Boston Marathon Bombing

Yugoslavia, Ollie, not Iraq:
(It is getting hard to keep track)

"An unusually diligent reporter, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times, reported from Pristina, Yugoslavia: 'During five weeks of airstrikes, witnesses here say, NATO warplanes have dropped cluster bombs that scatter smaller munitions over wide areas.

"'In military jargon, the smaller munitions are bomblets. Dr. Rade Grbic, a surgeon and director of Pristina’s main hospital, sees proof every day that the almost benign term bomblet masks a tragic impact. Grbic, who saved the lives of two ethnic Albanian boys wounded while other boys played with a cluster bomb found Saturday, said he had never done so many amputations.'”

In miltary jargon, killing someone else's child is called collateral damage.

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Who gives a fuck about this in relation to the Boston Bombings?
You don't get the connection between sowing cluster bombs in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq and what happened in Boston?

"After the bombings that killed and maimed so horribly at the Boston Marathon, our country’s politics and mass media are awash in heartfelt compassion — and reflexive 'doublethink,' which George Orwell described as willingness 'to forget any fact that has become inconvenient.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh it's one of these wannabe intellectuals. I don't agree with Ollie on much, but I'll be joining him in wishing you to go fuck yourself.
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

Was this before or after we told the ass that ran the country to lay down his arms and leave.

A bit of perspective is always required.
I agree.
Do you happen to remember where the ass got some of his weapons from?
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

What part of..........that country was run by a suicidal freaking maniac that could have stopped it all by simply giving himself up and saving the children, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND.
Who gives a fuck about this in relation to the Boston Bombings?
You don't get the connection between sowing cluster bombs in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq and what happened in Boston?

"After the bombings that killed and maimed so horribly at the Boston Marathon, our country’s politics and mass media are awash in heartfelt compassion — and reflexive 'doublethink,' which George Orwell described as willingness 'to forget any fact that has become inconvenient.'”

Cluster Bombs Come Home » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oh it's one of these wannabe intellectuals. I don't agree with Ollie on much, but I'll be joining him in wishing you to go fuck yourself.
It doesn't require a Ph.D to know maiming and killing children for money and market share is a cowardly endeavor.
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

What part of..........that country was run by a suicidal freaking maniac that could have stopped it all by simply giving himself up and saving the children, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND.
Giving himself up to the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet?
Saddam was a creature of the CIA and a mass murderer but even he didn't visit the level of destruction on his country that the US did in Iraq and several other places I could name.
Was this before or after we told the ass that ran the country to lay down his arms and leave.

A bit of perspective is always required.
I agree.
Do you happen to remember where the ass got some of his weapons from?

George, when you try to make a suicidal coward into somekind of reasonable person, it reflects badly on yourself....:eusa_whistle:
Are you confusing Saddam with the Gipper or Dubya?
Why did Reagan help Saddam gas the Kurds and Iranians?
What part of killing children do you endorse?

What part of..........that country was run by a suicidal freaking maniac that could have stopped it all by simply giving himself up and saving the children, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND.
Giving himself up to the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet?
Saddam was a creature of the CIA and a mass murderer but even he didn't visit the level of destruction on his country that the US did in Iraq and several other places I could name.

George, George, George....

He could have gave up and saved all those children YOU were just moaning about.

Faced with an overwhelming force, one that KICkED his cowardly ASS just a few years earlier, an HONERABLE MAN would have put a gun to his freaking head or surrendered to save his people.

HE chose not too.

Is there really any more to talk about? Really?
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

You are a real shit for brains aren't you? I don't give a rats ass what you think we have done 10 years ago or even 200 years ago. Those people in Boston didn't deserve it. You might, but they didn't.
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

What part of..........that country was run by a suicidal freaking maniac that could have stopped it all by simply giving himself up and saving the children, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND.

Not only that but the food and medicine that was allowed in never made it to the people who needed it the most. I wonder why?
Yes george and a few posts ago it was Iraq. So in your eyes we deserve to have our 8 year old children killed by a bomb.

Fuck you.

And when you respond as the asshole you are shaping up to be, expect more negs......
What part of killing children do you endorse?

Those people in Boston didn't deserve it.

This is the main point. Irregardless of everything a lot of our innocent countrymen were killed for no reason other than they were in the wrong place and the wrong time. I agree with your sentiments about a lot of this country's activities being disgusting and needing to be stopped. However those sentiments have nothing to do with the innocent people who had their lives destroyed and it's the wrong place and time to bring it up. It's also stupid to somehow think that could be a justification for the bombings.
Why, cause everyone in Boston is so fucking brave? .

Yes, as a matter of fact, motherfucker. Drop on by and ask. You'll find out we have great hospitals here.

I go to Boston quite a bit, have a lot of family there. Most people there are fucking sheep, just like everywhere else.

Next time you go, stop by a Bruins game, shoot your measly mouth off like this, and then remind your dentist that he owes me one, pussy.
What part of killing children do you endorse?

Those people in Boston didn't deserve it.

This is the main point. Irregardless of everything a lot of our innocent countrymen were killed for no reason other than they were in the wrong place and the wrong time. I agree with your sentiments about a lot of this country's activities being disgusting and needing to be stopped. However those sentiments have nothing to do with the innocent people who had their lives destroyed and it's the wrong place and time to bring it up. It's also stupid to somehow think that could be a justification for the bombings.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ post of the day!^^^^^^^^^^^^
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They used remote control car controller, remote & battery as trigger. Not cell phone or timer.




What part of killing children do you endorse?

Those people in Boston didn't deserve it.

This is the main point. Irregardless of everything a lot of our innocent countrymen were killed for no reason other than they were in the wrong place and the wrong time. I agree with your sentiments about a lot of this country's activities being disgusting and needing to be stopped. However those sentiments have nothing to do with the innocent people who had their lives destroyed and it's the wrong place and time to bring it up. It's also stupid to somehow think that could be a justification for the bombings.
George Philip neither said nor implied the Boston bombing was justification for the illegal and immoral bombing of Iraq. What he and I are saying is it very well might be the provocation for it. Provocation is quite a different thing from justification.
What he and I are saying is it very well might be the provocation for it. Provocation is quite a different thing from justification.

No, it isn't. You are justifying the bombing by saying we provoked it in Iraq.

There is no reason at all to suppose these guys have anything to do with Iraq or anything political. They are probably just crazies doing some thrill killing, trying to get a high kill count and compete with all the other thrill killers. It's an epidemic.

There are so many homocidal maniacs acting out in America today that it's a stretch to say it could be political or terrorism: the commonest thing is simply another pyscho mass murder incident.

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