BOTH political parties are spineless Rats.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
this article nailed it so well here.could not have said it better myself.:thup:

We the People are sick and tired of the same crap being fed to us time and time again. Both political parties are spineless rats that only appear interested in maintaining a status-quo that has decimated the American Middle Class and pushed the nation dangerously toward a fiscal precipice from which it will never return.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

This Just In: Americans Sick Of Being Fed Same Sh*t Sandwich From Media & Politicians -

here is another great article on it as well.

Poll Shows Americans' Massive Disapproval Of Both Parties: "Now It's Just An Oligarchy" | Zero Hedge
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Same shit different nicely applies to American politics. When will a majority of Americans realize this?

Time to outlaw the R and D parties altogether. Then imprison them all.
Nice: "Donald Trump deserves a chance to try and make those things happen for us. If he fails, voters will go with someone else. That’s how the system is supposed to work. We don’t need the manipulations of the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, or the political establishment to convince us otherwise."
This is why and how Trump beat all other sitting politicians including Hillary. Now those same sitting politicians are doing their damnedest to halt any progress of Trump's agenda as they can.
They want to ruin him and his presidency, that harms us folks whatever side you are on to halt a presidents agenda harms us all.
All Americans should be angry about this but so many are caught up in this Russian conspiracy that they can't see the truth when they are confronted with it.
The power elite is in full defense mode from DC to the mainstream wealthy as fuck media moguls, McCain and Graham may as well be Pelosi and Schumer, Four peas in a pod.
Nice: "Donald Trump deserves a chance to try and make those things happen for us. If he fails, voters will go with someone else. That’s how the system is supposed to work. We don’t need the manipulations of the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, or the political establishment to convince us otherwise."

I like that quote there cause it is so much the truth,hollywood lies so much about the REAL history of the world.I exposed the zionists media lies of the movie Dunkirk in this thread of mine today.

Hollywoods zionist edited propaganda version of Dunkirk exposed.

to no surprise,it got moved from the Israel section to the media section where very few posters hang out.:biggrin:

I obviously got the mods worried and running
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Same shit different nicely applies to American politics. When will a majority of Americans realize this?

Time to outlaw the R and D parties altogether. Then imprison them all.

I have said this a hundred times since i became awake to how corrupt our government really is. there is no hope for the future of america or the world as long as we have this corrupt one party system disguised as two.

Our last great president we had and one of the greatest ever spilled the beans on our corrupt government how it is the FED and our corrupt government instituions are the criminals starting wars with other countries all the time in this speech here that got him killed. we will never see a president anything like him again who gave hope for the young generation.


Every president since then has been their willing puppet serving them and burning the constitution. He tried to get us back to the constitution where the people had control over the government instead of these bankers and corporations that do now.:mad:
And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Same shit different nicely applies to American politics. When will a majority of Americans realize this?

Time to outlaw the R and D parties altogether. Then imprison them all.

I have said this a hundred times since i became awake to how corrupt our government really is. there is no hope for the future of america or the world as long as we have this corrupt one party system disguised as two.

Our last great president we had and one of the greatest ever spilled the beans on our corrupt government how it is the FED and our corrupt government instituions are the criminals starting wars with other countries all the time in this speech here that got him killed. we will never see a president anything like him again who gave hope for the young generation.


Every president since then has been their willing puppet serving them and burning the constitution. He tried to get us back to the constitution where the people had control over the government instead of these bankers and corporations that do now.:mad:
Thing is they may get us all killed. So the future of America and the world is certainly in doubt, when you know the lengths in which these warmongering fools will go to enrich and empower themselves.
And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Wrong Timmy. Stop believing the lies of the ruling class. They WANT you to believe that shit.

We get two choices. TWO!!! We do not deserve this and it is time to put an end to it.

You think Hillary would have been any better? God forbid. I couldn't stand Big Ears, but I tend to think that asshat McCain and Romney would likely have been worse.
This is why and how Trump beat all other sitting politicians including Hillary. Now those same sitting politicians are doing their damnedest to halt any progress of Trump's agenda as they can.
They want to ruin him and his presidency, that harms us folks whatever side you are on to halt a presidents agenda harms us all.
All Americans should be angry about this but so many are caught up in this Russian conspiracy that they can't see the truth when they are confronted with it.
The power elite is in full defense mode from DC to the mainstream wealthy as fuck media moguls, McCain and Graham may as well be Pelosi and Schumer, Four peas in a pod.

Let's see, while campaigning he didn't say too many if any nice things about Ryan and McConnell, looks like payback time.
And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Wrong Timmy. Stop believing the lies of the ruling class. They WANT you to believe that shit.

We get two choices. TWO!!! We do not deserve this and it is time to put an end to it.

You think Hillary would have been any better? God forbid. I couldn't stand Big Ears, but I tend to think that asshat McCain and Romney would likely have been worse.

The only advantage of having Obama (vs the rats like McCain or Romney) is that Dems had to share the blame with him, not Reps. That actually helped Trump to win. So, I think gum-chewer and golf-player Obama helped Trump to become a president, and that may have been the only good thing that clown Obama has ever done.
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And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Wrong Timmy. Stop believing the lies of the ruling class. They WANT you to believe that shit.

We get two choices. TWO!!! We do not deserve this and it is time to put an end to it.

You think Hillary would have been any better? God forbid. I couldn't stand Big Ears, but I tend to think that asshat McCain and Romney would likely have been worse.

The only advantage of having Obama (not the rats like McCain or Romney) is that Dems had to share the blame with him, not Reps. That actually helped Trump to win. So, I think gum-chewer and golf-player Obama helped Trump to become a president, and that may have been the only good thing clown Obama has ever done.
But the thing is we go around like this every 8 years. Clinton lead to Bush...which lead to Obama and he lead us to Trump.

I fear all these men are nothing but lying warmongering statist elitist fools.
And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.

the sheep vote them in.I never do.I used to vote independent after i became to how corrupt both parties are till I realised we dont elect our officials,that they are selected for us so i stopped voting knowing that.
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And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Wrong Timmy. Stop believing the lies of the ruling class. They WANT you to believe that shit.

We get two choices. TWO!!! We do not deserve this and it is time to put an end to it.

You think Hillary would have been any better? God forbid. I couldn't stand Big Ears, but I tend to think that asshat McCain and Romney would likely have been worse.

Totally agree,could not agree anymore. However as far as I am concerned,HELLery might as well have been elected.what has changed? the bombs are still dropping,the CIA,the FBI and the FED that patriot Ron Paul said he would get rid of if he was president and kennedy was on the verge of doing are still there. Till Trump gets rid of these three evi.organizations,he is just all talk.

I will wait and give him one term but if he does not get rid of those organizations by then, then we will know at that point he is no different than every other puppet president we have had since LBJ letting their masters control them.
And yet we vote them in.

I'm tired of the bitchy voters who complain all the time . We get what we deserve.
Douche bags like you get what you deserve. I don't.
This is why and how Trump beat all other sitting politicians including Hillary. Now those same sitting politicians are doing their damnedest to halt any progress of Trump's agenda as they can.
They want to ruin him and his presidency, that harms us folks whatever side you are on to halt a presidents agenda harms us all.
All Americans should be angry about this but so many are caught up in this Russian conspiracy that they can't see the truth when they are confronted with it.
The power elite is in full defense mode from DC to the mainstream wealthy as fuck media moguls, McCain and Graham may as well be Pelosi and Schumer, Four peas in a pod.

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I've had it with these two Political Parties. For 150 years, we've lived politically under their control. I'm ready for something new. You?
God I wish more people would wake up. They are ALL controlled by the Money people, that's why none of them ever do what we want them to do. They do what they are told.
Nice: "Donald Trump deserves a chance to try and make those things happen for us. If he fails, voters will go with someone else. That’s how the system is supposed to work. We don’t need the manipulations of the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, or the political establishment to convince us otherwise."

If he was serious about change -- He would have run as an Indie. And actually WON more easily.

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