Boston Marathon Bombing

Anybody can tweet and twitter. E-talk is cheap. The W-Boro A-holes are mini terrorists. Wait until it happens before you expend any energy on it.
Quelle surprise.

Obama slashed the budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45% from the Bush years.

It's so much more important to shovel taxpayers dollars at Solyndras.

Barack Obama's administration has cut the budget nearly in half for preventing domestic bombings, MailOnline can reveal.

Under President George W. Bush, the Department of Homeland Security had $20 million allocated for preventing the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by terrorists working inside the United States. The current White House has cut that funding down to $11 million.

That assessment comes from Robert Liscouski, a former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 that killed three Americans and injured at least 173 others.

He told MailOnline that the Obama-era DHS is, on the whole, about as well-positioned as it was during the Bush administration to handle the aftermath of the April 15 bombings in Boston, 'but the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention from $20 million started under Bush, to $11 million today.'...

Obama administration has SLASHED budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent, says former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary | Mail Online
Quelle surprise.

Obama slashed the budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45% from the Bush years.

It's so much more important to shovel taxpayers dollars at Solyndras.

Barack Obama's administration has cut the budget nearly in half for preventing domestic bombings, MailOnline can reveal.

Under President George W. Bush, the Department of Homeland Security had $20 million allocated for preventing the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by terrorists working inside the United States. The current White House has cut that funding down to $11 million.

That assessment comes from Robert Liscouski, a former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 that killed three Americans and injured at least 173 others.

He told MailOnline that the Obama-era DHS is, on the whole, about as well-positioned as it was during the Bush administration to handle the aftermath of the April 15 bombings in Boston, 'but the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention from $20 million started under Bush, to $11 million today.'...

Obama administration has SLASHED budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent, says former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary | Mail Online

Steny Hoyer Did not even wait a day before he blamed it on sequester. They are chomping at the bit to make it political.
We've had way more black terrorists than white terrorists. Tim McVeigh is the only one liberals have. They would not dare to mention Lee Boyd Malvo or John Allen Muhammed. They are struck dumb by Nidal Hassan and Feisal Shahzad. Without fail, liberals have to dig up the ghost of Tim McVeigh. They have one guy who was even a registered democrat! That's as close as they come.

Kathy Boudin, a terrorist, gets out of prison as his hired as a professor by Colombia University, in a short time, there is a terrorist bombing in Boston. Are these connected? Harvard, in Boston, teaches radicalism right along with law and medicine. There is much more of a chance that the Boston Marathon bombings was done by a leftist radical college student.

I don't know about that. But Rati put up a Wiki link that she thought would support her. Of course she was too stupid to read it first. On that list, 10 actual attacks were leftists, 3 by the right. The anthrax attacks were probably done by Muslims - so no affiliation.
Obama doesn't make the budget. Try harder to use these poor people as your tools, dicca.

Well, Obama certainly hasn't "made" a proper budget during his time as President. I'll give you that one.

You do not get credit for understanding the President's role in preparing a budget to submit to Congress.
I am trying to stay out of the Loony Tune Threads....but....When in God's Name did Iraq attack us? I am sure the World is waiting for an answer.

The problem with you leftists is that you have no brain. You have a central cortex that can be programmed, but no actual cognitive ability. You're kind of like termites.

{In the aftermath of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Iraq announced it would no longer respect the no-fly zones and resumed its efforts in shooting down Allied aircraft. Saddam Hussein offered a $14,000 reward to anyone who could accomplish this task, but no manned aircraft were ever shot down by Iraq. Air strikes by British and American aircraft against Iraqi claimed anti-aircraft and military targets continued weekly over the next few years. In the early 2000s (decade), the U.S. developed a contingency plan, Operation Desert Badger for dealing with pilots shot down over Iraqi no-fly zones.}

Iraqi no-fly zones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraq fired on American forces daily.

You are so caught up in the fiction of the hate sites, that you have no grasp at all on reality.
I am trying to stay out of the Loony Tune Threads....but....When in God's Name did Iraq attack us? I am sure the World is waiting for an answer.

The problem with you leftists is that you have no brain. You have a central cortex that can be programmed, but no actual cognitive ability. You're kind of like termites.

{In the aftermath of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Iraq announced it would no longer respect the no-fly zones and resumed its efforts in shooting down Allied aircraft. Saddam Hussein offered a $14,000 reward to anyone who could accomplish this task, but no manned aircraft were ever shot down by Iraq. Air strikes by British and American aircraft against Iraqi claimed anti-aircraft and military targets continued weekly over the next few years. In the early 2000s (decade), the U.S. developed a contingency plan, Operation Desert Badger for dealing with pilots shot down over Iraqi no-fly zones.}

Iraqi no-fly zones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraq fired on American forces daily.

You are so caught up in the fiction of the hate sites, that you have no grasp at all on reality.

:laugh: :cuckoo:
Has that loser called ya' a fag yet?.......'cause he most definitely will.

Post proof of me ever calling someone on here a fag. Go ahead, I'll wait you silly lying piece of brain dead garbage.

No difference, clown......And there's about 15 or so other examples of you equating fellow posters to fags.

Saying you suck cock is a lot different than calling you a fag. Sucking cock is a loving or submissive act and you clearly would shove any cock down your throat that your masters tell you to. And I just proved you lied you moron scumbag.
Post proof of me ever calling someone on here a fag. Go ahead, I'll wait you silly lying piece of brain dead garbage.

No difference, clown......And there's about 15 or so other examples of you equating fellow posters to fags.

Saying you suck cock is a lot different than calling you a fag. Sucking cock is a loving or submissive act and you clearly would shove any cock down your throat that your masters tell you to. And I just proved you lied you moron scumbag.
Ya' got caught, with it!
Quelle surprise.

Obama slashed the budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45% from the Bush years.

It's so much more important to shovel taxpayers dollars at Solyndras.

Barack Obama's administration has cut the budget nearly in half for preventing domestic bombings, MailOnline can reveal.

Under President George W. Bush, the Department of Homeland Security had $20 million allocated for preventing the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by terrorists working inside the United States. The current White House has cut that funding down to $11 million.

That assessment comes from Robert Liscouski, a former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 that killed three Americans and injured at least 173 others.

He told MailOnline that the Obama-era DHS is, on the whole, about as well-positioned as it was during the Bush administration to handle the aftermath of the April 15 bombings in Boston, 'but the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention from $20 million started under Bush, to $11 million today.'...

Obama administration has SLASHED budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent, says former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary | Mail Online

he has to pay for obamaphones and obamacare and aid to rebels to overthrow their governments, and his campaign to strip americans of their 2nd amendment rights somehow.

No difference, clown......And there's about 15 or so other examples of you equating fellow posters to fags.

Saying you suck cock is a lot different than calling you a fag. Sucking cock is a loving or submissive act and you clearly would shove any cock down your throat that your masters tell you to. And I just proved you lied you moron scumbag.
Ya' got caught, with it!

See this is clearly the trouble with a lot of the ardent conservatives on here is they're just simply not that bright and don't understand how words or language work. This is probably one of those brain dead idiots who thinks the word domestic is synonymous with the word white. Just because you either metaphorically or literally suck cock and I just happened to notice and mention that fact, that has nothing to do with the word fag. But I don't expect someone with a double digit IQ to understand how words work.
Kathy Boudin, a terrorist, gets out of prison as his hired as a professor by Colombia University, in a short time, there is a terrorist bombing in Boston. Are these connected? Harvard, in Boston, teaches radicalism right along with law and medicine. There is much more of a chance that the Boston Marathon bombings was done by a leftist radical college student.

Kathy is 69 or 70 and never did anything violent with bombs herself, personally. So, no. Probably she didn't blow up the Boston Marathon. That's a young man's work.
None of those organizations have been active in the last 30 years.

And why did you list M19CO on your list 3 times?

No White terrorists have been active since Tim McVeigh - 18 years ago. Yet this doesn't stop the left from repeatedly claiming that "whitey is about to bomb the gubmint."

Last known act of domestic terrorism - Christopher Dorner - a black man who did list SOME racial motivation for his acts, though the totally corrupt LAPD was the ultimate target. That was this year. But the hate sites keep spewing that "whitey is dangerous" and about to go on killing sprees.

That's weird there is a white terrorist sitting in federal prison right now who planted a bomb here. Luckily it was found before it went off.
Kathy is 69 or 70 and never did anything violent with bombs herself, personally. So, no. Probably she didn't blow up the Boston Marathon. That's a young man's work.

I said that above and then found this on Reuters just now, remember all the prosecutors out West being shot? So I guess I am underestimating SOME women's tendency toward violence!

Woman confesses to killing Texas prosecutors

Arrest raises hopes of progress in killings of Texas prosecutors
Sun, Apr 14 2013

By Lisa Maria Garza

KAUFMAN, Texas | Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:19pm EDT

(Reuters) - The wife of a former Texas justice of the peace confessed to shooting dead two prosecutors and the wife of one of the officials earlier this year, and she has been charged with their murder, the Kaufman County Sheriff's Office said on Wednesday.

Kim Williams told investigators during an interview on Tuesday that she shot Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, and Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse.

"Kim Williams confessed to her involvement in the scheme and course of conduct in the shooting deaths," said a warrant for her arrest released by the sheriff's office.

The two prosecutors were involved in the conviction of her husband, Eric Williams, who lost his position as justice of the peace in Kaufman County after he was found guilty of stealing computer monitors from a public building, according to law enforcement authorities in Kaufman county.

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