Boston Imam denounces bombings as against Islam

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
— The Muslim community in the Boston area is denouncing the unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon and praying for the victims of the bombing, saying the men involved, reportedly from Chechnya and possibly linked to Islam, are radicals.

The 37-year-old Imam delivered a powerful sermon to hundreds of Muslims Friday afternoon, saying the Muslim community here in Boston are mourning for the victims of Monday's bombings and praying for Boston.

"We're hurt, were shocked, and we're in pain, and we're mourning for the loss of life from this unspeakable act of violence against all the people of Massachusetts," he said. "It is one of the most unspeakable acts I have witnessed as a Bostonian, and we condemn them. Islam is categorically against this behavior. We're praying for Boston and that its citizens are given justice and hoping (the suspect) is caught without anymore harm or destruction."

He called for an end to the radicalization of Islam and said terrorists who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam "hijack" the Muslim faith.

"Theses acts are categorically condemned in the Koran and by the Muslim majority," he said. "Muslims have to begin to speak out against these acts more assertively and collaborate with other faiths and local governments so that the true tenets of our faith can be known. In the future, we need to do a better job countering it by educating the public against those who are ignorant and evil and hijack our faith."
I read another article where one Imam said he would refuse to give last rites because what he did was against the Muslim faith. I can't find the article though. I really think that the MSM needs to focus on these leaders condemning these acts. The more people hear these leaders stating this was wrong the more they will understand that the picture that some people want to pain of Muslims is wrong.
— The Muslim community in the Boston area is denouncing the unspeakable tragedy at the Boston Marathon and praying for the victims of the bombing, saying the men involved, reportedly from Chechnya and possibly linked to Islam, are radicals.

The 37-year-old Imam delivered a powerful sermon to hundreds of Muslims Friday afternoon, saying the Muslim community here in Boston are mourning for the victims of Monday's bombings and praying for Boston.

"We're hurt, were shocked, and we're in pain, and we're mourning for the loss of life from this unspeakable act of violence against all the people of Massachusetts," he said. "It is one of the most unspeakable acts I have witnessed as a Bostonian, and we condemn them. Islam is categorically against this behavior. We're praying for Boston and that its citizens are given justice and hoping (the suspect) is caught without anymore harm or destruction."

He called for an end to the radicalization of Islam and said terrorists who commit such heinous acts in the name of Islam "hijack" the Muslim faith.

"Theses acts are categorically condemned in the Koran and by the Muslim majority," he said. "Muslims have to begin to speak out against these acts more assertively and collaborate with other faiths and local governments so that the true tenets of our faith can be known. In the future, we need to do a better job countering it by educating the public against those who are ignorant and evil and hijack our faith."

And how many others?
And how many others?
I am on the mailing list of almost a dozen mosques in the Boston area and back in Texas.

And they have all sent out press releases to the media strongly condemning the Marathon Bombing.

Sadly, these never seem to see the light of day on the main stream media outlets.

Thus, people are always saying, "Why don't the muslims speak out and condemn these terrorist acts?".

This has been an ongoing problem and I don't know how to fix it. .:cool:
And I have shown repeatedly that Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVeigh and the list of abortion clinic bombers are not Christians. But people continue to parrot that bullshit. I have even posted a thread dealing with each and every instance debunked. Some remain unsolved, others were perpetrated by schizophrenics, others by Mormons, others by a fringe group which has never met, at least one by a woman who has a bone to pick with the clinic and probably with her mother over her own abortion, at least one acted without the support of his right to life group........the list goes on. But 'abortion clinic bombers' are repeatedly offered up as examples of 'Christian terrorism.' And the sheep follow, Sunni. Religious warfare sells newspaper.
I remember a couple of years ago when I was in the administrators office inside the main mosque in Boston.

There had been a terrorist incident in NYC and the mosque leadership had just sent a press release to every media outlet you can think of; both local and national.

I checked the news paper, TV station news, and listened to the radio, for several days.

Not a single media outlet reported about the mosque condemning the terrorist act. .. :doubt:
To be quite honest, most muslims world wide are silent on even the sectarian violence within Islam. Sunnis and shia hate each other, and have for 1500 years. They can unite to hate Ahmadis and Sufis though. If they can't address their own violence and islamophobia against each other, it's unrealistic to think that islamic violence against non muslims will be addressed. It very much reminds me of black on black violence in the USA. IF 80 people get blown up in Iraq for being of the wrong sect, there's no outrage, but if the US accidentally kills people in Afghanistan, there is outrage. It's like how the black on black crime in the US is ignored, but we go nuts if there are suburban white gunshot victims in a movie theater, mall or school, despite those being a tiny minority of gun violence victims.
Yeah, I've seen countless Imams condemn violence carried-out in the name of Allah in Europe. Yet it's often proven later that they've turned a blind eye to radicalisation at the mosque(s) they preside over.
In a mosque with a few hundred/thousand members.

It's not possible for the Imam to know everyone who attends the services.

Or to be privy to the criminal plots or plans of a member(s) .. :cool:
Sorry man, I appreciate the thought.

But it's not 'muslim violence' it's wholesale slaughter of innocent people in the name of that religion.

There's a vast difference between a killer that happens to be muslim and someone that kills screaming allah akbar.

I'm just not buying it, specially since many other leaders pray, PRAY, for us to be killed.
Saying one thing for public dissemination and another to their own people was refined into an art form by Yasser Arafat.
Several radio stations invited moslems to call in and offer an opinion on the bombings.

Not one called.

Just because you said it happened does not make it a fact.

I have heard NUMEROUS muslims calling into to radio stations to condemn not only this bombing but all kinds of radical actions including the shooting of that girl on the school bus. They follow the same pattern "I condemn this action BUT, you have to understand that ..... " Fill in the reason here. Clearly they don't condemn the action. They understand it and find a way to justify it. They can't come out and say that they actually support whatever terrorist act there was, so they find a way to make us understand how justified it was.

Nevertheless, there are muslims who do not support terrorists or terrorist actions. A muslim clued London into the perpetrators of the Tube attack. It was a muslim that just stopped the train attack in Canada. What WE still fail to understand is that these are BAD muslims among the muslim community. Being such bad muslims, there are very few of them.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack By Giving Out Candies

Thursday April 18, 2013

Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered 3 people and injured over 150 at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.

A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan, the Muslim Salafi group, said that says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.

“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.

“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack By Giving Out Candies

Thursday April 18, 2013

Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered 3 people and injured over 150 at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.

A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan, the Muslim Salafi group, said that says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.

“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.

“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said.


Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack By Giving Out Candies

Thursday April 18, 2013

Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered 3 people and injured over 150 at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.

A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan, the Muslim Salafi group, said that says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.

“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.

“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said.
From an Israeli site.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack By Giving Out Candies

Thursday April 18, 2013

Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered 3 people and injured over 150 at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.

A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan, the Muslim Salafi group, said that says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.

“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.

“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said.
From an Israeli site.
Means its true. Thanks.

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