Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to death

Easy way out for him. He should suffer living in a cage for the next 70 to 80 years. Which I believe is what will happen anyhow considering Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty.

The State didn't try him. The Federal Government did. The Federal Government that DOES have the death penalty.

So you prefer to pay for this waste of flesh and oxygen for the next 7-8 decades? No thanks. Give him one appeal to the SCOTUS and if they don't want to hear it or don't overturn, execute him 24 hours later. Get rid of this shitbag ASAP.
Easy way out for him. He should suffer living in a cage for the next 70 to 80 years. Which I believe is what will happen anyhow considering Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty.

The State didn't try him. The Federal Government did. The Federal Government that DOES have the death penalty.

So you prefer to pay for this waste of flesh and oxygen for the next 7-8 decades? No thanks. Give him one appeal to the SCOTUS and if they don't want to hear it or don't overturn, execute him 24 hours later. Get rid of this shitbag ASAP.

I am not against the death penalty at all. But justice would be better served if he'd first rot in a cage for a few decades wondering when his time will arrive, rather than giving him what he wants. Remember the jihadist mentality.
The law requires that every death penalty sentence be reviewed by way of appeal. This is why sentencing someone to death is more expensive that sentencing them to life in prison.

I personally think that life in prison with no chance of parole is a much greater punishment that death. I enjoy the fact that Charlie Manson will never get out no matter what he says or does.

In the case of the Boston bomber, when he is executed, he becomes a martyr to millions.
Since Dzhokar was required to plead guilty to each and every element of each and every charge the basis for appeal are severely limited. There might not be one at all.

Charles Manson on the other hand periodically comes up for a parole hearing. Sharon Tate's mother always appeared to argue for denial. She's dead. Only one attorney from the prosecution team is still alive to fight Mason's parole. It would not be at all surprising to see him released. Other members of the Manson family have already been released.
It would, in fact, be extremely surprising to see him paroled. Extremely. You are apparently not aware of the reality regarding how he is perceived throughout the country. No way ever will this man be paroled.

Leslie Van Houten youngest member of Charles Manson s Family has parole denied for 20th time - Americas - World - The Independent
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Executing him now would make him a legend and a martyr. Letting him rot in prison would deprive him of that immortality.
Is he seen in a similar light as Tim McVeigh? People were very anxious for him to get the death penalty, and he was put to death not that long after being convicted.
Executing him now would make him a legend and a martyr. Letting him rot in prison would deprive him of that immortality.
Is he seen in a similar light as Tim McVeigh? People were very anxious for him to get the death penalty, and he was put to death not that long after being convicted.
10 years, and only because he wanted it and cancelled any further appeals.
Could the Boston Bomber be 40 by the time he's executed? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may not be put to death by lethal injection for 18 YEARS due to lengthy appeals process
  • Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will likely be moved to Terra Haute prison this week
  • At 21, he will be the youngest inmate on Death Row; he will join 61 men
  • But now, it has emerged he could be pushing 40 by time he is executed
  • This is due to lengthy appeals process, which may take years to exhaust
  • Tsarnaev's defense attorney has implied she will take full advantage of it
  • One legal expert, Jim Fedalen, said it could be '18 years, possibly longer'
  • Tsarnaev was sentenced to death on Friday for the marathon bombings
  • The attack in April 2013 killed three people - and injured more than 260
  • He will be kept in tiny cell at Terre Haute, high-security prison in Indiana
  • Comes amid concern his execution could inspire further terror attacks

Read more: Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may not be put to death for 18 YEARS Daily Mail Online
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I am not against the death penalty at all. But justice would be better served if he'd first rot in a cage for a few decades wondering when his time will arrive, rather than giving him what he wants. Remember the jihadist mentality.

I could not care less about his mentality. I'm concerned about the cost of keeping this shit bag alive rather than the minimal cost to execute his worthless ass.
Executing him now would make him a legend and a martyr. Letting him rot in prison would deprive him of that immortality.
Is he seen in a similar light as Tim McVeigh? People were very anxious for him to get the death penalty, and he was put to death not that long after being convicted.
10 years, and only because he wanted it and cancelled any further appeals.

It was four years for Tim McVeigh. I don't know that the Boston Muslim will get many appeals. The nature of the legal procedure would preclude many, if any. He plead guilty to each element of each charge. The entire defense was whether he was under the influence of his brother or not.

The longer he is in prison, the longer he has to get converts from the prisoners. The longer he's in, the more converts he gets.
Executing him now would make him a legend and a martyr. Letting him rot in prison would deprive him of that immortality.
Is he seen in a similar light as Tim McVeigh? People were very anxious for him to get the death penalty, and he was put to death not that long after being convicted.
10 years, and only because he wanted it and cancelled any further appeals.

It was four years for Tim McVeigh. I don't know that the Boston Muslim will get many appeals. The nature of the legal procedure would preclude many, if any. He plead guilty to each element of each charge. The entire defense was whether he was under the influence of his brother or not.

The longer he is in prison, the longer he has to get converts from the prisoners. The longer he's in, the more converts he gets.
Actually, I believe, if he is on death row, he will not have contact with any other prisoners except those also on death row, which is a limited number. He won't have the opportunity to do much converting.
The mother supports terrorism too: Exclusive Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent an angry diatribe against Americans to Vocativ after her son was found guilty on all charges in his trial for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent the messages, many in all caps punctuated repeatedly with exclamation marks and sad emoticons, to Vocativ via WhatsApp in the hours after the verdict Wednesday. In the exclusive interview via the messaging app, she insisted her sons are innocent and said the United States “WILL PAY FOR MY SONS AND THE SONS OF ISLAM, PERMANENTLY!!!”



Tsarnaeva, who moved from Cambridge, Mass., back to Dagestan after being arrested for shoplifting in 2012, said her sons were protecting Muslims internationally.
Some of her messages were in English. The others were in Russian and translated by Vocativ. “NO ONE WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS LIKE MY SONS DID THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD,” she messaged.
The mothers reaction is even more reason for her son to get the death penalty, as it causes her and the terrorists anguish.

Edit: Also the Russians are raging against it: Boston bombing trial Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC News
Reaction from Russian social media

The Tsarnaev brothers were of Chechen descent. Commentators from across the political spectrum in Russia were broadly unanimous in condemning the verdict:

  • "I am opposed to the death penalty, and I think that the USA is lagging behind Europe in this respect. This has been confirmed by the verdict." - Aleksandr Plushev, prominent presenter at independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
  • "The death penalty should be abolished all over the globe. And it will be, sooner or later." - Commentator Oleg Kozyrev
  • "There was an outcry after Belarus sentenced the metro bombers to death. Will there be outrage against the USA?" - Independent news agency Flashnord.
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You could almost wish for a lifetime of living alone in a tiny little cell, 23 hours a day in isolation, no human contact ...

Better yet, put him in the general population and walk away.

The OP is right - the poor, sad, monstrous waste of space will live for a long while while he appeals and appeals.
Yep, which is the issue with the death penalty.

It doesn't deter crime, and it is much more expensive than life imprisonment, even if it can bring some release to the families of the victims.


The end. Well, maybe not, if the asshole appeals.

4 to 15 years on death row then executed. Works for me.
The mother supports terrorism too: Exclusive Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent an angry diatribe against Americans to Vocativ after her son was found guilty on all charges in his trial for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing — the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent the messages, many in all caps punctuated repeatedly with exclamation marks and sad emoticons, to Vocativ via WhatsApp in the hours after the verdict Wednesday. In the exclusive interview via the messaging app, she insisted her sons are innocent and said the United States “WILL PAY FOR MY SONS AND THE SONS OF ISLAM, PERMANENTLY!!!”



Tsarnaeva, who moved from Cambridge, Mass., back to Dagestan after being arrested for shoplifting in 2012, said her sons were protecting Muslims internationally.
Some of her messages were in English. The others were in Russian and translated by Vocativ. “NO ONE WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS LIKE MY SONS DID THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD,” she messaged.
The mothers reaction is even more reason for her son to get the death penalty, as it causes her and the terrorists anguish.

Edit: Also the Russians are raging against it: Boston bombing trial Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC News
Reaction from Russian social media

The Tsarnaev brothers were of Chechen descent. Commentators from across the political spectrum in Russia were broadly unanimous in condemning the verdict:

  • "I am opposed to the death penalty, and I think that the USA is lagging behind Europe in this respect. This has been confirmed by the verdict." - Aleksandr Plushev, prominent presenter at independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
  • "The death penalty should be abolished all over the globe. And it will be, sooner or later." - Commentator Oleg Kozyrev
  • "There was an outcry after Belarus sentenced the metro bombers to death. Will there be outrage against the USA?" - Independent news agency Flashnord.

The apple didn't fall far from the tree it appears.
Executing him now would make him a legend and a martyr. Letting him rot in prison would deprive him of that immortality.
Is he seen in a similar light as Tim McVeigh? People were very anxious for him to get the death penalty, and he was put to death not that long after being convicted.
10 years, and only because he wanted it and cancelled any further appeals.

It was four years for Tim McVeigh. I don't know that the Boston Muslim will get many appeals. The nature of the legal procedure would preclude many, if any. He plead guilty to each element of each charge. The entire defense was whether he was under the influence of his brother or not.

The longer he is in prison, the longer he has to get converts from the prisoners. The longer he's in, the more converts he gets.
You're right. 4 years.

We don't have a lot of precedent with federal death penalty cases, but I would think there are fewer venues for appeal. Even so, the last non military execution was McVeigh, 14 years ago. The nearly 60 people on federal death row today are more likely to die of old age. McVeigh died of suicide by waiving the life extending appeals that have served other death row inmates so well.
The news reports I read said that it would be years before the mandated appeal process is over. Let's hope so.

I want to see this guy in solitary for at least 20 years.

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