Boston Marathon Bombing

There were two time bombs to go off at a certain time. You don't just carry those things around and drop them like trash. They can go off while their being carried around. You place the bomb and set the time.

Or leave them somewhere and then set them off via cell phone. That's why cell service was cut off in the area after the blasts.

You do realize remotely detonated bombs can be set off with more than just the bombers phone? That large of a crowd too many phones could make the bomb go off before it was supposed to.

if some dialed that phones number
An envelope of ricin poison was sent to the office of Sen. Roger Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi. This is similar to the simultaneous anthrax letters & aircraft attack on 9/11/2001.

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said members were briefed that the substance had been found in a letter and a suspect has been identified. McCaskill said the letter came from an individual who frequently writes to lawmakers. She wouldn’t identify the person but confirmed officials had identified someone.

Someone that frequently writes to lawmakers....that's kind of scary, what if the ricin was planted or mis-identified? I think I'll stick to bitching at congresscritters via email.
What the fuck are you talking? What does any of this have to do with Nazism? :cuckoo:

My god but you're stupid.

Leftist dogma holds that opposition to anything is bad. Opposing the ideology of Islam brings shrieks of "bigot" from the mindless drones like you. But opposing an ideology is not bigotry, shit fer brains.

We're talking about your definition of Islam which is loosely translated to brown people who might disagree with or scare you.

No fucknut, that is not the "definition." Islam is the creed and ideology of the 6th century warlord Muhammad as documented in the Koran and the Hadiths.

Look, you're stupid, which is why you're a leftist. But Islam is followed by black Africans, Oriental Indonesians, Polynesian Filipinos, and lily white Chechens. Islam is a creed, shit fer brains, not a race. You leftists are driven by racism - it consumes you; but the rational people in the world are concerned with other matters.

Saying a couple of buzz words to try to prove you know something doesn't distract from the fact that you're ignorantly trying to fight against the notion of this bomber being domestic or that you're somehow emotionally tied to this bomber some how.

You're an idiot with a sum total of zero knowledge on the subject. You are driven by partisan and racist zeal. You know only that the party has an alliance with Islam, and that the party hates white people.

So you spew your racist horseshit without a hint of a clue how inappropriate to the actual subject your hating points are.

Right back at ya, you racist boring cocksucker.

One of us is indeed a racist.

Your racism is fealty to your shameful party.

How smart I am about the fact that you're deflecting from the fact that you can't handle that bomber might be a domestic terrorist and all of this is some emotional outburst because your ego is bruised because I'm continually owning you?

But seriously, you're fucking stupid.

No one knows anything about the bomber, you racist fuck. You drooling baboons are hoping that it's some white Republican with guns so that you can spew your hatred - but you know nothing, nor do your handlers.

Which hate site programs you? KOS? Democratic Underground? ThinkProgress? Communist Dreams?
Lemme get out my rightie playbook for just a sec here...

Ghetto - isn't a dog whistle for "black"
Domestic - most certainly means "white"

Okay. It's all updated now. Kerry on.

Let me get out my Obamunist playbook for a sec.

"Domestic" - isn't a dog whistle for hated "whites"

Obamunists aren't brain dead conspiracy theorists with their "dog whistle" fucktardation.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
None of those organizations have been active in the last 30 years.

And why did you list M19CO on your list 3 times?

No White terrorists have been active since Tim McVeigh - 18 years ago. Yet this doesn't stop the left from repeatedly claiming that "whitey is about to bomb the gubmint."

Last known act of domestic terrorism - Christopher Dorner - a black man who did list SOME racial motivation for his acts, though the totally corrupt LAPD was the ultimate target. That was this year. But the hate sites keep spewing that "whitey is dangerous" and about to go on killing sprees.
None of those organizations have been active in the last 30 years.

And why did you list M19CO on your list 3 times?

No White terrorists have been active since Tim McVeigh - 18 years ago. Yet this doesn't stop the left from repeatedly claiming that "whitey is about to bomb the gubmint."

Last known act of domestic terrorism - Christopher Dorner - a black man who did list SOME racial motivation for his acts, though the totally corrupt LAPD was the ultimate target. That was this year. But the hate sites keep spewing that "whitey is dangerous" and about to go on killing sprees.

That's just one.
wouldn't that make them just like the anti choice jack offs,
and just as wrong?
don't let a little thing like thinking about what you say before you post stop you.

You pro-abortion types generally like to go up against infants. But bombing is cowardly and makes the victims defenseless - just like abortion. So yeah, I could see you pro-aborts doing it.
My ignore list:

2ndAmendment 2Parties 7forever 9/11 inside job Ahbleza AmericaBlows Antiderivative Ariux B. Kidd bigrebnc1775 bitterlyclingin catzmeow Cecilie1200 chesswarsnow Christophera code1211 Contumacious ConzHateUSA craner CrotchetyGeezer CrusaderFrank daveman Dissent Douger Dr.House Ed Spacer EdwardBaiamonte eots FoodStamp_Obama Freewill gallantwarrior Galnuc GEORGE ORWELL georgephillip GStarz Hillbilly Girl ihopehefails Intolerant JBeukema Katzndogz KnobbyWalsh koshergrl LoudMcCloud Martin Timothy Matthew miller Mr. H. Mr.Nick Nunz Octoldit paulitician Pho_King PhysicsExist Pingamundo pugwi Quatermass RightWingFerret Salt Jones sharia4USA Si modo skookerasbil skye Sunni Man TakeAStepBack Teals_Of_Wonder Terral The2ndAmendment Triton Truthmatters Uncensored2008 Unkotare USArmyRetired Warrior102 Wildcard WillowTree

Very little to learn from these people....

Point, laugh, ignore, move on.

You fear a great many people.

Rather sad.
What the fuck are you talking? What does any of this have to do with Nazism? :cuckoo:

My god but you're stupid.

Leftist dogma holds that opposition to anything is bad. Opposing the ideology of Islam brings shrieks of "bigot" from the mindless drones like you. But opposing an ideology is not bigotry, shit fer brains.

We're talking about your definition of Islam which is loosely translated to brown people who might disagree with or scare you.

No fucknut, that is not the "definition." Islam is the creed and ideology of the 6th century warlord Muhammad as documented in the Koran and the Hadiths.

Look, you're stupid, which is why you're a leftist. But Islam is followed by black Africans, Oriental Indonesians, Polynesian Filipinos, and lily white Chechens. Islam is a creed, shit fer brains, not a race. You leftists are driven by racism - it consumes you; but the rational people in the world are concerned with other matters.

You're an idiot with a sum total of zero knowledge on the subject. You are driven by partisan and racist zeal. You know only that the party has an alliance with Islam, and that the party hates white people.

So you spew your racist horseshit without a hint of a clue how inappropriate to the actual subject your hating points are.

Right back at ya, you racist boring cocksucker.

One of us is indeed a racist.

Your racism is fealty to your shameful party.

How smart I am about the fact that you're deflecting from the fact that you can't handle that bomber might be a domestic terrorist and all of this is some emotional outburst because your ego is bruised because I'm continually owning you?

But seriously, you're fucking stupid.

No one knows anything about the bomber, you racist fuck. You drooling baboons are hoping that it's some white Republican with guns so that you can spew your hatred - but you know nothing, nor do your handlers.

Which hate site programs you? KOS? Democratic Underground? ThinkProgress? Communist Dreams?
Has that loser called ya' a fag yet?.......'cause he most definitely will.
None of those organizations have been active in the last 30 years.

And why did you list M19CO on your list 3 times?

No White terrorists have been active since Tim McVeigh - 18 years ago. Yet this doesn't stop the left from repeatedly claiming that "whitey is about to bomb the gubmint."

Last known act of domestic terrorism - Christopher Dorner - a black man who did list SOME racial motivation for his acts, though the totally corrupt LAPD was the ultimate target. That was this year. But the hate sites keep spewing that "whitey is dangerous" and about to go on killing sprees.

We've had way more black terrorists than white terrorists. Tim McVeigh is the only one liberals have. They would not dare to mention Lee Boyd Malvo or John Allen Muhammed. They are struck dumb by Nidal Hassan and Feisal Shahzad. Without fail, liberals have to dig up the ghost of Tim McVeigh. They have one guy who was even a registered democrat! That's as close as they come.

Kathy Boudin, a terrorist, gets out of prison as his hired as a professor by Colombia University, in a short time, there is a terrorist bombing in Boston. Are these connected? Harvard, in Boston, teaches radicalism right along with law and medicine. There is much more of a chance that the Boston Marathon bombings was done by a leftist radical college student.
None of those organizations have been active in the last 30 years.

And why did you list M19CO on your list 3 times?

No White terrorists have been active since Tim McVeigh - 18 years ago. Yet this doesn't stop the left from repeatedly claiming that "whitey is about to bomb the gubmint."

Last known act of domestic terrorism - Christopher Dorner - a black man who did list SOME racial motivation for his acts, though the totally corrupt LAPD was the ultimate target. That was this year. But the hate sites keep spewing that "whitey is dangerous" and about to go on killing sprees.

We've had way more black terrorists than white terrorists. Tim McVeigh is the only one liberals have. They would not dare to mention Lee Boyd Malvo or John Allen Muhammed. They are struck dumb by Nidal Hassan and Feisal Shahzad. Without fail, liberals have to dig up the ghost of Tim McVeigh. They have one guy who was even a registered democrat! That's as close as they come.

Kathy Boudin, a terrorist, gets out of prison as his hired as a professor by Colombia University, in a short time, there is a terrorist bombing in Boston. Are these connected? Harvard, in Boston, teaches radicalism right along with law and medicine. There is much more of a chance that the Boston Marathon bombings was done by a leftist radical college student.


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