Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Without patent protection, there would be no new drugs. What drug company is going to spend tens of millions of dollar developing a drug only to have it cloned the day it hits the market.
Really? No new drugs? How certain or you of that? Given that they sell their exact same products at much lower prices in the rest of the world, I seriously doubt there would be no new products.
You mran the research funded by the big bad evil GOVERNMENT? OMG OMG OMG
Speak English, Pedro. Or maybe I couldn't understand you because you had the government teet in your mouth while you were talking.
I speak English. You probably don't get it because I don't speak bigot.
People who cry bigot are often time bigots. I didn't understand it because "mran" made no sense. Were you trying to spell, "moron?" There's no a in moron.
Wow, another feeble minded whiner who thinks typos are really relevant.
This is a country of over 300 million people. That won't work here. It will be a massive failure across the board.

Why not?
We'll run out of other people's money.
More people means more people paying into it.
Obviously you are unaware of the economic situation in this country. The majority are living month to month. Don't hold your breath that they will be paying anything.
Why does population size matter? Quit running away from your posts.
I never said they weren't jobs that were created. I said that they were being paid with the money we gave them and that there was no value created by it because the government is inefficient in everything they do. When they get involved in anything, costs go up. They don't have a balance sheet they have to answer to. So if you really need to see this as some victory because your ego is fragile, go for it. That doesn't change what I wrote, or how rational individuals who are not overly emotional will evaluate this exchange.

When did I say that? I said they are accountable to a balance sheet. They are accountable for profits and losses. They must be efficient with their capital. The government doesn't have to be. The federal government which you so dearly love and want to get bigger and bigger and take care of your every need is a lousy creator of value, such that they don't create value at all.

I never said they didn't. The question is one of degree. You love government so much that you want them to control everything. You probably want them to regulate prices, wages and profits, don't you? That's communism.

You want the government to be your nanny. There isn't anything you don't want your government to not do.

The religion of socialism worships big government and social policy.
Fuck off. That's all I hear from dumbasses like you. I work for a living & take care of myself. All you people do is blame Government for your miserable little lives.
I think you have that backwards. I'm not the one who wants big government. Therefore, I have no needs that need to be filled. All of us work for a living and take care of ourselves. It's that some, like yourself, believe that more government is better. My life is good without government regulation. Would you like for government to regulate wages, prices and profits? Would you like for government to control all aspects of society?
You accused me of something. Man up & admit it. You want fewer regulations. Under your buddy Trump, you are likely to get just that. Dirtier air, dirtier water, more greenhouse gases emissions, the path to another near financial collapse.
Sure, I'll man up. You want the government to be your nanny. There isn't anything you don't want your government to not do. The religion of socialism worships big government and social policy. How's that?
I have news, We tried that deregulation & corporations nearly killed America. How soon you whiners forget.

Deregulation has worked every time it has been tried.
This is a country of over 300 million people. That won't work here. It will be a massive failure across the board.

Why not?
We'll run out of other people's money.
More people means more people paying into it.
Obviously you are unaware of the economic situation in this country. The majority are living month to month. Don't hold your breath that they will be paying anything.
Why does population size matter? Quit running away from your posts.
I agree. It doesn't matter. Socialism never works, no matter what the size of the country.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Well, how did it feel ?
YOur inability to understand that multiple factors effect something is fairly shocking.

Here we go...The usual demeaning bullshit citing some lack of intelligence that cant be described....boring

Sure, competition from dropping Gas Prices is a problem for coal production and coal producing regions.

That's factor is a good thing for the nation over all, and is not something we want to change for the benefit of West Virginia.

So after saying I dont understand you agree with what I've said this whole time. Who is the one that doesnt understand again?

ON the other hand, government policy and hostility is an artificial factor that hurts coal employment and thus West Virginia, that we can easily fix to the benefit of American citizens in West Virginia.

I'm not sure how this is beyond you. Or are you just playing dumb?

There you go again, citing feelings like "hostility" or just saying vague things like "government policy". I've said this whole time coal jobs arent coming back. You keep saying I'm wrong then in the same post 2 sentences down you admit I'm right.

You're boring

There are TWO factors in discussion.

Oh you go again. Trying to get me to switch to the topic you want me too again. You've tried this already.

1. Competition from Gas. I have readily agreed that that is a part of the issue. I never said or implied otherwise.

This is the reason I said coal jobs will not be coming back. And after calling me stupid you agreed with me and then called names again.

2. Government policy. Which is easily changed.

Another vague point. Just yelling Government policy isnt addressing anything specific. Its easy like a comedian saying "how do you feel tonight?"

This is not "admitting that the jobs are not coming back".

You've already agreed with me. The same person you call stupid only to agree with then end it by calling someone stupid again.

Your fault not mine

As competition with Gas is only PART of the issue, NOT THE WHOLE of the issue, admitting it exists is not the same as stating that the jobs won't be coming back.

That you fail to grasp this simple distinction calls your intelligence into question.

There you go again, talking about shit no one has brought up. I said jobs WONT come back. So far you've only managed to change the subject to vague undefined govt policies and what you are NOT saying.

You're NOT saying a lot of things. For example: That I'm wrong. You just change the subject and claim I dont know about the new subject you just threw in.

YOur pretense that agreeing with you that competition with Gas exists means that I agree that the jobs won't be coming back is you being a dishonest prick.

I said jobs wont be coming back. It sounds like you disagree. Feel free at anytime in the last 40 posts to explain why I am wrong. So far you havent because you cant.

Time for a new topic huh?
Funny how you think jobs will never come back, and yet you support Democrats telling people in the rust belt that Obama IS bringing jobs back.

Remember "clean coal"? What ever happened to that campaign?
Here we go...The usual demeaning bullshit citing some lack of intelligence that cant be described....boring

So after saying I dont understand you agree with what I've said this whole time. Who is the one that doesnt understand again?

There you go again, citing feelings like "hostility" or just saying vague things like "government policy". I've said this whole time coal jobs arent coming back. You keep saying I'm wrong then in the same post 2 sentences down you admit I'm right.

You're boring

There are TWO factors in discussion.

Oh you go again. Trying to get me to switch to the topic you want me too again. You've tried this already.

1. Competition from Gas. I have readily agreed that that is a part of the issue. I never said or implied otherwise.

This is the reason I said coal jobs will not be coming back. And after calling me stupid you agreed with me and then called names again.

2. Government policy. Which is easily changed.

Another vague point. Just yelling Government policy isnt addressing anything specific. Its easy like a comedian saying "how do you feel tonight?"

This is not "admitting that the jobs are not coming back".

You've already agreed with me. The same person you call stupid only to agree with then end it by calling someone stupid again.

Your fault not mine

As competition with Gas is only PART of the issue, NOT THE WHOLE of the issue, admitting it exists is not the same as stating that the jobs won't be coming back.

That you fail to grasp this simple distinction calls your intelligence into question.

There you go again, talking about shit no one has brought up. I said jobs WONT come back. So far you've only managed to change the subject to vague undefined govt policies and what you are NOT saying.

You're NOT saying a lot of things. For example: That I'm wrong. You just change the subject and claim I dont know about the new subject you just threw in.

YOur pretense that agreeing with you that competition with Gas exists means that I agree that the jobs won't be coming back is you being a dishonest prick.

I said jobs wont be coming back. It sounds like you disagree. Feel free at anytime in the last 40 posts to explain why I am wrong. So far you havent because you cant.

Time for a new topic huh?
Funny how you think jobs will never come back, and yet you support Democrats telling people in the rust belt that Obama IS bringing jobs back.

Remember "clean coal"? What ever happened to that campaign?

Dems aren't saying that...the unemployment numbers are.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
Well, keep single payer to yourself, millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. Lol
So, you will opt not to accept Medicare.
Why should I do that? Am I not paying in to it? Just because I won't opt out of something I have already pre-paid for does not mean I have to agree to expand it. That is flawed logic.
Because it is a government run program. You hate the government. You just called the program "shit" So put your money where your mouth is.
Are you telling me that you do not want government to regulate wages, prices and profits?
This is a country of over 300 million people. That won't work here. It will be a massive failure across the board.[/QUOTE]

Why not?
We'll run out of other people's money.
More people means more people paying into it.
Obviously you are unaware of the economic situation in this country. The majority are living month to month. Don't hold your breath that they will be paying anything.
Why does population size matter? Quit running away from your posts.
Answered in posts #573 and #580.
Really? No new drugs? How certain or you of that? Given that they sell their exact same products at much lower prices in the rest of the world, I seriously doubt there would be no new products.
You mran the research funded by the big bad evil GOVERNMENT? OMG OMG OMG
Speak English, Pedro. Or maybe I couldn't understand you because you had the government teet in your mouth while you were talking.
I speak English. You probably don't get it because I don't speak bigot.
People who cry bigot are often time bigots. I didn't understand it because "mran" made no sense. Were you trying to spell, "moron?" There's no a in moron.
Wow, another feeble minded whiner who thinks typos are really relevant.
I doubt I'll be losing any sleep over your opinion of me.
Obviously you are unaware of the economic situation in this country. The majority are living month to month. Don't hold your breath that they will be paying anything.

Your living month to month because the insurance industry runs your countr and you pay OTT rates. Can anybody tell me the monthly average premium for a family of four in the US?
Obviously you are unaware of the economic situation in this country. The majority are living month to month. Don't hold your breath that they will be paying anything.

Your living month to month because the insurance industry runs your countr and you pay OTT rates. Can anybody tell me the monthly average premium for a family of four in the US?
I'm not living month to month but the majority of Americans are living month to month. Saying it is because of insurance is a vast oversimplification. There's quite a bit more that goes into that equation. I don't know what the average family pays for health insurance, I only know what I pay. If I told you it would only make you envious. That or angry.

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