Boston Marathon Bombing

For a nice recognition of humanity of the other runners, this is being reported. They kicked into gear right away and ran to the Hospital.

2207: NBC Sports Network

tweets: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims

BBC News - LIVE: Boston Marathon explosions
This is just sick, watching BBC and they refuse to say that they were bombs, since the US officials haven't used the words. They are just calling them "explosions". They seriously just had a discussion about it since a caller used the word bomb while on the air. PC run amok.....
No fly zone over Boston is what I'm getting from the BBC

Picture of bomb going off at finish line: And Boston Globe is supposed to have film.

It looks like several didn't go off. The explosion at the JFK library was reported as a related attack, then an electrical fire that had nothing to do with the attack and the Boston PD chief says it was a bomb, but may not have been related to the Boston bombs.

So far, the bombs might have been detonated by cell phone.
Copley Center is a very busty area in downtown Boston. That was very packed an hour before the bombs exploded. It was thinned out a bit when the bombs went off thankfully. The police reacted in a very quick and professional manner.

I'm going to have to visit!

hehehe I am on my tiny laptop....butt I have to check that out as well..........:tongue:
Good point. They do love to brag.

I think they usually wait until it's over before they take credit..
The ones who actually do the deed, perhaps. But all the ones that didn't do it usually try to take credit quickly. The fact that no Islamist group has tried to claim credit is a little strange.

Just because we don't know if anyone has already taken credit, doesn't mean no one has taken credit, it just means we don't know if such a person or persons have come forward.

Who do they have in custody?

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