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Bowe Bergdahl embraces victimhood.

He's a first class asshole. That's for sure. Absolutely no concern for those who lost their lives trying to "rescue" that POS.
Fact is bowe has been treated very well mainly because the press is on his side. They don't want to slam bowe because that makes their beloved obama look bad. Everyone knows Obama should have been removed after he released 5 terrorists to get the release of traitor bowe.!!!

Okay, first, we didn't have any grounds to hold those five individuals, who weren't terrorists, they were officials of the former Afghan Regime that the current afghan regime asked to release.

Second- The tragedy of Bowe Berghdahl is that they took a mentally ill man and put him in a uniform. Of course he snapped.

Okay first, you are never accurate about anything as you hava a rough time with facts.
Fact is bowe has been treated very well mainly because the press is on his side. They don't want to slam bowe because that makes their beloved obama look bad. Everyone knows Obama should have been removed after he released 5 terrorists to get the release of traitor bowe.!!!

Okay, first, we didn't have any grounds to hold those five individuals, who weren't terrorists, they were officials of the former Afghan Regime that the current afghan regime asked to release.

Second- The tragedy of Bowe Berghdahl is that they took a mentally ill man and put him in a uniform. Of course he snapped.

You got he same issue he does. That’s s being a coward. Always have someone else to blame. That’s why you feel like you never made it joe. The Mormons were more driven then you, that’s why you failed .

Bowe Bergdahl Says Taliban 'More Honest' Than U.S. Military, Returning To The U.S. 'Worse' Than Captivity
He's a first class asshole. That's for sure. Absolutely no concern for those who lost their lives trying to "rescue" that POS.

But they just didn’t understand! Hmm. He reminds me of a jilted teenager. They say that to. “You just DONT understand”. I’ll tell you what I understand and that’s this, in the US military there is a process for ignoring orders. However, it does not involve sneaking off in the middle of the night in a fucking war zone! I guess he just didn’t understand.
Okay, first, we took five of the most dangerous evil looking vile hate-filled desperado lunatic Muslim terrorists I ever saw and turned them loose to continue their insane jihad against innocent people.

Okay, guy, you need to get real here. Did you actually read the background on these guys...

They were things like "Minister of the Interior" and "Minister of Communications".

But they was evil scary Muslims....oh my!!!!!

Second- The tragedy of JoeB131 is that they took a mentally ill man and put him on a message board. Of course he snapped.

Personal attacks- the last resort of someone who has no argument.

Once again, JoeB131 is wrong!

"Mullah Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa, once the Taliban’s interior minister, was “directly associated to Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar” and was “trusted and respected by both.” After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he “represented the Taliban during meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against US and Coalition forces” and “attended a meeting at the direction of UBL, reportedly accompanied by members of HAMAS.” He is “one of the premier opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan” and was likely “associated with a militant training camp in Herat operated by deceased al-Qaida commander (in Iraq) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”"

"Mullah Mohammad Fazl, the Taliban’s deputy defense minister, is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. Fazl has “operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel,” and “If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”"

Marc Thiessen: Here’s what happens when Taliban leaders are released

'Taliban Dream Team': Who are the 5 prisoners traded for Bergdahl's freedom?
Sentencing is this week and I doubt he gets life in prison. He deserves at least 15 years but there is a lot of pressure from the tv networks to let him go since locking him up makes aunt barry look bad.
Sentencing is this week and I doubt he gets life in prison. He deserves at least 15 years but there is a lot of pressure from the tv networks to let him go since locking him up makes aunt barry look bad.

After all the pretrial garbage, I doubt the media is going to influence the military judge one iota. He will go by exactly what the UCMJ calls for, no more or less.
Of course i blame aunt barry, you nitwit. He's the one that made the deal to trade this traitor for 5 terrorists. THINK

Well, no we would have let those five guys go anyway because we have no legal grounds to hold them.

They were officials of a regime. They had not attacked any Americans directly. We had no real legal grounds to hold them as either POW's or as Criminals.

Try doing some research outside of Stormfront, okay?
Fact is bowe has been treated very well mainly because the press is on his side. They don't want to slam bowe because that makes their beloved obama look bad. Everyone knows Obama should have been removed after he released 5 terrorists to get the release of traitor bowe.!!!

Okay, first, we didn't have any grounds to hold those five individuals, who weren't terrorists, they were officials of the former Afghan Regime that the current afghan regime asked to release.

Second- The tragedy of Bowe Berghdahl is that they took a mentally ill man and put him in a uniform. Of course he snapped.
Second post defend terrorists award!
He's a first class asshole. That's for sure. Absolutely no concern for those who lost their lives trying to "rescue" that POS.

Because even the Army isn't claiming any lives were lost looking for him.

Command sergeant major: No troops died searching for Bergdahl

But again, the Army enlists a man the Coast Guard said was psychologically unfit to serve, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, maybe gave him amphetamines to keep him alert, and then they are surprised when he does something crazy?
He oughtta embrace a blindfold and be tied to a stake.
firing squad chair.jpg
He's a first class asshole. That's for sure. Absolutely no concern for those who lost their lives trying to "rescue" that POS.

Because even the Army isn't claiming any lives were lost looking for him.

Command sergeant major: No troops died searching for Bergdahl

But again, the Army enlists a man the Coast Guard said was psychologically unfit to serve, dropped him in the middle of a war zone, maybe gave him amphetamines to keep him alert, and then they are surprised when he does something crazy?

Tell that to their families. The fact that you try and use a obummer clown to support your bullshit is insulting. Here is his claim, “It doesn’t hold water because you’re in a very bad neighborhood regardless. You can get killed any day,” Wolf said. However, that doesn't hold water based on the fact that they WERE killed while looking for the prick. He's wrong, and you're an idiot.

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Chances are you haven’t heard of the six soldiers who died hunting for him after he went missing, according to military officials. Now that Bergdahl has been sprung—in exchange for five senior Taliban officials, who had been imprisoned at Guantanamo—soldiers who served with Bergdahl are grumbling that he deserted and shouldn’t be hailed as a hero, especially given the resulting cost in American lives.

The bile surrounding his rescue is blunt on his Fort Richardson, Alaska brigade’s Facebook page:

    • “I say we welcome him home with a firing squad.,” one says. “He’s a piece of trash and everyone from [Fort Richardson] knows it the only person less American than that man is the president for giving up 5 hvt’s [High-Value Targets]”
    • “Now he can stand trial for deserting his post,” says one message on his unit’s Facebook page—a sentiment that has garnered 44 “likes”.
    • “Do you know how many families never saw their loved ones because of him?” a third poster asked.
The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl
Once again, JoeB131 is wrong!

"Mullah Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa, once the Taliban’s interior minister, was “directly associated to Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar” and was “trusted and respected by both.” After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he “represented the Taliban during meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against US and Coalition forces” and “attended a meeting at the direction of UBL, reportedly accompanied by members of HAMAS.” He is “one of the premier opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan” and was likely “associated with a militant training camp in Herat operated by deceased al-Qaida commander (in Iraq) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”"

"Mullah Mohammad Fazl, the Taliban’s deputy defense minister, is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. Fazl has “operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel,” and “If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”"

So you have a lot "guilt by association", but i'm still waiting to see actual charges.
Once again, JoeB131 is wrong!

"Mullah Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa, once the Taliban’s interior minister, was “directly associated to Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar” and was “trusted and respected by both.” After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he “represented the Taliban during meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against US and Coalition forces” and “attended a meeting at the direction of UBL, reportedly accompanied by members of HAMAS.” He is “one of the premier opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan” and was likely “associated with a militant training camp in Herat operated by deceased al-Qaida commander (in Iraq) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”"

"Mullah Mohammad Fazl, the Taliban’s deputy defense minister, is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. Fazl has “operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel,” and “If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”"

So you have a lot "guilt by association", but i'm still waiting to see actual charges.
Why? You'll just spin and deny.
You can't have guys in a war zone deciding that this shit ain't for me and walking off your post leaving your guys unguarded. They won't shoot the guy but they can't let him off easy either, the precedence would be awful.
Why? You'll just spin and deny.

You miss the point entirely.

There are only two LEGAL theories that we could have held these five on.

(Sorry, because we feel like it" isn't a legal theory).

One would be that they committed crimes against American citizens. We held them for something like 12 years when they were captured in 2002. No legal charges were ever brought against them in a US Court.

The other is that they were "Prisoners of War". Now, if we did that, we'd have to declare them POW"s, which means no more questioning them, no more trying to get info out of them, etc. The Geneva Conventions would apply to them.

The thing was, the AFGHAN government asked that these five be released to facilitate peace talks with the Taliban. They weren't sent back to Afghanistan, they were sent to Qatar at the request of the Afghan government.

This isn't "spin" buddy, this is a discussion of the case.

Now, this is the mess Bush created with Gitmo, where he wanted to bypass both US Law protecting criminals AND the Geneva Conventions, so Dick Cheney could get his rocks off torturing people.

But eventually, we have to do something with these guys.
You can't have guys in a war zone deciding that this shit ain't for me and walking off your post leaving your guys unguarded. They won't shoot the guy but they can't let him off easy either, the precedence would be awful.

The reality, though is that we do that sort of thing all the time.

Gary Garwood, who actually collaborated with the enemy in Vietnam, received no jail time when he was eventually returned to the States.

This did not cause mass defections in any of the wars that followed.

I don't think what Bergdahl did was anywhere near as bad as what Garwood did.
Why? You'll just spin and deny.

You miss the point entirely.

There are only two LEGAL theories that we could have held these five on.

(Sorry, because we feel like it" isn't a legal theory).

One would be that they committed crimes against American citizens. We held them for something like 12 years when they were captured in 2002. No legal charges were ever brought against them in a US Court.

The other is that they were "Prisoners of War". Now, if we did that, we'd have to declare them POW"s, which means no more questioning them, no more trying to get info out of them, etc. The Geneva Conventions would apply to them.

The thing was, the AFGHAN government asked that these five be released to facilitate peace talks with the Taliban. They weren't sent back to Afghanistan, they were sent to Qatar at the request of the Afghan government.

This isn't "spin" buddy, this is a discussion of the case.

Now, this is the mess Bush created with Gitmo, where he wanted to bypass both US Law protecting criminals AND the Geneva Conventions, so Dick Cheney could get his rocks off torturing people.

But eventually, we have to do something with these guys.
You even spin my statement, it all you ever do. Bullshit and run.

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