Dear Fellow Republicans, Quit Supporting Putin

---Putin is looking to rebuild Russia’s empire---

This is going to cause problems for the GOP if it continues much longer. It's Trump's one mistake. The rest of us need to realize that damage this could do to the party.

---How the GOP became the party of Putin---

You know I know a LOT of Republicans, watch a LOT of Republicans on TV, read a LOT of Republicans, and I haven't seen a single one of them that supports Putin despite James Kirchick's conclusion that just under 1/3 of Republicans support Putin. Where are all these Republicans who support Putin?

(I read Kirchick's stuff quite often as he does take a more centric approach than most, but he was a pretty strong anti-Trumper in 2016--he supported Hillary--and continues to be to this day. I don't know if that is driving his conclusion that Republicans, influenced by Trump, are flocking toward Putin. I know Trump isn't. So I'm pretty sure if there is any flocking going on, it is low key and certainly out of my sight and/or detection.)
This is going to cause problems for the GOP if it continues much longer. It's Trump's one mistake. The rest of us need to realize that damage this could do to the party.

---How the GOP became the party of Putin---


GMAB! The only reason liberals are anti-Putin is because they think it hurts TRUMP.
Who said It hunts TRUMP? I said liberals think it hurts TRUMP. Sorry I know thinking and liberals don't go together so I can understand your confusion.
Why would liberals think it hurts Trump?

You seem to find yourself in a corner here
Why would liberals think it hurts Trump?

You seem to find yourself in a corner here
For the same reason they harped on RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for years hoping people would think Trump did or is doing something unacceptable with Russia. The RACISM RACISM RACISM was working for them so they are now back to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.

The fact is Russia is rated the most corrupt country in Europe and the Ukraine was rated the second most corrupt country in Europe. And while Russia's military aggression against the Ukraine should not go unpunished, we nevertheless have a war between the two most corrupt countries in Europe. Choosing sides seems pretty unproductive. Yes make Russia pay for their aggression. But does it make the Ukraine somehow more noble? I can't see how. (Since the war started the Ukraine is now rated #4 most corrupt I think behind Turkey, Bosnia and Russia but with no change in policy, the new rating is most likely due to sympathy.
---Putin is looking to rebuild Russia’s empire---

You keep posting this same story but none of them provide any actual proof that's what he is doing.

For the majority of the world in the past year or more all media has been about how Russia is evil and going to take over the world and that Ukraine is a babe in the woods that desperately needs hundreds of billions of dollars a year for the next decade.

I see 0 evidence or even compelling arguments Putin is going to take over. All I see is thinly veiled propaganda that has the baseless accusations and unverified commentary that is being spewed out about how all whites are racist, trump will destroy the world, blacks and fags should be worshipped like royalty, and we need to do what politicians tell us to save the environment.

In other words, I don't believe anything you posted because it all stinks of the same dribble they spew out constantly. I believe very little when it comes to the media, especially when they agree with what democrats are pushing also, that alone is a huge red flag.

And just because we don't want to support Ukraine doesn't mean we support Russia. Not everyone is "one or the other, that's your only choice".
This is going to cause problems for the GOP if it continues much longer. It's Trump's one mistake. The rest of us need to realize that damage this could do to the party.

---How the GOP became the party of Putin---

The GOP is not the party of Putin you dumb-ass.

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