~Bottom-dweller Obama uses Down syndrome to hit Romney~

Why? Because he tithed to his church? Let me tell you, because I have first hand knowledge. You know what the push is? Privatization. I know people that work in privately run Group homes, being responsible for people like I work with for minimum wage. I know one that's been working in one for 10 years....9.75/hr.

I take the folks who do manage to get placed in those homes for visits and for their moves...I've spent days in them. The quality of care sucks, the food is "whatever's in the cupboard, their staff are way overworked and under paid, and the folks who live there have little in the way of a quality of life. They get up, eat their cold cereal, go to their county based workshops, eat a bag lunch there, come home, watch TV and eat Hamburger helper type meals for supper. I'fe been in at least 10 different ones and the SOP is virtually the same.

Why is it like this? Because someone thought it a great idea to make a buck off people who can't provide for themselves.

EDIT: So don't sit there and tell me that I'm just believing what I want to believe...and jarhead? go fuck yourself. I'm 100x more qualified to make a judgment on this than you'll ever be.

You're talking to people who don't care nor have any interest in wanting to understand. They want to live in their little bubbles where if you need in help in any way, you are a weak person who has no one to blame but yourself.

Save your breath, these are not people who are rational or capable of critical thought. That much is clear.

Your problem is you dont understand the conservative ideology. Not usre if you doint want to understand it or if you never had a chance to understand it.

You see, I understand the liberal way of thinking. It is not rocket science...and yes, it is a way of thinking that make much sense A very commendable ideology...an ideology that ensures all that need are taken care of. But the liberal ideology is based on one premise that I do not agree with....it assumes man is selfish by nature and will onlyu help others if they are forced to help others.

But for me, I take care of my fellow man......but I do not believe it is wise to have governent make the decisions of who I should help, when I should help them, and why I should help one over another.

I have faith in myself and know I will make the right decisions.

Conservatives are not selfish people. Anyone who paints them in that light do not understand our ideology.

Like you.

I understand the conservative ideology and I actually agree with it. However, what is said and what is done are two totally different things. It's a nice fluffy thought to think that people who truly need help will be lifted up by those willing to help. We certainly have some of that going on, but the problem is we live in a complex society with issues that can't be solved with simple solutions.

I have never said conservatives are all selfish people, no group can be categorized so easily. However there is an element that has infiltrated the modern GOP with that attitude of "why should I help YOU". And to some extents I agree with this.....way too many people feel entitled to things they don't deserve. But I feel the problem is that conservatives can't define how you differentiate between those who truly need help and those who don't. So the easy way out for too many is to lump all people together as "moochers" and not want to help any of them.

This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.
You guys know by now that I work with people like her....well like her but really low functioning and with mental health and extreme behavioral problems.

I don't believe for a minute that the GOP won't cut them too. I've seen it happen in the 80's when Reagan cut Federal funding to Mental Health Facilities Nation Wide...

The States.didn't have the money to keep them without the Federal subsidies.....what happened? A HUGE explosion of homelessness of people without resources....medicines, therapy, vocational help, and yes....institutions where they can live and get in house treatment....

I don't believe for a second that it won't happen again, this time to people with developmental disabilities.

Reagan didn't cutting funding for mental health facilities, moron. Some liberal do-gooder types in the profession decided the mentally ill would be better off living on their own, so they decided to empty all the mental health facilities.

It's your ilk that are responsible for that problem, not Reagan.
you want to talk about using people how about private jessica lynch

And this is relevant how?

Just to play along,if she was used,its bad,she also would understand that she was,this girl could very well not. Large difference propping up moral in time of war,and blatant misrepresentation using a diminish capacity child for political gain smearing the other guy.
You're talking to people who don't care nor have any interest in wanting to understand. They want to live in their little bubbles where if you need in help in any way, you are a weak person who has no one to blame but yourself.

Save your breath, these are not people who are rational or capable of critical thought. That much is clear.

Your problem is you dont understand the conservative ideology. Not usre if you doint want to understand it or if you never had a chance to understand it.

You see, I understand the liberal way of thinking. It is not rocket science...and yes, it is a way of thinking that make much sense A very commendable ideology...an ideology that ensures all that need are taken care of. But the liberal ideology is based on one premise that I do not agree with....it assumes man is selfish by nature and will onlyu help others if they are forced to help others.

But for me, I take care of my fellow man......but I do not believe it is wise to have governent make the decisions of who I should help, when I should help them, and why I should help one over another.

I have faith in myself and know I will make the right decisions.

Conservatives are not selfish people. Anyone who paints them in that light do not understand our ideology.

Like you.

I understand the conservative ideology and I actually agree with it. However, what is said and what is done are two totally different things. It's a nice fluffy thought to think that people who truly need help will be lifted up by those willing to help. We certainly have some of that going on, but the problem is we live in a complex society with issues that can't be solved with simple solutions.

I have never said conservatives are all selfish people, no group can be categorized so easily. However there is an element that has infiltrated the modern GOP with that attitude of "why should I help YOU". And to some extents I agree with this.....way too many people feel entitled to things they don't deserve. But I feel the problem is that conservatives can't define how you differentiate between those who truly need help and those who don't. So the easy way out for too many is to lump all people together as "moochers" and not want to help any of them.

This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.

when the hell did I ever imply that in ANY of my posts?

To the contrary, I feel MOST liberals dont want handouts....but they seem to believe that ALL conservatives dont want to help others so they push for legislation forcing the helping of others.

I am not one that looks as one in need as a moocher. Sure, there are moochers out there...just as there are selfish conservaives...

But neither is the norm.

Whatever......not sure where you got that idea about me. Time may be for me to leave this God forsaken site.
This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

That will never happen because government cannot make such distinctions. Those decisions are almost entirely the result of personnel judgement. Government can only implement impersonal rules. The moochers will always find a way to take advantage of any system run by the government.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.

I couldn't care less what liberals want aside from the fact that they feel entitled to take what I have earned. Whatever the good purposes they imagine they are using the money for, it's not theirs to take.
The high irony of Democrats using a Down's kid to forward their agenda is that PART of their agenda is aborting kids with Down's. :eusa_whistle:
Your problem is you dont understand the conservative ideology. Not usre if you doint want to understand it or if you never had a chance to understand it.

You see, I understand the liberal way of thinking. It is not rocket science...and yes, it is a way of thinking that make much sense A very commendable ideology...an ideology that ensures all that need are taken care of. But the liberal ideology is based on one premise that I do not agree with....it assumes man is selfish by nature and will onlyu help others if they are forced to help others.

But for me, I take care of my fellow man......but I do not believe it is wise to have governent make the decisions of who I should help, when I should help them, and why I should help one over another.

I have faith in myself and know I will make the right decisions.

Conservatives are not selfish people. Anyone who paints them in that light do not understand our ideology.

Like you.

I understand the conservative ideology and I actually agree with it. However, what is said and what is done are two totally different things. It's a nice fluffy thought to think that people who truly need help will be lifted up by those willing to help. We certainly have some of that going on, but the problem is we live in a complex society with issues that can't be solved with simple solutions.

I have never said conservatives are all selfish people, no group can be categorized so easily. However there is an element that has infiltrated the modern GOP with that attitude of "why should I help YOU". And to some extents I agree with this.....way too many people feel entitled to things they don't deserve. But I feel the problem is that conservatives can't define how you differentiate between those who truly need help and those who don't. So the easy way out for too many is to lump all people together as "moochers" and not want to help any of them.

This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.

when the hell did I ever imply that in ANY of my posts?

To the contrary, I feel MOST liberals dont want handouts....but they seem to believe that ALL conservatives dont want to help others so they push for legislation forcing the helping of others.

I am not one that looks as one in need as a moocher. Sure, there are moochers out there...just as there are selfish conservaives...

But neither is the norm.

Whatever......not sure where you got that idea about me. Time may be for me to leave this God forsaken site.

Dude, you painted a picture of me in your post. Did you not? Don't get all excited that the same happened to you.

Conservatives are not selfish people. Anyone who paints them in that light do not understand our ideology.

Like you.

Was this not you doing the same thing to me? :confused:
This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

That will never happen because government cannot make such distinctions. Those decisions are almost entirely the result of personnel judgement. Government can only implement impersonal rules. The moochers will always find a way to take advantage of any system run by the government.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.

I couldn't care less what liberals want aside from the fact that they feel entitled to take what I have earned. Whatever the good purposes they imagine they are using the money for, it's not theirs to take.

This is the type of lazy minded person that I was referring to that has infected the modern day GOP under the false label of "conservative". You're just lazy, and don't want to find a solution. If you're not lazy, you're selfish. I'll let you pick.
You guys know by now that I work with people like her....well like her but really low functioning and with mental health and extreme behavioral problems.

I don't believe for a minute that the GOP won't cut them too. I've seen it happen in the 80's when Reagan cut Federal funding to Mental Health Facilities Nation Wide...

The States.didn't have the money to keep them without the Federal subsidies.....what happened? A HUGE explosion of homelessness of people without resources....medicines, therapy, vocational help, and yes....institutions where they can live and get in house treatment....

I don't believe for a second that it won't happen again, this time to people with developmental disabilities.

well you're free to believe what you want...you want more monies for this program demand your Guberment cut other departments or Agencies WE DON'T NEED...we can't go on like we are
This is where you don't understand liberal ideas. I hate moochers just as much if not more than you do, I just don't want to be lazy and lump anyone who needs a helping hand under the umbrella of moocher. I want to figure out how to make a clear distinction and make it so that our tax dollars are spent wisely in helping those people.

That will never happen because government cannot make such distinctions. Those decisions are almost entirely the result of personnel judgement. Government can only implement impersonal rules. The moochers will always find a way to take advantage of any system run by the government.

You seem to think all liberals want free handouts for everything. That couldn't be further from the truth, but finding someone honest enough to have that discussion is more difficult than it should be.

I couldn't care less what liberals want aside from the fact that they feel entitled to take what I have earned. Whatever the good purposes they imagine they are using the money for, it's not theirs to take.

This is the type of lazy minded person that I was referring to that has infected the modern day GOP under the false label of "conservative". You're just lazy, and don't want to find a solution. If you're not lazy, you're selfish. I'll let you pick.

Wrong. I don't want to be robbed. I don't want a bunch of greedy morons like you deciding how to spend my money or what causes I should support. You've been fucking it up for 80 years now. Every lib thinks he's qualified to decide how to spend everyone else's money, and they're all incompetents. They have demonstrated their incompetence repeatedly.
How is allowing this young womens words to be heard using her?

She is being used as a human shield to protect all the scammers milking the taxpayers dry.

If the system was providing only for people who are in need of assistance through no fault of their own, people like her would be receiving better and more aid.


A disgusting, vile tactic.

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You guys know by now that I work with people like her....well like her but really low functioning and with mental health and extreme behavioral problems.

I don't believe for a minute that the GOP won't cut them too. I've seen it happen in the 80's when Reagan cut Federal funding to Mental Health Facilities Nation Wide...

The States.didn't have the money to keep them without the Federal subsidies.....what happened? A HUGE explosion of homelessness of people without resources....medicines, therapy, vocational help, and yes....institutions where they can live and get in house treatment....

I don't believe for a second that it won't happen again, this time to people with developmental disabilities.

Seems you forgot we are a republic.

We have 50 states.

We have state governments.
You are by no meabns qualified to debate this subject.

You are jaded.

Sorry pal.

Yeah....we do have 50 States. Yeah, we do have State governments....NONE of which can afford to keep these people without Federal Funds without taxing the piss out of their constituents.

Ever thought if the feds would quit sucking all the resources out of the states, skimming money off the top for administration of its many programs and then trickling money back to the states, the states might be able to do more? Money funneled through multiple buereaucrats is never used effeciently.
that is because that is what you want others to believe and want to convince yourself of so you can perpetuate that lie.
Whether you think so or not, Romney is actually a very compassionate human being.

Why? Because he tithed to his church? Let me tell you, because I have first hand knowledge. You know what the push is? Privatization. I know people that work in privately run Group homes, being responsible for people like I work with for minimum wage. I know one that's been working in one for 10 years....9.75/hr.

I take the folks who do manage to get placed in those homes for visits and for their moves...I've spent days in them. The quality of care sucks, the food is "whatever's in the cupboard, their staff are way overworked and under paid, and the folks who live there have little in the way of a quality of life. They get up, eat their cold cereal, go to their county based workshops, eat a bag lunch there, come home, watch TV and eat Hamburger helper type meals for supper. I'fe been in at least 10 different ones and the SOP is virtually the same.

Why is it like this? Because someone thought it a great idea to make a buck off people who can't provide for themselves.

Wait a damn minute.. The fucking sob mob liberal Squad strikes again.. Where the hell is the responsibility of ANY family member to care for their loved one??? Where is the responsibility for any family member to make certain their loved one is properly cared for??? I'm so sick of the LEFTIST cry baby mantra as if that is somehow the fault of conservatives??? It's too bad BUSINESSES even Eldercare have to make money to stay open.. ISN'T IT?? You're fucking deranged.


along comes ladycumslinger to act like the big bag of douche that she is on a subject she is WOEFULLY ignorant on.

Most of the people that I am talking about were born in the 40's, 50's, and 60's....Do you know what the medical establishment told parents back then? No? Well, let me tell you....

Put your child in an institution and forget they were ever born....then try again for a healthy child. Do you know how many families are involved in our people's lives? 5-8% maybe? Plus, their parents, if they're still alive...are now geriatric folk who can't begin to take care of people with the behaviors I see on a daily basis.

Just shut the fuck up and get off your idiotic "outrage" bullshit.
As usual..

Republicans hate it when Democrats give women a chance to voice their frustrations.


I didn't know it was possible for anyone to prevent a woman from voicing their "frustrations"

I know it's impossible where I live.
Why? Because he tithed to his church? Let me tell you, because I have first hand knowledge. You know what the push is? Privatization. I know people that work in privately run Group homes, being responsible for people like I work with for minimum wage. I know one that's been working in one for 10 years....9.75/hr.

I take the folks who do manage to get placed in those homes for visits and for their moves...I've spent days in them. The quality of care sucks, the food is "whatever's in the cupboard, their staff are way overworked and under paid, and the folks who live there have little in the way of a quality of life. They get up, eat their cold cereal, go to their county based workshops, eat a bag lunch there, come home, watch TV and eat Hamburger helper type meals for supper. I'fe been in at least 10 different ones and the SOP is virtually the same.

Why is it like this? Because someone thought it a great idea to make a buck off people who can't provide for themselves.

EDIT: So don't sit there and tell me that I'm just believing what I want to believe...and jarhead? go fuck yourself. I'm 100x more qualified to make a judgment on this than you'll ever be.

You're talking to people who don't care nor have any interest in wanting to understand. They want to live in their little bubbles where if you need in help in any way, you are a weak person who has no one to blame but yourself.

Save your breath, these are not people who are rational or capable of critical thought. That much is clear.

Your problem is you dont understand the conservative ideology. Not usre if you doint want to understand it or if you never had a chance to understand it.

You see, I understand the liberal way of thinking. It is not rocket science...and yes, it is a way of thinking that make much sense A very commendable ideology...an ideology that ensures all that need are taken care of. But the liberal ideology is based on one premise that I do not agree with....it assumes man is selfish by nature and will onlyu help others if they are forced to help others.

But for me, I take care of my fellow man......but I do not believe it is wise to have governent make the decisions of who I should help, when I should help them, and why I should help one over another.

I have faith in myself and know I will make the right decisions.

Conservatives are not selfish people. Anyone who paints them in that light do not understand our ideology.

Like you.

Oh...bullshit. your whole premise is based on the idea that someone is "getting" something you are not. You can talk yourself into the bullshit ideological speak....but it's plain as day...I got mine, you go fuck yourself...hope someone saves your ass, but it won't be me.

How fucking clear does it have to be?

Poor people who can work? Get a fucking job(on this one, I'm pretty much in your corner).

Poor people who are disabled physically? Not my fucking problem...
they're probably faking anyway.

Now you extend your Neanderthal-ish ways to the mentally ill and developmentally disabled..... Now you're fucking exposed as the heartless, let them eat cake assholes we always knew you were.

Fuck you.. sometimes you don't get to CHOOSE who you help and who you don't
The liberal left are nothing but liars. No one on the right is saying to cut off those who are disabled or those who can't legitimately work, no one. But to expect those who are able bodied to work and make a life for themselves makes men, men and women, women. It makes people proud of themselves to work for what they got. That is why I say, the Republicans help the poor, Democrats keep the poor.

Obama is the most divisive president in my memory.
You guys know by now that I work with people like her....well like her but really low functioning and with mental health and extreme behavioral problems.

I don't believe for a minute that the GOP won't cut them too. I've seen it happen in the 80's when Reagan cut Federal funding to Mental Health Facilities Nation Wide...

The States.didn't have the money to keep them without the Federal subsidies.....what happened? A HUGE explosion of homelessness of people without resources....medicines, therapy, vocational help, and yes....institutions where they can live and get in house treatment....

I don't believe for a second that it won't happen again, this time to people with developmental disabilities.

Reagan didn't cutting funding for mental health facilities, moron. Some liberal do-gooder types in the profession decided the mentally ill would be better off living on their own, so they decided to empty all the mental health facilities.

It's your ilk that are responsible for that problem, not Reagan.

Reagan cuts funding to mental health - Google Search

STFU Skippy, you have no clue what the fuck your talking about. I was there. My mom worked in a Mental Health institution as an RN my whole life and I started in MR in 1986.

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