Both sad and ridiculous

A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
That’s because not even hundreds of ballots are tampered with......except by Republicans in No. Carolina. Is this where you guys get your own ballot tampering infom from ? It’s the same as when you guys complain about government’s all done by you to the tune of 114 to 1. I guess if you were raised in criminality, you’d support and whine about it.
I would take the time to educate you but I get very tired of educating the undereducated. You try to claim it is all Republicans that do this or that but obviously your partisan blinders have made you immune to reading the material that has already been provided, it keeps you from understanding that mass mailings removes the important checks and balances used by our election system to prevent fraud. If the Democrats were worried that Republicans were cheating why would they make it easier for them? No they are more worried that they are not able to cheat, that why they want mass mailings.
Blather with no substance.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
some of the rolls are not as accurate as you might think they are....
some of the rolls are not as accurate as you might think they are....
That certainly does not mean fraud will result.

No, human nature means that if there's an easy opportunity for fraud, fraud will result. Only leftists think human beings will magically become perfect creatures if believing it will serve their agenda.
No, human nature means that if there's an easy opportunity for fraud, fraud will result. Only leftists think human beings will magically become perfect creatures if believing it will serve their agenda
That exists only within your imagination.
Slowing the mail screws everyone equally.
Regardless of party and regardless of what you call the ballot.

Spare me. If the willingness to cheat and defraud wasn't part of humanity, we wouldn't have laws against them, lackwit. You don't make laws against things no one is going to do anyway. Uh duuuuuh, Jethro.

And no one is "slowing the mail" except you and your asinine insistence on demanding it handle all the votes in a Presidential election with only a couple of months' notice.
That’s telling. Just like Trump, his followers think lying and cheating is
OK cause after all, according to them, everyone does it. Guess what, they don’t. We have laws for the minority of criminals.

Okay, you've convinced me that you're a simpleton whose stuck in the leftist "all or nothing, because it's EASY!" mindset, and not worth talking to as though you're a person.

Go get your blankie and your copy of "Cat in the Hat". Have a nice nap, Junior.

A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
You leader already is on record for saying if he loses Dems cheated What a fn pos... A gd traitor The pos needs to sow doubt into the minds of our country?? Is nothing to low for him?
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
That’s because not even hundreds of ballots are tampered with......except by Republicans in No. Carolina. Is this where you guys get your own ballot tampering infom from ? It’s the same as when you guys complain about government’s all done by you to the tune of 114 to 1. I guess if you were raised in criminality, you’d support and whine about it.
I would take the time to educate you but I get very tired of educating the undereducated. You try to claim it is all Republicans that do this or that but obviously your partisan blinders have made you immune to reading the material that has already been provided, it keeps you from understanding that mass mailings removes the important checks and balances used by our election system to prevent fraud. If the Democrats were worried that Republicans were cheating why would they make it easier for them? No they are more worried that they are not able to cheat, that why they want mass mailings.
Blather with no substance.
You must be unable to read. I have shown many instances of cheating by both sides. Go back to school.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
Your claim was millions voting illegally.
You have not shown anything compelling let alone substantial to your claim.

Millions of illegal votes shouldn't and wouldn't be this difficult to prove.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
You leader already is on record for saying if he loses Dems cheated What a fn pos... A gd traitor The pos needs to sow doubt into the minds of our country?? Is nothing to low for him?
I remember your candidate calling anyone who voted for Trump deplorables. 44 and her both saying that Trump had to accept the results of the election. But the crazy left seemed to never figure out that they had to accept the results.
i realize that you are a charter member of the cult of dementia but please inform everyone how many months or weeks IF Biden wins before they make the VP president. Funny how corrupt you party is and the tries to force your ideas onto the other side.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
Your claim was millions voting illegally.
You have not shown anything compelling let alone substantial to your claim.

Millions of illegal votes shouldn't and wouldn't be this difficult to prove.
I see you have a reading problem. No where on this thread have I claimed millions ever voted illegally.
I have stated that there has been cheating. That mass mailings will remove a lot of the checks needed to assure that people are not cheating.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote
Then you should remember how close that election was.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
You leader already is on record for saying if he loses Dems cheated What a fn pos... A gd traitor The pos needs to sow doubt into the minds of our country?? Is nothing to low for him?
I remember your candidate calling anyone who voted for Trump deplorables. 44 and her both saying that Trump had to accept the results of the election. But the crazy left seemed to never figure out that they had to accept the results.
i realize that you are a charter member of the cult of dementia but please inform everyone how many months or weeks IF Biden wins before they make the VP president. Funny how corrupt you party is and the tries to force your ideas onto the other side.
Funny when Trump beat Hillary I can't recall anyone calling it a hoax Only Russian help , which you all denied but now we know Russia did help , and they continue to help putins pal
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote
Then you should remember how close that election was.
Hanging chads?
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
You leader already is on record for saying if he loses Dems cheated What a fn pos... A gd traitor The pos needs to sow doubt into the minds of our country?? Is nothing to low for him?
I remember your candidate calling anyone who voted for Trump deplorables. 44 and her both saying that Trump had to accept the results of the election. But the crazy left seemed to never figure out that they had to accept the results.
i realize that you are a charter member of the cult of dementia but please inform everyone how many months or weeks IF Biden wins before they make the VP president. Funny how corrupt you party is and the tries to force your ideas onto the other side.
Funny when Trump beat Hillary I can't recall anyone calling it a hoax Only Russian help , which you all denied but now we know Russia did help , and they continue to help putins pal
You mean you don’t remember Mueller, you don’t remember people throwing things on people for wearing caps? You don’t remember the black Trump supporter that was recently killed. You really got into the whole Russia conspiracy theory, just how many votes were changed by thos dastardly Russians? How many voting machine were sabotaged by them?
you seem to leave out the Chinese are helping your candidate.

the funny thing is Biden has spent over forty years in Congress and as a VP yet if he was so knowledgable and knows so much about how to create an economy and what is need for the country why has he hidden it till now?
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote
Then you should remember how close that election was.
Hanging chads?
I see you don’t remember just how close that election was you only remember the hanging chad.
Funny when Trump beat Hillary I can't recall anyone calling it a hoax Only Russian help , which you all denied but now we know Russia did help , and they continue to help putins pal


Even the whacko Democrats have dropped the Russia Collusion hoax. Where does that place you?
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote

And so your story changes ... again ...

You never voted for a Republican in your life. Be honest
I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote

And so your story changes ... again ...

You never voted for a Republican in your life. Be honest

Now, now. It's entirely possible he sustained a traumatic brain injury at some point. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
  • Thanks
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I don't see a problem with the 1200 or so you cited. If that's all that could be found out of hundreds of millions of ballots, then any fraud that does exist is not game changing.
Once again it is a partial list. Do you understand the word partial?
I would prefer an election with not one ballot not counted, one ballot not changed. No cheating at all. But I guess you think cheating is perfectly okay.
I would prefer voter ID. I know the left claims that minorities are not smart enough to get or keep on. But I know minoritieshave and keep driver’s license, social security, ACA some even have SNAP and other forms of assistance.
I would like voters rolls to be merged into a national database so we know that John Doe has not crossed county or state lines to vote numerous times. I would like to know that Jos Guatemala that was smuggled across the border last week is not voting.

You say there was not enough to matter I am sure you don’t remember the 2000 election.
LOL I remember 2000 election well ...I voted for GWB ,my last republican vote

And so your story changes ... again ...

You never voted for a Republican in your life. Be honest
Swear to God I had to change or my wife would divorce me
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.

No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong.
No, we KNOW the voter registration rolls are wrong
No you don't. You imagine they are and that any inaccuracies result in fraud and that fraud is perpetrated by and for the benefit of Dems only.

You have nothing but dopey suppositions and paranoid delusions.
We have already seen the disaster that mail in voting can be. It has been tried and failed. There was even a news crew that tried it with fake ballots. In one instance 3% were lost in the mail, even though the news crew mailed them. In another instance almost all disappeared.
those wanting mail in voting obviously have never dealt with the post office or have a plan to cheat. Nothing like having votes disappear or having six ballots shoved into one mail box.
six ballots shoved into one mail box.
if those 6 ballots all had the same address then thats where they go...
Yeah right. In a single family apartment with only two people living there. Damn do you ever stop? You do realize that people move right or don’t they explain thing like that in Beijing?
well then the carrier will forward the ones who dont live there....dont you ever stop with your bullshit?...try making up more scenarios you are good at it....
So where does he forward them to if no forwarding address or they have died Kreskin?
they get returned to sender with an explanation live here and i have to explain that to you?...geezus....
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there? They know that any ballot that is addressed to a certain address is only for those at that address? When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman. So If that person decides to fill out that ballot that is ok with you right? If the post office does not get your vote in in time to be counted that is fine with you? If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
So your claim is every post office employee knows that the people listed on that ballot is living there?
not every employee....the carrier of that route.....i knew every name on my route and if it was one i wasnt sure of, i put a question mark on it and let them tell me,if they didnt know they usually wrote "not here" on it and it would be returned to sender unknown.....
When a piece of mail is returned it usually returned by the person at the address not by the postman.
with political mail like ballots,federal law says if you are not sure you have to attempt delivery,which i described above.....if the person does what you think everyone does with mail that is not theirs that isnt on me, i did what i am obligated to do, i attempted it.....its up to the register of voters to keep up with their voter rolls....not the PO....
If the postman does not feel like completing their rounds that day your fine with that? dont work that think this is like that guy on cheers?...we could not just say "im done for today i will do the rest of the route tomorrow."..when you are done with the route is when you come back to the office....if for some reason you cant get done,like a vehical break down,they will send carriers out to help you get it done......
If your ballot gets lost your fine with that?
if your ballot got lost it wasnt because of me,if i have it when i leave the office you will get it that day.....but if it isnt in my hands i have no control over it....once i deliver it i did my part....
So you think no one has every delivered mail to a wrong address? I have gotten mail many times in my box that was for someone that I have never heard of, for someone three blocks over.
So you have no problem if someone fills out two, three or more ballots?
So here is just one of many Postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail
but it never happens right?
I take it you have never worked behind the counter at a post office nor have you ever had a letter or package mysteriously go missing from the time it is mailed by the time it is supposed to be delivered.
]I plan to. Vote by mail is OK for people that have to contend with long, long lines due all the closed polling places done away with by republicans to control the vote or people that worried of standing in long, long lines during a pandemic that has already killed over 171,000 Americans, just as vote by mail is used regularly by Donny himself. I vote early and at time of my convenience and have for years. I will mask, glove and shield or even wear a disposable protective suit if necessary to vote early, in person and make sure my vote for the Biden/Harris ticket counts to put an end to trump's subversion of our government.

No. Vote by mail is fine ONLY for those who medically cannot reach the polling place or who are truly out of town... Like the POTUS, who maintains a permanent residence in FL.

COVID-19 and long lines are NOT acceptable reasons. I will walk into my polling place with no mask or any other “protective” device other than my knife. Then I’ll go to the range and the dojo I train at before returning home to prepare for the Revolutionary Conservative Resistance.
If good enough for trump, who thinks nothing of jetting down to his home for golf, it is good enough for everybody that wants to vote that way, unless trump sabotages the mail just in time for election.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same.
You do understand that he is doing absentee ballot and not mass mailing? you seem to be under the impression that they are one and the same
They're the same ballot and they're processed and counted in the exact same way. What do you imagine is different?
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
For one an absentee ballot is requested by a person. That person gives an address where to send it.
it is not mass mailed offsome outdated voter registration form.
A distinction without a difference. You're assuming the voter rolls are not accurate and that any inaccuacies will end with fraud.'re imagining a problem that you don't know exists.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded.
no what I am imagining is that millions of ballots will be lost, considered not eligible or otherwise not counted. Some will indeed create fraud with mail in ballots just has been done in the past. We have had people for years that have indeed been prosecuted for voter fraud. If you think that voter rolls are up to date you are seriously deluded
Like I said. It's in your imagimation.
yeah in my imagination, that’s why it is written about by news organizations and shown in the news. Millions of mail-in ballots went missing in 2018: Report

yeah in my imagination
Yes. In your imagination.
Your "report" didn't identify a single instance of fraud.
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
So you want voter fraud? Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
theses are only the cases that have been prosecuted. Actual numbers are that are not caught or not prosecuted are higher
You just admitted and documented there is no fraud of consequence. Good job, loser.
I take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.
take it you need to have someone read for you. The web page I pointed you to, the very first word is a ” sampling” .
it is no where near complete. And you can bet that only some of the instances are never found and some that are found out are probably never prosecute.

Even a number 10x what you posted would be inconsequential.

You still have nothing.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
Most would say that even one instance is too much but of course the left sees nothing wrong in cheating. They know they have no other choice.
I certainly don't see millions of illegals voting illegally.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it. But when things don’t go the lefts way no matter whether they cheat or not. They go crazy, claim Russia and try every underhanded thing they can to erase the election because they can’t accept it.
Oh as long as millions are not voting illegally or millions of ballots are not being changed you are fine with it
Umm....yeah. You're not cool with a clean election?
You seem to have the problem with a clean election. You are the one that doesn’t mind cheating. But I understand that, the left knows the need to cheat and understand that they need to win any way they can
Max cheating to any big degree that makes any difference at all is NON EXISTENT It's just republican bs trying to keep voting down so trump has a chance ,,,Forget about it That ship has already sailed IF Trump wins the fix was in
And you can bet if the Democrats get mass mailings of ballots and win everyone will say they got it by cheating.
You leader already is on record for saying if he loses Dems cheated What a fn pos... A gd traitor The pos needs to sow doubt into the minds of our country?? Is nothing to low for him?

Of course you'll accept the results if he wins, correct?

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