Boston Marathon Bombing

Bloody hell, this seems to be true.

I'm way too tired to work out time zones at the moment.
Can someone check and post the results, please.

Just in case no one else has, I sent this to the FBI.
If the page was set up before the bombs, it may well help the police catch the bastards that did this.

Apparently the page was set up by CNN.
Bloody hell, this seems to be true.

I'm way too tired to work out time zones at the moment.
Can someone check and post the results, please.

Just in case no one else has, I sent this to the FBI.
If the page was set up before the bombs, it may well help the police catch the bastards that did this.

I did a check in at one place today on my didn't "take". When I got back to my gym where there is strong WIFI, I checked in there. Both check-ins were done at the same time. FB can glitch from time to time.

Didn't hurt to send it in though.

You guys do know that you can make a face book page today and change it's name next week........I hope.......
Oh lord here come the copnspiracies.

I hear the CNN thing but no one has actually proven so.
Yes, it is very probably nothing but a name change but it should be checked out properly.

Checking a possible connection isn't a tin foil hat job.
I am trying to stay out of the Loony Tune Threads....but....When in God's Name did Iraq attack us? I am sure the World is waiting for an answer.

The problem with you leftists is that you have no brain. You have a central cortex that can be programmed, but no actual cognitive ability. You're kind of like termites.

{In the aftermath of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Iraq announced it would no longer respect the no-fly zones and resumed its efforts in shooting down Allied aircraft. Saddam Hussein offered a $14,000 reward to anyone who could accomplish this task, but no manned aircraft were ever shot down by Iraq. Air strikes by British and American aircraft against Iraqi claimed anti-aircraft and military targets continued weekly over the next few years. In the early 2000s (decade), the U.S. developed a contingency plan, Operation Desert Badger for dealing with pilots shot down over Iraqi no-fly zones.}

Iraqi no-fly zones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraq fired on American forces daily.

You are so caught up in the fiction of the hate sites, that you have no grasp at all on reality.
How many American civilians did Iraq "fire on?"

"Saddam's government gave high civilian casualty figures in order to draw support from Islamic countries.[citation needed] The Iraqi government claimed that 2,300 civilians died during the air campaign.[citation needed] According to the Project on Defense Alternatives study, 3,664 Iraqi civilians, and between 20,000 and 26,000 military personnel, were killed in the conflict, while 75,000 Iraqi soldiers were wounded"

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Official FBI Bombings Suspects

[ame=""]Official FBI Bombings Suspects[/ame]




What does Iraq have to do with anything?
Because no motive for the Boston bombing has as yet been established it is perfectly reasonable for the authorities, and for everyone else, to speculate about who might be sufficiently antagonized to do something like that.

My speculation is based on thoughts that passed through my mind while watching the Bush Administration's bombing of Baghdad -- which was done in your name and mine:

[ame=]? Shock and Awe the initial bombing of baghdad ? - YouTube[/ame]

This was not a fireworks display. It was the malicious destruction of a highly civilized and sophisticated modern city which was home to millions of innocent civilians, including women, children, and little tots, none of whom did a thing to us or wished us any harm. Without any declaration of war, or any legitimate justification, many hundreds, possibly thousands, of these innocents were crushed and/or burned to death, or maimed, or injured, some while in their cribs.

As I watched this happening all I could think of is how wrong it was, and whether the Bush gang would be held to account for it. I recall thinking there will be a price to pay for the unlawful, horrendously immoral, unprovoked military aggression.

So when I heard about the Boston bombing the bombing of Baghdad came to mind.

What are your thoughts?
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How many American civilians did Iraq "fire on?"

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

"Saddam's government gave high civilian casualty figures in order to draw support from Islamic countries.[citation needed] The Iraqi government claimed that 2,300 civilians died during the air campaign.[citation needed] According to the Project on Defense Alternatives study, 3,664 Iraqi civilians, and between 20,000 and 26,000 military personnel, were killed in the conflict, while 75,000 Iraqi soldiers were wounded"

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact remains that Saddam DID attack the USA - constantly.
How many American civilians did Iraq "fire on?"

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

"Saddam's government gave high civilian casualty figures in order to draw support from Islamic countries.[citation needed] The Iraqi government claimed that 2,300 civilians died during the air campaign.[citation needed] According to the Project on Defense Alternatives study, 3,664 Iraqi civilians, and between 20,000 and 26,000 military personnel, were killed in the conflict, while 75,000 Iraqi soldiers were wounded"

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact remains that Saddam DID attack the USA - constantly.
Saddam didn't attack the electrical grid of DC, did he?
Are you in agreement with your heroine Madeline that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it?"
Saddam didn't attack the electrical grid of DC, did he?

Ah, the red herring logical fallacy.

Are you in agreement with your heroine Madeline that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it?"

No doubt BOOOOOOSSSHHHH smothered each and every one of them with a pillow....

Only the left could claim that in a country of 30 million, the USA could kill 500,00 children. Such is the contempt the left has for fact, or even rationality.
What does Iraq have to do with anything?
Because no motive for the Boston bombing has as yet been established it is perfectly reasonable for the authorities, and for everyone else, to speculate about who might be sufficiently antagonized to do something like that.

My speculation is based on thoughts that passed through my mind while watching the Bush Administration's bombing of Baghdad -- which was done in your name and mine:

[ame=]? Shock and Awe the initial bombing of baghdad ? - YouTube[/ame]

This was not a fireworks display. It was the malicious destruction of a highly civilized and sophisticated modern city which was home to millions of innocent civilians, including women, children, and little tots, none of whom did a thing to us or wished us any harm. Without any declaration of war, or any legitimate justification, many hundreds, possibly thousands, of these innocents were crushed and/or burned to death, or maimed, or injured, some while in their cribs.

As I watched this happening all I could think of is how wrong it was, and whether the Bush gang would be held to account for it. I recall thinking there will be a price to pay for the unlawful, horrendously immoral, unprovoked military aggression.

So when I heard about the Boston bombing the bombing of Baghdad came to mind.

What are your thoughts?
My thoughts go back to '91 when the telegenic, yet tearful, RICH young Kuwaiti told us how Saddam had babies bayoneted in Kuwaiti hospitals. (not unlike the Huns in Belgium during WWI propaganda blitz). Years later I read Ramsey Clark's eyewitness account of what happened in Baghdad hospitals during the US air strikes on Iraq's electrical grid at that time.

Clark was in a hospital basement filled with incubators holding Iraqi infants; US bombs knocked out the electricity city wide and all the true innocents in the incubators perished in front of their mothers' eyes. Then, after Clinton's murderous sanctions, came the twin chicken-shits, Dick and Dubya. Considering the millions of Muslim civilians murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by the US over the past twenty years, I'm in awe of Muslim charity and forgiveness.

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