 2012, said her sons were protecting Muslims internationally.
Some of her messages were in English. The others were in Russian and translated by Vocativ. “NO ONE WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS LIKE MY SONS DID THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD,” she messaged.
The mothers reaction is even more reason for her son to get the death penalty, as it causes her and the terrorists anguish.

Edit: Also the Russians are raging against it: Boston bombing trial Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC News
Reaction from Russian social media

The Tsarnaev brothers were of Chechen descent. Commentators from across the political spectrum in Russia were broadly unanimous in condemning the verdict:

  • "I am opposed to the death penalty, and I think that the USA is lagging behind Europe in this respect. This has been confirmed by the verdict." - Aleksandr Plushev, prominent presenter at independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
  • "The death penalty should be abolished all over the globe. And it will be, sooner or later." - Commentator Oleg Kozyrev
  • "There was an outcry after Belarus sentenced the metro bombers to death. Will there be outrage against the USA?" - Independent news agency Flashnord.

What do you expect? They are going to kill her son. I would probably rail against anyone who was going to kill my child too. It's a little too much to expect her to be logical and just accept it, even if he does deserve it.
I expect the mother to not support terrorism and mass murder, and for her to not indoctrinate her children to support terrorism and mass murder.

I'm still not sure how she felt before her son was sentenced. I'm just saying that normal logic and thoughts tend to take a back seat when your child's life is in the balance. Obviously, we all despise the support of terrorism. I'm just saying I don't know if she made that choice before or after her sons conviction.
The law requires that every death penalty sentence be reviewed by way of appeal. This is why sentencing someone to death is more expensive that sentencing them to life in prison.

4. I still wonder about Manson being guilty. Not that he was respectable public citizen # 1, but to base his conviction on the testimony of a 23 year old, college educated, young mom (Linda Kasabian), with her whole good life ahead of her, who was given the choice of life imprisonment, doesn't strike me as exactly valid-prone.

If I remember the 1969 Manson murders in Los Angeles, Linda Kasabian broke the case along with Lynette "Squeeky" Fromme, naming Tex Watson and the other participants in the Sharon Tate, etal murders, and the fact that Charlie Manson, head of their "family" had sent them to that house on Cileo Drive that evening to commit murder. Two night's later, Manson, according to those who talked, sent them up into the Hollywood Hills again, to kill, this time Abigail Folger, heir to the Folger Coffee fortune. Manson remained on the roadway in the car they drove up there with, and instructed the girls to "do something whitchy" - so one of the girls (forget her name, the one who is the model prisoner), carved the word "PIG" into the ladies belly as she stabbed her to death repeatedly. She has always claimed she can't remember how many times she stabbed the late Mrs. Folger.

Manson drove the car to the home, sent his killers out into the night, was about 30-yards away from the murder scene, and issued the instructions, making him just as guilty as those who conducted the actual killing's. Have to go back and read Vince Bugliose's book about the murder's, but none of them is ever being paroled - one has already died in prison - the rest will also. Charles Manson is as crazy as a rat in a tin outhouse, and has so far spent 46-years in jail, and probably will spend at least another 20 before he passes away in that cell. I like the idea of that crazy monkey brattling day and night locked in his cell, about the world coming to an end, and other nonsense. America can afford to keep him locked up for as long as he has a final breath in his body - which he will probably use to spit at his "hanglers" - err - guards.

It was the crime that ended the crazy, hippie culture, free love, make love not war, drug culture of America. It scared the entire nation, and when America saw all those nice, attractive, wealthy white kids, being brought into custody for those horrendous murder's, from affluent families, not ghetto criminal blacks preying on one another, but white kids murdering in the most horrendous manner - for sport - we started locking our doors all across the country - and law enforcement began to slam down hard on the youth drug culture, worse than the Chicago Police had at the 1968 Democratic Convention, where the cops got in all their "stick time" on the hippies and flower children protesting. The Manson Murders, as they are known, are a signature moment in American history, when the country stood back, stunned at what their children were capable of, and demanded the war on drugs in America be carried out by Law Enforcement and prosecutor's to the fullest.

All were sentenced to death for the crime's, however, the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment statutes at the time were unfairly enforced across the nation, and most states could not enforce them, without passing new capital punishment laws, therefore the Manson's, along with all other's on death row at the time, had their sentences commuted to life in prison. It would have been a Constitutional violation of Double Jeopardy to retry them under new state statutes, so they remain rotting in prison - and that will always make me happy - as, like all American's, those murder's chilled my bones, and still do..........


The end. Well, maybe not, if the asshole appeals.

I am against the death penalty in a case like this, except when its handed down in a state that doesn't actually carry it out. Having him be tortured and suffer living like a caged rat the rest of his life is far more of a just punishment for his crime, than providing him with the option of a painless death, in an instant.


The end. Well, maybe not, if the asshole appeals.

I am against the death penalty in a case like this, except when its handed down in a state that doesn't actually carry it out. Having him be tortured and suffer living like a caged rat the rest of his life is far more of a just punishment for his crime, than providing him with the option of a painless death, in an instant.

But, that's how the jury decided.

Easy way out for him. He should suffer living in a cage for the next 70 to 80 years. Which I believe is what will happen anyhow considering Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty.
Easy way out for him. He should suffer living in a cage for the next 70 to 80 years. Which I believe is what will happen anyhow considering Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty.

The State didn't try him. The Federal Government did. The Federal Government that DOES have the death penalty.

So you prefer to pay for this waste of flesh and oxygen for the next 7-8 decades? No thanks. Give him one appeal to the SCOTUS and if they don't want to hear it or don't overturn, execute him 24 hours later. Get rid of this shitbag ASAP.

Not the way the system works unfortunately. The lawyers submit appeal after appeal, on any and everything imaginable that could somehow show he is not guilty, or the capital punishment sentence should not be carried out. They can think up thousand's of reason's to appeal, and each appeal is filed separately, and sent to the courts to review separately, usually three different courts, finally arriving at the U.S. Supreme Court, which holds the final stay in every capital punishment case in America. You can't be executed in America unless the Supreme Court has had a chance to hear your appeal - they can refuse to hear it, send it back down to a lower court to hear, or rule on it. Either way, the system takes decades (average time waiting for execution in America is something like 12-years on death row). Republican's and conservatives have attempted for years to make the appeal process a one-shot act, limiting all appeals to a basic - is there some new evidence, or witnesses who were not heard at the original trial and sentencing, that would mitigate the sentence of death. It has always been knocked down by liberals and the ACLU. Face it, the guy is probably on death row for at least 15-years as the appeals wind down, and if they ever do get around to executing him, it will be lethal injection. It apparently isn't painless - one of the three drugs used stops the breathing giving the victim the sensation of drowning before the final drug kicks in and stops the heart. How long that takes depends on the individual...............


The end. Well, maybe not, if the asshole appeals.

4 to 15 years on death row then executed. Works for me.

The longer on death row, the more ideal, which means he'll suffer like a caged rat before they put him down.
Hope so, though he still thinks he will get 72 virgins.

In the immortal words of Walter - "I have to teach 72 women how to have sex??? Why don't they just get 72 slutty girls who know what the hell they are doing."..............
You could almost wish for a lifetime of living alone in a tiny little cell, 23 hours a day in isolation, no human contact ...

Better yet, put him in the general population and walk away.

The OP is right - the poor, sad, monstrous waste of space will live for a long while while he appeals and appeals.
Prison inmates tend to have their own rules...A guy like that won't last long before he's on the wrong end of a prison gang bang

They keep death row inmates separate from the general population in prison, held in solitary cells, where their only contact is with the guards, and verbally with any other death row inmates (usually not many in any given prison). They spend 23 hours a day locked up, and are given 1-hour of outside time in a caged - small exercise area, where there is no contact with anybody other than the guards. Had they given him a life sentence, he would have ended up in the general prison population, and lasted about as long as Jeffrey Dahmer, the cannibal did - what was that, three weeks, before they killed him?.......
Reality check:

Folks like The ACLU will don their super-suits and scurry to the courts with reams of appeals.

There'll be emotional protests, probably resulting in riots, against the death penalty.

The long and short of it?

If you're over 30 you'll be dead (of natural causes) years before the bomb-boy.
You could almost wish for a lifetime of living alone in a tiny little cell, 23 hours a day in isolation, no human contact ...

Better yet, put him in the general population and walk away.

The OP is right - the poor, sad, monstrous waste of space will live for a long while while he appeals and appeals.
Prison inmates tend to have their own rules...A guy like that won't last long before he's on the wrong end of a prison gang bang

They keep death row inmates separate from the general population in prison, held in solitary cells, where their only contact is with the guards, and verbally with any other death row inmates (usually not many in any given prison). They spend 23 hours a day locked up, and are given 1-hour of outside time in a caged - small exercise area, where there is no contact with anybody other than the guards. Had they given him a life sentence, he would have ended up in the general prison population, and lasted about as long as Jeffrey Dahmer, the cannibal did - what was that, three weeks, before they killed him?.......
DAMN.....Forgot about that....Maybe some of the CO's will make a "mistake" and let him loose in the yard. LOL!!!!!

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