BOTH political parties are spineless Rats.

Nice: "Donald Trump deserves a chance to try and make those things happen for us. If he fails, voters will go with someone else. That’s how the system is supposed to work. We don’t need the manipulations of the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, or the political establishment to convince us otherwise."

Written for the choir.
Nice: "Donald Trump deserves a chance to try and make those things happen for us. If he fails, voters will go with someone else. That’s how the system is supposed to work. We don’t need the manipulations of the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, or the political establishment to convince us otherwise."

If he was serious about change -- He would have run as an Indie. And actually WON more easily.
Name one independent who has won in the last 150 years.
The two parties have elections so rigged an independent can't win. That's why they rig elections.
The duopoly is beholden to special interest groups and the military industrial complex.

The choice is between Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum…

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