Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

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That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles

Can we agree to at least one thing? Can we agree that a solution IS NOT to drug a minor child with hormones in order to make amputation of their genitals later an "easier transition"? Can we at the rock bottom least agree this is child abuse?
Before I agree to that, you need to prove this isn't a viable option. I've read that roughly half of the people who believe they were born of the wrong gender attempt suicide before aging beyond their teenage years. Prove this method does not reduce that statistic and I will concede it is wrong.
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That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles

Can we agree to at least one thing? Can we agree that a solution IS NOT to drug a minor child with hormones in order to make amputation of their genitals later an "easier transition"? Can we at the rock bottom least agree this is child abuse?
Before I agree to that, you need to prove this isn't a viable option. I've read that roughly half of the people who believe they were born of the wrong gender attempt suicide before aging beyond their teenage years. Prove this method does not reduce that statistic and I will concede it is wrong.

And if I threaten to attempt suicide as a child if I can't get the attention I want (hold my breath until my face turns blue) then will you start a foundation to "allow any child unlimited access to the cookie jar" because to not do so would result in my committing suicide?

We don't bow to terrorists, even those using our own compassion against us by threatening to "end it all" if they don't get their way (to fundamentally change society to include sanctioned child abuse such as the case with this thread's OP).

Since you are advocating drugging children, the onus is upon YOU to prove FIRST that this is a good idea. We err on leaving children be, on protecting their natural viability and not tampering with it in ways we know will hurt them (surgery later causing incontinence, amputation of healthy organs, susceptiblity to infections, sterility and sexual numbness). Prove to me how this particular type of child abuse is "legitimate".

Got it?

Oh and BTW as one poster pointed out here, notice the dirt stains ground into the pink trousers the boy is wearing in the picture in the OP... Drug him and hack his junk off so that later he can change his mind to decide he actually likes the dirt on those trousers?...when it's too late and he's a mutilated freak?
That's the problem Skylar

That is like arguing over symptoms of problems that people don't agree on
instead of focusing on solutions that people can agree on and stop the other conflicts from going in circles

Can we agree to at least one thing? Can we agree that a solution IS NOT to drug a minor child with hormones in order to make amputation of their genitals later an "easier transition"? Can we at the rock bottom least agree this is child abuse?
Before I agree to that, you need to prove this isn't a viable option. I've read that roughly half of the people who believe they were born of the wrong gender attempt suicide before aging beyond their teenage years. Prove this method does not reduce that statistic and I will concede it is wrong.

And if I threaten to attempt suicide as a child if I can't get the attention I want (hold my breath until my face turns blue) then will you start a foundation to "allow any child unlimited access to the cookie jar" because to not do so would result in my committing suicide?

We don't bow to terrorists, even those using our own compassion against us by threatening to "end it all" if they don't get their way (to fundamentally change society to include sanctioned child abuse such as the case with this thread's OP).

Since you are advocating drugging children, the onus is upon YOU to prove FIRST that this is a good idea. We err on leaving children be, on protecting their natural viability and not tampering with it in ways we know will hurt them (surgery later causing incontinence, amputation of healthy organs, susceptiblity to infections, sterility and sexual numbness). Prove to me how this particular type of child abuse is "legitimate".

Got it?

Oh and BTW as one poster pointed out here, notice the dirt stains ground into the pink trousers the boy is wearing in the picture in the OP... Drug him and hack his junk off so that later he can change his mind to decide he actually likes the dirt on those trousers?...when it's too late and he's a mutilated freak?
Again, there's not enough empirical data yet to determine if this is going to work or not. And yes, if it dramatically reduces the obscene number of attempted suicides by teenagers with this same affliction, then yes, it is well worth it. What remedy do you offer in lieu of this one which will not result in high number of attempted suicides?
Again, there's not enough empirical data yet to determine if this is going to work or not. And yes, if it dramatically reduces the obscene number of attempted suicides by teenagers with this same affliction, then yes, it is well worth it. What remedy do you offer in lieu of this one which will not result in high number of attempted suicides?

Then you err on the side of not coercing children to eventually amptutate healthy organs to leave them incontinent, sterile, sexually-numb and susceptible to bacterial infections.

Suicides threatened by teenagers who were coerced into delusions by adults is not a legitimate impetus to cite to enact policies that rubber-stamp coercive child abuse. If a teenager is suicidal, get them into therapy. And that therapy had better not include any changes to their inborn traits...remember? Or did you forget? That's against the law in California, Mass. and N. Jersey.

I'd say possession of a penis or a vagina and xy or xx chromosomes respectively is the most unchallengeable premise of an inborn trait as a person could ever cite.
Again, there's not enough empirical data yet to determine if this is going to work or not. And yes, if it dramatically reduces the obscene number of attempted suicides by teenagers with this same affliction, then yes, it is well worth it. What remedy do you offer in lieu of this one which will not result in high number of attempted suicides?

Then you err on the side of not coercing children to eventually amptutate healthy organs to leave them incontinent, sterile, sexually-numb and susceptible to bacterial infections.

Suicides threatened by teenagers who were coerced into delusions by adults is not a legitimate impetus to cite to enact policies that rubber-stamp coercive child abuse. If a teenager is suicidal, get them into therapy. And that therapy had better not include any changes to their inborn traits...remember? Or did you forget? That's against the law in California, Mass. and N. Jersey.

I'd say possession of a penis or a vagina and xy or xx chromosomes respectively is the most unchallengeable premise of an inborn trait as a person could ever cite.
Now you veering off the plantation. According to the OP, it was the kid who convinced his parents he was a girl, the the other way around, as you falsely portray. Furthermore, kids like this do get therapy long before any of the hormone blocking drugs are prescribed. And lastly, drugs of varying types depending on diagnoses, are often prescribed to kids.

And I still see no other solution reducing the number of attempted suicides by kids who believe they were born the wrong gender.
Now you veering off the plantation. According to the OP, it was the kid who convinced his parents he was a girl, the the other way around, as you falsely portray. Furthermore, kids like this do get therapy long before any of the hormone blocking drugs are prescribed. And lastly, drugs of varying types depending on diagnoses, are often prescribed to kids.

And I still see no other solution reducing the number of attempted suicides by kids who believe they were born the wrong gender.

Yes, and at age 6 I was avidly trying to convince my parents I was a bird as I strapped carboard wings on my arms and tried to jump off the roof. I seriously considered killing myself when it was patiently explained to me that I was not a bird and would never fly. Imagine my world crumbling right before my eyes.

Long story short, with patience, time and other diversions I learned how silly my childhood fantasies were. That was the job my parents did. It was required of them to set my head straight lest I hurt myself irreparably...

Which brings me back to the OP and how surgery of healthy organs leaves a person multilated and permanently disfigured. The parental mandate of these two lesbians is not to encourage the boy to be a girl, but instead to encourage him to be a male; which is what he is and will always be. Of course being two women, modeling what "being male" means to the boy will be exceedingly difficult. And equally difficult will be the boy's challenge to find a reason to want to be a male in a world that has literally bifurcated maleness from having meaning at all...

...but drugging towards eventual amputation?...This is clearly a case of child abuse, negligent or otherwise.

That society in his state is participating/enabling this is beyond the pale.
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Now you veering off the plantation. According to the OP, it was the kid who convinced his parents he was a girl, the the other way around, as you falsely portray. Furthermore, kids like this do get therapy long before any of the hormone blocking drugs are prescribed. And lastly, drugs of varying types depending on diagnoses, are often prescribed to kids.

And I still see no other solution reducing the number of attempted suicides by kids who believe they were born the wrong gender.

Yes, and at age 6 I was avidly trying to convince my parents I was a bird as I strapped carboard wings on my arms and tried to jump off the roof. I seriously considered killing myself when it was patiently explained to me that I was not a bird and would never fly. Imagine my world crumbling right before my eyes.

Long story short, with patience, time and other diversions I learned how silly my childhood fantasies were. That was the job my parents did. It was required of them to set my head straight lest I hurt myself irreparably...

Which brings me back to the OP and how surgery of healthy organs leaves a person multilated and permanently disfigured. The parental mandate of these two lesbians is not to encourage the boy to be a girl, but instead to encourage him to be a male; which is what he is and will always be. Of course being two women, modeling what "being male" means to the boy will be exceedingly difficult. And equally difficult will be the boy's challenge to find a reason to want to be a male in a world that has literally bifurcated maleness from having meaning at all...

...but drugging towards eventual amputation?...This is clearly a case of child abuse, negligent or otherwise.

That society in his state is participating/enabling this is beyond the pale.
Be sure to let me know when you come up with a viable alternative.
Be sure to let me know when you come up with a viable alternative.

Let's see...a "viable alternative" to drugging a child for eventual amputation of healthy organs to further their delusions with the aid of society's MDs...

..Oh, I don't know. How about deep regressive therapy to ferret out where the child got the idea they wanted to be the opposite gender in the first place?

For the perfect example: the boy in the OP. Quite obviously miserable in the shot captured in the OP photo, when he's not performing a cheesy-Pavlovian grin for the camera in other shots I've seen, the photo sports a virtual encyclopedia of clues as to what's going on with him.

Let's look again from the perspective of a psychiatrist who just had the boy referred to his office for said therapy:


The boy sits between two women whose posture is assertive, aggressive even. The one on the right even has the tight look of defiance, staring down the end of her nose at the camera. Just from the glance you immediately are struck that this boy has no choice. What these two women want from him is going to happen.

So he sits, old enough at 11 in this photo to know what's coming after the hormones they're drugging him with, with his hands clenched tightly over his groin. The look on his face is that of someone in deep grief and impotence. Like a prisoner about to be dragged to the gallows. On his pink trousers that you know he didn't buy for himself, are ground-in dirt stains. Seems the "little girl" behaves quit regularly like a little boy insteand.

At the rock bottom least, I would start off therapy with this boy by exploring one simple angle and then spiraling outward from there. And that angle would be "with two women acting as his adult role models; does this boy feel like masculinity or simply having a penis, gets you the emotional strokes and validation in a formative world where only women matter as objects of affection." I'd explore that maybe, just maybe this boy wants to be a girl so that he can finally feel like he is desired and welcomed and has a place in a functioning adult society.

And before we hear the predictable "well these trans children also pop up in hetero marriage"...I'll say that some women with 4 boys want the 5th pregnancy to be a girl so badly that word of that reaches the child's ears if the 5th was another boy. And in order to matter to mom (who is almost always the one insisting the boy wants to be a girl, and is the one buying the toddler pink frilly clothes, makeup and barbie dolls), the child easily "gets" that if they become that girl, them mom will really, really love them...(finally).

And vice versa with a dad who has too many daughters. He may select one of them who is more outspoken (a natural trait for a female) or assertive (also within the range) and groom that child to believe "she always was a boy"...

Other reaons present themselves. In Chastity Bono's case, she was always overwhelmed looking in footage I used to see on the boob tube when she was a tiny little girl. With a stunningly-beautiful mother who was always in the limelight, Chastity fell into the shadows. She was always just "Cher's daughter...what was her name again?...). So never feeling like she would rise to her own importance as a female or ever be as stunning as her mother, Chastity gave up being female. From the looks of her she adopted an eating disorder and then later decided since beauty was not achievable, better to be a "big strong man"...since "big" was something she already was.

All this stuff is due to the decay of Western society. It isn't any of their faults. So we must all fearlessly confront our part in telling big women "you're not beautiful" or men who cry or care about beauty "you can only be gay" or "you should have a sex change because you're really a female trapped in a male's body" Etc. etc. etc. etc!

So, the alternative to drugging kids for amputation of healthy organs later, is to come clean as a society, face the truth of our runaway exacting and media-fanned uber-standards for "perfection" in both genders (which is a form of social narcissism the US suffers from " We are always the best!..our males are the most male! Our females are the most female!!). Then we get these poor delusionals into therapy and teach them to accept their natural gender and its wide, wide range of possible expressions. ie: we grow up as a society and stop pushing everyone to be over-achievers.
Be sure to let me know when you come up with a viable alternative.

Let's see...a "viable alternative" to drugging a child for eventual amputation of healthy organs to further their delusions with the aid of society's MDs...

..Oh, I don't know. How about deep regressive therapy to ferret out where the child got the idea they wanted to be the opposite gender in the first place?

For the perfect example: the boy in the OP. Quite obviously miserable in the shot captured in the OP photo, when he's not performing a cheesy-Pavlovian grin for the camera in other shots I've seen, the photo sports a virtual encyclopedia of clues as to what's going on with him.

Let's look again from the perspective of a psychiatrist who just had the boy referred to his office for said therapy:


The boy sits between two women whose posture is assertive, aggressive even. The one on the right even has the tight look of defiance, staring down the end of her nose at the camera. Just from the glance you immediately are struck that this boy has no choice. What these two women want from him is going to happen.

So he sits, old enough at 11 in this photo to know what's coming after the hormones they're drugging him with, with his hands clenched tightly over his groin. The look on his face is that of someone in deep grief and impotence. Like a prisoner about to be dragged to the gallows. On his pink trousers that you know he didn't buy for himself, are ground-in dirt stains. Seems the "little girl" behaves quit regularly like a little boy insteand.

At the rock bottom least, I would start off therapy with this boy by exploring one simple angle and then spiraling outward from there. And that angle would be "with two women acting as his adult role models; does this boy feel like masculinity or simply having a penis, gets you the emotional strokes and validation in a formative world where only women matter as objects of affection." I'd explore that maybe, just maybe this boy wants to be a girl so that he can finally feel like he is desired and welcomed and has a place in a functioning adult society.

And before we hear the predictable "well these trans children also pop up in hetero marriage"...I'll say that some women with 4 boys want the 5th pregnancy to be a girl so badly that word of that reaches the child's ears if the 5th was another boy. And in order to matter to mom (who is almost always the one insisting the boy wants to be a girl, and is the one buying the toddler pink frilly clothes, makeup and barbie dolls), the child easily "gets" that if they become that girl, them mom will really, really love them...(finally).

And vice versa with a dad who has too many daughters. He may select one of them who is more outspoken (a natural trait for a female) or assertive (also within the range) and groom that child to believe "she always was a boy"...

Other reaons present themselves. In Chastity Bono's case, she was always overwhelmed looking in footage I used to see on the boob tube when she was a tiny little girl. With a stunningly-beautiful mother who was always in the limelight, Chastity fell into the shadows. She was always just "Cher's daughter...what was her name again?...). So never feeling like she would rise to her own importance as a female or ever be as stunning as her mother, Chastity gave up being female. From the looks of her she adopted an eating disorder and then later decided since beauty was not achievable, better to be a "big strong man"...since "big" was something she already was.

All this stuff is due to the decay of Western society. It isn't any of their faults. So we must all fearlessly confront our part in telling big women "you're not beautiful" or men who cry or care about beauty "you can only be gay" or "you should have a sex change because you're really a female trapped in a male's body" Etc. etc. etc. etc!

So, the alternative to drugging kids for amputation of healthy organs later, is to come clean as a society, face the truth of our runaway exacting and media-fanned uber-standards for "perfection" in both genders (which is a form of social narcissism the US suffers from " We are always the best!..our males are the most male! Our females are the most female!!). Then we get these poor delusionals into therapy and teach them to accept their natural gender and its wide, wide range of possible expressions. ie: we grow up as a society and stop pushing everyone to be over-achievers.
Kids with this affliction already often go through years of therapy. That's not helping. Many of them proceed with a sex change anyway. Only when done later in life and without hormone blocking drugs during their teenage years, the transformation is far more difficult and not as complete.

Your nonsense about a snapshot of one frame being telling is complete nonsense. You can't possibly know what was going through his mind at that fleeting moment. You can't even say what was being discussed at that exact moment during the interview. The could have been discussing his least favorite meals, for all you know. Not to mention, there are other photos in the OP link where he appears quite happy. You know ... the photos you chose to ignore.
Why are parents who indulge anorexic daughters such criminals? If a 50 pound 12 year old sees herself as fat, obese, shouldn't she get the diet pills that would make her feel better?

How about the teens who committed suicide because Pandora, from Avatar, wasn't real and they would never go there? Don't they deserve having the world brought in line with their fantasy?

We don't let children make those decisions. If they threaten or try suicide, that's the kind of mental illness that is dealt with by professionals.
The whole point of these hormone blocking drugs is to prevent the normal changes. The boy who hates girls and eats worms washes his face and wants a date. The tomboy girl who refuses to wear a dress suddenly wants to be prom queen. That's what these misguided parents really want to prevent.
It's probably too late then, he's probably already had a lopadickoffofme.

then why isn't something current being posted?

rightwingnuts afraid the parents were right? kids know what they are. no one can make them what they aren't.
Left wing nuts think kids should make life altering decisions.

the problem is you don't know what a "left wing nut" is other than someone who is to the left of atilla the hun. that's why your posts are so absurd.
It's probably too late then, he's probably already had a lopadickoffofme.
then why isn't something current being posted?

rightwingnuts afraid the parents were right? kids know what they are. no one can make them what they aren't.
Left wing nuts think kids should make life altering decisions.

the problem is you don't know what a "left wing nut" is other than someone who is to the left of atilla the hun. that's why your posts are so absurd.
Then why read the posts, princess? And you drudged that one up from about, what, a month ago?
It's probably too late then, he's probably already had a lopadickoffofme.

then why isn't something current being posted?

rightwingnuts afraid the parents were right? kids know what they are. no one can make them what they aren't.
Left wing nuts think kids should make life altering decisions.
Suuure. :eusa_doh: and rightwing nuts are willing to take the chance that their transgender kids won't be among the some 50% of those attempting suicide.

Oh ... and the kids aren't making the decision. The parents, along with advice a d guidance from doctors, are.
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Why are parents who indulge anorexic daughters such criminals? If a 50 pound 12 year old sees herself as fat, obese, shouldn't she get the diet pills that would make her feel better?

How about the teens who committed suicide because Pandora, from Avatar, wasn't real and they would never go there? Don't they deserve having the world brought in line with their fantasy?

We don't let children make those decisions. If they threaten or try suicide, that's the kind of mental illness that is dealt with by professionals.
Yes, and those professionals had better not drug with the intent to mutilate those children as "the cure" for their mental illness and inability to deal with reality on its (not their damaged) terms..

Suuure. :eusa_doh: and rightwing nuts are willing to take the chance that their transgender kids won't be among the some 50% of those attempting suicide.
Oh ... and the kids aren't making the decision. The parents, along with advice a d guidance from doctors, are.

Any person who drugs a child with the intent of eventual amputation of that child's healthy organs and tissues in order to complete that child's fantasy of unreality is not a doctor. That person is a criminal, guilty of child abuse.
The whole point of these hormone blocking drugs is to prevent the normal changes. The boy who hates girls and eats worms washes his face and wants a date. The tomboy girl who refuses to wear a dress suddenly wants to be prom queen. That's what these misguided parents really want to prevent.

There is a vast range of expression worldwide on what it means to be a female or a male. The range is huge. So why is it in our country and other misguided countries we tell people "if you're feeling part of your normal range of emotions, you're going to need to amputate your genitals"?
Why are parents who indulge anorexic daughters such criminals? If a 50 pound 12 year old sees herself as fat, obese, shouldn't she get the diet pills that would make her feel better?

How about the teens who committed suicide because Pandora, from Avatar, wasn't real and they would never go there? Don't they deserve having the world brought in line with their fantasy?

We don't let children make those decisions. If they threaten or try suicide, that's the kind of mental illness that is dealt with by professionals.
Yes, and those professionals had better not drug with the intent to mutilate those children as "the cure" for their mental illness and inability to deal with reality on its (not their damaged) terms..

Suuure. :eusa_doh: and rightwing nuts are willing to take the chance that their transgender kids won't be among the some 50% of those attempting suicide.
Oh ... and the kids aren't making the decision. The parents, along with advice a d guidance from doctors, are.

Any person who drugs a child with the intent of eventual amputation of that child's healthy organs and tissues in order to complete that child's fantasy of unreality is not a doctor. That person is a criminal, guilty of child abuse.
Despite your claim, they are indeed doctors. And again, you have no viable alternative which might reduce the suicide rate among transgendered teens. The one you offered was and is still tried and still, some 50% of them are attempting suicide.
Despite your claim, they are indeed doctors. And again, you have no viable alternative which might reduce the suicide rate among transgendered teens. The one you offered was and is still tried and still, some 50% of them are attempting suicide.

Look pal, that you would even consider "MDs" drugging a child to coerce him later to amputate his genitals, all the while informing him as he approaches that date "oh by the way, this doesn't actually change your gender; it only makes you think you have" (required by their malpractice insurance as a disclaimer) as "a viable treatment for a suicidal child" means you aren't playing with a full deck yourself. Might I suggest therapy? Whatever you do, don't go amputating part of your brain because it isn't working like you want it to.
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