'Bout 37 hours left.. Time to see how many folks are brain-washed

MtnBiker said:
Right on wrong depend on which side your on??

So beheading an innocent vitcim in the name of terror is right depending on a matter of perspective. You are a moral equivalent sycophant!
fancy words,
but in all this conflict we forget about the lack of context and perpective that prevents us understanding truly what motivates the enemy. if we grew up in a middle east then maybe we would have different perpective. if we grew up in saddams iraq we would have a different view. everybody is subject to the biases and propaganda of their upbringing. to some even the horror of beheading is tolerable to advance thier cause. they are blinding by ideology. i'm a moral relativist, i don't know about cliams of good and evil and i'm suspicious of people who do cliam to know good, or evil, or truth. i believe all killings wrong so does the vast majority of humanity. our ideas of right and wrong are formed by the enviorment we were raised in. get it?
dilloduck said:
YOU, do YOU think the japanese have the right to make a premptive stike to protect thier national security??????
Redz said:
fancy words,
but in all this conflict we forget about the lack of context and perpective that prevents us understanding truly what motivates the enemy. if we grew up in a middle east then maybe we would have different perpective. if we grew up in saddams iraq we would have a different view. everybody is subject to the biases and propaganda of their upbringing. to some even the horror of beheading is tolerable to advance thier cause. they are blinding by ideology. i'm a moral relativist, i don't know about cliams of good and evil and i'm suspicious of people who do cliam to know good, or evil, or truth. i believe all killings wrong so does the vast majority of humanity. our ideas of right and wrong are formed by the enviorment we were raised in. get it?
If I said I my friends and I were going to kill you, would you be justified in defending yourself?
Redz said:
YOU, do YOU think the japanese have the right to make a premptive stike to protect thier national security??????

hell ya everyone does and always will
Bonnie said:
Ah excuse me Redz, Kerry's economic policies are in no way like Bush's policies. Kerry plans on raising taxes for the middleclass, read his agenda it's a fact, Bush wants to make tax cuts permanent, and that is good because it has stimulated our economy, and saved us from a bad recession. Kerry claims to be the champion of the middleclass...that's a joke! His tax policies are aimed directly at small businesses which are responsible for 80% of the jobs created in this country. There are not enough very wealthy people in this country to pay for Kerry's plans to socialize medicine, and all his other spending plans, hence he needs to go to the largest group paying the tax in this country, the middleclass who are overtaxed as it is.
look i think you are better informed in this than me, but he stimulated the economy by running up a big defict and by weaking the value of the dollar. middleclass are over taxed so tax the rich even more as they have too much. i propose a cribs tax. A $10000000 special tax if you appear on the show
Redz said:
look i think you are better informed in this than me, but he stimulated the economy by running up a big defict and by weaking the value of the dollar. middleclass are over taxed so tax the rich even more as they have too much. i propose a cribs tax. A $10000000 special tax if you appear on the show

I propose that you only make proposals that will affect your own country--did we ask for your help??? :flameth:
Redz said:
middleclass are over taxed so tax the rich even more as they have too much.

The rich have to much, according to who, you??? Now you are qualified to determine how much money a person should earn??

Perhaps you should ask Kerry why he paid a lower percentage tax rate than most middleclass tax payers.
dilloduck said:
If I said I my friends and I were going to kill you, would you be justified in defending yourself?
yeah only if you actually attacked me. not if i thought you might attack me, so i decided to attack you first. a real event actually needs to occur, an actual incident of attacking
Redz said:
yeah only if you actually attacked me. not if i thought you might attack me, so i decided to attack you first. a real event actually needs to occur, an actual incident of attacking

well it just so happens that the US WAS attacked several times--
dilloduck said:
I propose that you only make proposals that will affect your own country--did we ask for your help??? :flameth:
your country effects every country so thats why i'm posting. did the people of iraq ask for your help??? no but they needed it anyway. but if you want to shut me up fine. im hungry anyway. but as mega wealthy governer arnie says
"i'll be back"
Redz said:
yeah only if you actually attacked me. not if i thought you might attack me, so i decided to attack you first. a real event actually needs to occur, an actual incident of attacking

That is a real effective strategy when considering the veracity of the attack. Waiting to be shot in the head seems like a good idea.
Redz said:
your country effects every country so thats why i'm posting. did the people of iraq ask for your help??? no but they needed it anyway. but if you want to shut me up fine. im hungry anyway. but as mega wealthy governer arnie says
"i'll be back"

damn I'll miss ya !
dilloduck said:
well it just so happens that the US WAS attacked several times--
when in this current century apart from 9/11?, which was by a group, not a nation. you can even use the post 1945 period if your stuck. no nation would dare attack america cos it sucide.
Redz said:
when in this current century apart from 9/11?, which was by a group, not a nation. you can even use the post 1945 period if your stuck. no nation would dare attack america cos it sucide.

Go eat quickly
Redz said:
when in this current century apart from 9/11?, which was by a group, not a nation. you can even use the post 1945 period if your stuck. no nation would dare attack america cos it sucide.

93 World Trade Center Bombing

USS Cole

Kobar Towers

all US soil

And again, nations can decide to help to eliminate terrorists within there borders, if not they are aiding them.
MtnBiker said:
That is a real effective strategy when considering the veracity of the attack. Waiting to be shot in the head seems like a good idea.
you know what i'm on about. the whole notion of a preemptive strike is flawed. as they can just preemptive strike you back.DO onto others as you would have done to you. all nations are justified in attacking any potential threat before its a threat..its a bloody joke that this is part of your nations foreign policy and its bad for everyone!!! get it
MtnBiker said:
93 World Trade Center Bombing

USS Cole

Kobar Towers

all US soil

And again, nations can decide to help to eliminate terrorists within there borders, if not they are aiding them.

all terrorist groups, no nations!!!!!
Iraq never attacked you EVER
Redz said:
you know what i'm on about. the whole notion of a preemptive strike is flawed. as they can just preemptive strike you back.DO onto others as you would have done to you. all nations are justified in attacking any potential threat before its a threat..its a bloody joke that this is part of your nations foreign policy and its bad for everyone!!! get it

take care of yourself !!!!

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