Boston Marathon Bombing

Saddam didn't attack the electrical grid of DC, did he?

Ah, the red herring logical fallacy.

Are you in agreement with your heroine Madeline that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it?"

No doubt BOOOOOOSSSHHHH smothered each and every one of them with a pillow....

Only the left could claim that in a country of 30 million, the USA could kill 500,00 children. Such is the contempt the left has for fact, or even rationality.
Did you fail to notice how reluctant Bush and Cheney are to getting close to any actual killing?

"April 30, 1998: UNICIF reports: 'The increase in mortality reported in public hospitals for children under five years of age (an excess of some 40,000 deaths yearly compared with 1989) is mainly due to diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition.

"In those over five years of age, the increase (an excess of some 50,000 deaths yearly compared with 1989) is associated with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, liver or kidney diseases.”"

Guess it's not too likely any of those 40,000 dead children per year came from THE BOOOOOSH family.

Autopsy Of A Disaster: The U.S. Sanctions Policy On Iraq | Accuracy.Org
These bombers, are they Arab? They could as easily be Mexicans. It's pretty hard to tell.
Mexico's next...after the corporate rich and their governmental tools crash the global economy, and the Pentagon can't borrow enough money to kill Muslims on the opposite side of the planet.

George, you do realize that you're in need of help, don't you?
‘Cowards’ Billboard Lights Up Boston Skyline in Wake of Blasts


?Cowards? Billboard Lights Up Boston Skyline in Wake of Blasts - ABC News

"In sync with media outlets across the country, the New York Times put a chilling headline on Wednesday’s front page: 'Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim, Officials Say.'

"The story reported that nails and ball bearings were stuffed into pressure cookers, 'rigged to shoot sharp bits of shrapnel into anyone within reach of their blast.'

"Much less crude and weighing in at 1,000 pounds, CBU-87/B warheads were in the category of 'combined effects munitions' when put to use 14 years ago by a bomber named Uncle Sam.

"The U.S. media coverage was brief and fleeting.

"One Friday, at noontime, U.S.-led NATO forces dropped cluster bombs on the city of Nis, in the vicinity of a vegetable market. 'The bombs struck next to the hospital complex and near the market, bringing death and destruction, peppering the streets of Serbia’s third-largest city with shrapnel,' a dispatch in the San Francisco Chronicle reported on May 8, 1999.

"And: 'In a street leading from the market, dismembered bodies were strewn among carrots and other vegetables in pools of blood.

"A dead woman, her body covered with a sheet, was still clutching a shopping bag filled with carrots.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"In sync with media outlets across the country, the New York Times put a chilling headline on Wednesday’s front page: 'Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim, Officials Say.'

"The story reported that nails and ball bearings were stuffed into pressure cookers, 'rigged to shoot sharp bits of shrapnel into anyone within reach of their blast.'

"Much less crude and weighing in at 1,000 pounds, CBU-87/B warheads were in the category of 'combined effects munitions' when put to use 14 years ago by a bomber named Uncle Sam.

"The U.S. media coverage was brief and fleeting.

"One Friday, at noontime, U.S.-led NATO forces dropped cluster bombs on the city of Nis, in the vicinity of a vegetable market. 'The bombs struck next to the hospital complex and near the market, bringing death and destruction, peppering the streets of Serbia’s third-largest city with shrapnel,' a dispatch in the San Francisco Chronicle reported on May 8, 1999.

"And: 'In a street leading from the market, dismembered bodies were strewn among carrots and other vegetables in pools of blood.

"A dead woman, her body covered with a sheet, was still clutching a shopping bag filled with carrots.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Yeah OK George, we got it, you hate America. So get the fuck out then. Iraq probably has zero to do with this bombing in Boston.
"In sync with media outlets across the country, the New York Times put a chilling headline on Wednesday’s front page: 'Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim, Officials Say.'

"The story reported that nails and ball bearings were stuffed into pressure cookers, 'rigged to shoot sharp bits of shrapnel into anyone within reach of their blast.'

"Much less crude and weighing in at 1,000 pounds, CBU-87/B warheads were in the category of 'combined effects munitions' when put to use 14 years ago by a bomber named Uncle Sam.

"The U.S. media coverage was brief and fleeting.

"One Friday, at noontime, U.S.-led NATO forces dropped cluster bombs on the city of Nis, in the vicinity of a vegetable market. 'The bombs struck next to the hospital complex and near the market, bringing death and destruction, peppering the streets of Serbia’s third-largest city with shrapnel,' a dispatch in the San Francisco Chronicle reported on May 8, 1999.

"And: 'In a street leading from the market, dismembered bodies were strewn among carrots and other vegetables in pools of blood.

"A dead woman, her body covered with a sheet, was still clutching a shopping bag filled with carrots.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Yeah OK George, we got it, you hate America. So get the fuck out then. Iraq probably has zero to do with this bombing in Boston.
Yugoslavia, Ollie, not Iraq:
(It is getting hard to keep track)

"An unusually diligent reporter, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times, reported from Pristina, Yugoslavia: 'During five weeks of airstrikes, witnesses here say, NATO warplanes have dropped cluster bombs that scatter smaller munitions over wide areas.

"'In military jargon, the smaller munitions are bomblets. Dr. Rade Grbic, a surgeon and director of Pristina’s main hospital, sees proof every day that the almost benign term bomblet masks a tragic impact. Grbic, who saved the lives of two ethnic Albanian boys wounded while other boys played with a cluster bomb found Saturday, said he had never done so many amputations.'”

In miltary jargon, killing someone else's child is called collateral damage.

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
"In sync with media outlets across the country, the New York Times put a chilling headline on Wednesday’s front page: 'Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim, Officials Say.'

"The story reported that nails and ball bearings were stuffed into pressure cookers, 'rigged to shoot sharp bits of shrapnel into anyone within reach of their blast.'

"Much less crude and weighing in at 1,000 pounds, CBU-87/B warheads were in the category of 'combined effects munitions' when put to use 14 years ago by a bomber named Uncle Sam.

"The U.S. media coverage was brief and fleeting.

"One Friday, at noontime, U.S.-led NATO forces dropped cluster bombs on the city of Nis, in the vicinity of a vegetable market. 'The bombs struck next to the hospital complex and near the market, bringing death and destruction, peppering the streets of Serbia’s third-largest city with shrapnel,' a dispatch in the San Francisco Chronicle reported on May 8, 1999.

"And: 'In a street leading from the market, dismembered bodies were strewn among carrots and other vegetables in pools of blood.

"A dead woman, her body covered with a sheet, was still clutching a shopping bag filled with carrots.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Yeah OK George, we got it, you hate America. So get the fuck out then. Iraq probably has zero to do with this bombing in Boston.
Yugoslavia, Ollie, not Iraq:
(It is getting hard to keep track)

"An unusually diligent reporter, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times, reported from Pristina, Yugoslavia: 'During five weeks of airstrikes, witnesses here say, NATO warplanes have dropped cluster bombs that scatter smaller munitions over wide areas.

"'In military jargon, the smaller munitions are bomblets. Dr. Rade Grbic, a surgeon and director of Pristina’s main hospital, sees proof every day that the almost benign term bomblet masks a tragic impact. Grbic, who saved the lives of two ethnic Albanian boys wounded while other boys played with a cluster bomb found Saturday, said he had never done so many amputations.'”

In miltary jargon, killing someone else's child is called collateral damage.

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Who gives a fuck about this in relation to the Boston Bombings?
Yeah OK George, we got it, you hate America. So get the fuck out then. Iraq probably has zero to do with this bombing in Boston.
Yugoslavia, Ollie, not Iraq:
(It is getting hard to keep track)

"An unusually diligent reporter, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times, reported from Pristina, Yugoslavia: 'During five weeks of airstrikes, witnesses here say, NATO warplanes have dropped cluster bombs that scatter smaller munitions over wide areas.

"'In military jargon, the smaller munitions are bomblets. Dr. Rade Grbic, a surgeon and director of Pristina’s main hospital, sees proof every day that the almost benign term bomblet masks a tragic impact. Grbic, who saved the lives of two ethnic Albanian boys wounded while other boys played with a cluster bomb found Saturday, said he had never done so many amputations.'”

In miltary jargon, killing someone else's child is called collateral damage.

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Who gives a fuck about this in relation to the Boston Bombings?
You don't get the connection between sowing cluster bombs in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq and what happened in Boston?

"After the bombings that killed and maimed so horribly at the Boston Marathon, our country’s politics and mass media are awash in heartfelt compassion — and reflexive 'doublethink,' which George Orwell described as willingness 'to forget any fact that has become inconvenient.'”
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Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

Was this before or after we told the ass that ran the country to lay down his arms and leave.

A bit of perspective is always required.

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