Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

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The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Here is my very first post in this thread- still true- you keep talking about this specific child only because his parents are lesbians- you ignore the stories of any other children- you ignore the actual issue of parents attempting to determine the best way to help their children who have a sexual identity disorder- you just want to be able to yell 'f*ggot....f*ggot....f*ggot.....what assholes.
Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Odd isn't it- that Silhouette never mentions any of the other cases- whose parents just happen not to be gay?

A Boy s Life - The Atlantic

This is a really interesting article on the issue. Not that Silhouette or any of the haters will read it- because it isn't just about attacking homosexuals

For his third Christmas, Tina bought Brandon a first-rate Army set—complete with a Kevlar hat, walkie-talkies, and a hand grenade. Both Tina and Brandon’s father had served in the Army, and she thought their son might identify with the toys. A photo from that day shows him wearing a towel around his head, a bandanna around his waist, and a glum expression. The Army set sits unopened at his feet. Tina recalls his joy, by contrast, on a day later that year. One afternoon, while Tina was on the phone, Brandon climbed out of the bathtub. When she found him, he was dancing in front of the mirror with his penis tucked between his legs. “Look, Mom, I’m a girl,” he told her. “Happy as can be,” she recalls.

“Brandon, God made you a boy for a special reason,” she told him before they said prayers one night when he was 5, the first part of a speech she’d prepared. But he cut her off: “God made a mistake,” he said.

Tina had no easy explanation for where Brandon’s behavior came from. Gender roles are not very fluid in their no-stoplight town, where Confederate flags line the main street. Boys ride dirt bikes through the woods starting at age 5; local county fairs feature muscle cars for boys and beauty pageants for girls of all ages. In the Army, Tina operated heavy machinery, but she is no tomboy. When she was younger, she wore long flowing dresses to match her long, wavy blond hair; now she wears it in a cute, Renée Zellweger–style bob. Her husband, Bill (Brandon’s stepfather), lays wood floors and builds houses for a living. At a recent meeting with Brandon’s school principal about how to handle the boy, Bill aptly summed up the town philosophy: “The way I was brought up, a boy’s a boy and a girl’s a girl.”
A recent medical innovation holds out the promise that this might be the first generation of transsexuals who can live inconspicuously. About three years ago, physicians in the U.S. started treating transgender children with puberty blockers, drugs originally intended to halt precocious puberty. The blockers put teens in a state of suspended development. They prevent boys from growing facial and body hair and an Adam’s apple, or developing a deep voice or any of the other physical characteristics that a male-to-female transsexual would later spend tens of thousands of dollars to reverse. They allow girls to grow taller, and prevent them from getting breasts or a period.

Second post of mine in this thread- and it is as accurate today as it was then- none of you bigots care about the issue of child sexual identity- unless of course the mom's can be called 'f*ggots'- only so long as the child can be used as part of your anti-homosexual campaign do you even pretend to give a damn about any children.

Odd isn't it- that Silhouette never mentions any of the other cases- whose parents just happen not to be gay?

A Boy s Life - The Atlantic

This is a really interesting article on the issue. Not that Silhouette or any of the haters will read it- because it isn't just about attacking homosexuals

For his third Christmas, Tina bought Brandon a first-rate Army set—complete with a Kevlar hat, walkie-talkies, and a hand grenade. Both Tina and Brandon’s father had served in the Army, and she thought their son might identify with the toys. A photo from that day shows him wearing a towel around his head, a bandanna around his waist, and a glum expression. The Army set sits unopened at his feet. Tina recalls his joy, by contrast, on a day later that year. One afternoon, while Tina was on the phone, Brandon climbed out of the bathtub. When she found him, he was dancing in front of the mirror with his penis tucked between his legs. “Look, Mom, I’m a girl,” he told her. “Happy as can be,” she recalls.

“Brandon, God made you a boy for a special reason,” she told him before they said prayers one night when he was 5, the first part of a speech she’d prepared. But he cut her off: “God made a mistake,” he said.

Tina had no easy explanation for where Brandon’s behavior came from. Gender roles are not very fluid in their no-stoplight town, where Confederate flags line the main street. Boys ride dirt bikes through the woods starting at age 5; local county fairs feature muscle cars for boys and beauty pageants for girls of all ages. In the Army, Tina operated heavy machinery, but she is no tomboy. When she was younger, she wore long flowing dresses to match her long, wavy blond hair; now she wears it in a cute, Renée Zellweger–style bob. Her husband, Bill (Brandon’s stepfather), lays wood floors and builds houses for a living. At a recent meeting with Brandon’s school principal about how to handle the boy, Bill aptly summed up the town philosophy: “The way I was brought up, a boy’s a boy and a girl’s a girl.”
A recent medical innovation holds out the promise that this might be the first generation of transsexuals who can live inconspicuously. About three years ago, physicians in the U.S. started treating transgender children with puberty blockers, drugs originally intended to halt precocious puberty. The blockers put teens in a state of suspended development. They prevent boys from growing facial and body hair and an Adam’s apple, or developing a deep voice or any of the other physical characteristics that a male-to-female transsexual would later spend tens of thousands of dollars to reverse. They allow girls to grow taller, and prevent them from getting breasts or a period.
Transgenderism is a manifestation of cultural values. In the old days it was called mental illness. If you cannot come to grips with the basic fundamental reality right between your legs, you are very very sick and need help. Being very very sick and needing help (not amputation of healthy organs or artificial hormones) is now called "normal" by the neo-deviant cult:
] call all of the parents struggling with helping their children who have gender confusion 'sick'.......

Personally, I am glad I am not faced with such an issue- it is hard enough being a parent without having a child who is convinced that he or she is a different gender, and likely to face abuse or possible self harm because of it.

So who should decide such issues for these parents- you? Or parents with consultation by medical professionals?

Who is more concerned for their kids?

And another post of mine from months ago in this thread that is still relevant call all of the parents struggling with helping their children who have gender confusion 'sick'.......

Personally, I am glad I am not faced with such an issue- it is hard enough being a parent without having a child who is convinced that he or she is a different gender, and likely to face abuse or possible self harm because of it.

So who should decide such issues for these parents- you? Or parents with consultation by medical professionals?

Who is more concerned for their kids?
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
And there you are attempting to make things out as if this is the only example of deviant behavior by a bunch of freaks wanting to turn what could be a normal kid into one.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

People like Syriusly are just as guilty because they enable things like this to happen.
Why doesn't this weird crap happen in nature? Cats kidnap puppy, force it to become a cat, something like that. This sounds more like a Twilight Zone episode censors pulled because it sounds too weird and stupid to be believable. Liberals.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
Thanks for proving me right. May you be struck by lightning if you ever come near a child.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
Really, and their SEXUAL PREFERENCE NEVER played a part in this? Why the hell do gays need to adopt, anyway? Get a shelter pet.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.
Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.
You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
Really, and their SEXUAL PREFERENCE NEVER played a part in this? Why the hell do gays need to adopt, anyway? Get a shelter pet.

Homosexuals don't need to adopt.

But luckily there are heterosexuals and homosexuals who offer to step up and adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Not enough of course- 100,000 children in America awaiting adoption- 33,000 of them will wait 3 or more years to be adopted.

The real question is why the hell do my fellow heterosexuals abandon their children?
You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
Thanks for proving me right. May you be struck by lightning if you ever come near a child.

Thanks for proving you are just your usual homophobic and cancerous self.

I look forward to being a parent to my child today, like I am every day.

Unlike you homophobic bigots- I care about children.

To you- they are just tools so you can yell 'f*ggot'....'f*ggot'......what an asshole.
This is a thread about the fed mandating depriving sons of fathers and daughters of mothers as an institution. Don't get sidetracked now, no matter how much you want to..

You should change the title of the thread then.

How about an honest title?
"Another Silhouette attack on homosexuals"
What I find revealing is that none of the gay people on this forum can bring themselves to condemn what these women are doing to this little boy. You all truly earn the title of faggots.

What I find revealing is that all of the homophobic assholes on this forum ignore the other cases of children with sexual identity disorders that have been cited in this thread, so that they can attack these mothers for being lesbians. You don't care about this boy- or the other children whose parents are trying to find the best assistance for their children- you just want another avenue to attack homosexuals.

You truly earn the title of assholes.
This thread is about these parents and this boy, as much as you want to make it about something else. You won't condemn the actions of these women because you approve of them. That makes you just as evil.
Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.
Is this about the lesbian mothers, or is it about what these mother's who are lesbians are doing to that poor child?
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Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.

Homo sapiens like all other primates, learns socially. That is an indisputable FACT.

The phenomenon "transgender" is a notion and a bit of dogma that belongs properly and squarely in the LGBT cult doctrines. THEREFORE any talk or movement towards "transgender" has its genesis in a cult movement. A cult known as 'LGBT'.

Transgender is a concept that is delusional at its core and does not exist because one cannot actually change from a man to a woman or woman to a man..."fooled you" games of pretend don't count.. Those living in social situations where it is taught and learned that "delusions are normal" can be expected to have a certain number of their hetero population buying into the new normal. Monkeys (homo sapiens) at the very base of their survival brain stem have the deep, deep instinct to not buck what they perceive to be the fold. If you are cast out of the troope, danger awaits. So different primates will take up all manner of odd social customs that they otherwise wouldn't, just to keep that reptilian urge "to belong" simmered down to a dull roar.

So this topic is properly, and rightly, about the LGBT issue. "T" is for transgender; and that is defined as an LGBT delusion sold to the public "as fact". Some of the public buys it and begins similar child abuse as in the OP. The vast majority of the public DOES NOT buy it and wants it stopped, and the children involved, protected from harm.
Disgusting. Whats the liberal press like Maddows say about it?
Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.

Homo sapiens like all other primates, learns socially. That is an indisputable FACT.


The phenomenon "transgender" is a notion and a bit of dogma that belongs properly and squarely in the LGBT cult doctrines. THEREFORE any talk or movement towards "transgender" has its genesis in a cult movement. A cult known as 'LGBT'.

Says who? Per many a transgender person, the genesis would be themselves.

Why would I ignore them and instead believe you claiming to speak for people you don't know nor have ever met about their deeply personal experience?
Since the OP is trying to establish the cause of this is due to the parents being lesbian, it is perfectly reasonable to cite other similar cases involving straight parents in order to demonstrate it has nothing to do with the parents being lesbians. Since the OP failed to establish such a connection between children being raised as the gender they believe they are; with lesbian parents, this thread is a fail.

Homo sapiens like all other primates, learns socially. That is an indisputable FACT.

The phenomenon "transgender" is a notion and a bit of dogma that belongs properly and squarely in the LGBT cult doctrines. THEREFORE any talk or movement towards "transgender" has its genesis in a cult movement. A cult known as 'LGBT'..

This thread is one of several threads that Silhouette has created regarding the plight of one child- and blaming the homosexuality of his parents.

Silhouette- and yourself and the rest of her fellow travellers have never cared about any of the other children mentioned- because their parents are not identified as homosexuals.

I have posted two articles discussing the actual issue- neither you or Silhouette ever wanted to talk about anything more than condemning these mothers- as you call them 'f*ggots'- because that is all you consider them 'f*ggots'.

The parents of other children- whose parents are not homosexuals? You don't care about them.
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